Given the rampant obnoxious stories that are flying here and there particularly attached to male persons, one cannot help it but rather wonder why men in society are behaving like children. On an ordinary day, we cannot escape to hear of extreme behaviors taking place in society. Men are rocking the community hell. If it is not Ammon in the Bible sexually abusing his half sister Tamar, then it is about a certain con pastor who is pretending to be a prophet and confusing the ignorant into paying money to him in order for their future to be unfolded.
A midst the most regrettable drooped behavior that makes wide open our mouth is about defilement cases. Fathers against their daughters. The level of trust bestowed upon male persons in society is slowly dwindling and greatly pouring water on the level of modesty. Day cannot pass by these days without one witnessing something extreme. Whether it is about the uncouth behavior of a husband or in fights in the house and not forgetting the traditional childish acts of irresponsible husbands. Children are suffering innocently in circumstances which they have very little contribution.
Have they gone insane? We ask you. What is happening to men's common sense? Has it happened that their season of portraying their devilish character ripened? Why must it be this way? Where is their education? Who taught them to be men? Whom do they listen to on a daily basis? Male are registering one of their worst behaviors today than never before. The security and protection that they were formerly trusted with can no longer be confirmed. Slowly by slowly they have majestically drifted from their basic assignments and taken into mediocrity.
Even the so called pastors have not been left behind. Their mischief is as similar as that of their baseless regular guys in the society. They bought in liars, shopped in extra-marital habits, window shopped in theft and boldly walked in their diverse industry of prostitutes and some shamelessly turned into rapists. What a classic shame? Where are we going as a society? If these are the kind of heads that we have around, who is going protect the well being of a family and generation at length? Common sense for sure doesn't ask for much. Why should it look so costly on our men? And if they can't be men of substance, why can't they barter with children ? Why should they festoon themselves in trousers when in real sense they should;d be wearing shorts? So when a man of the house chooses to behave incompetently around home, what should the children be told?
When are we as a society going to get reasonable men who can be dependable on to direct the society and rescue us from this quagmire? Men, prove yourself once more that you can be trusted. You have fooled yourselves around for too long. Give the community a breather. Bring common sense on the table. You have over stayed in playing children. Come back on board and play your roles. Provide leadership that is originally expected from you. We believe that you are not all mad. Let those a few who still believes in sobriety save the day.