So what if they are beautiful? Isn't it their right to be awesome? Why have they attracted such a big fuss lately. Does life not belong to them? Why do some people take them as entities or quick service replacement as some might think? House girls just like any other worker are only out to find money to better their current situations of their general life. Some husbands in their own houses can't let them rest easy. Indiscipline and interference of their privacy is what some male out there have perfected into fine pastime. Respect for marriage has greatly gone down and those expected to do something are the ones creating scenarios to pour water on the institution even more. If people were not ready to settle down, why did they choose marriage in the first place? Why take advantage of the availability of someone?
This is how child labor begins. Parents see in their own children workers. We condemn this kind of immaturity and senseless actions. Human being were given a mind to think. Individually discipline matters here. at this point, is when we ask, what happened to the education that people went to school to learn. Some went with one fool's head and upon graduation came back in the society with two fool's head. Instead of helping the society; they have turned out to be a big burden to the realm of common sense and sanity. You just don't walk on food like a dog does. Remember your head always when doing something.
Of late I was listening to a certain talk show and one could not help it but wonder how some people think and what informs their decisions. Men for sure comes out often than not as rotten individuals both morally and action wise. What does someone mean when he suggest that a husband or even a boy friend can easily sleep with a house girl simply because she is beautiful? How cheap can some people be? Don't purposely commit an offense and use something else as a scapegoat. Men in our contemporary life need to pull up their socks and work on their images as head of family. we need to see more respect accorded to marriage from men. You all would agree that of all the uncertainties that color our lives negatively; majority of those notoriety are caused by men.
Notable is the incessant nature of irresponsibility. Many have absconded their duties. Instead of focusing too much on matters that do not concern you; why can't you focus on the stability, peace and prosperity of your own family? Why waste money in vain pursuits to only cost your loved ones later? What lies behind house girls we think is work and respect to their rights. Malicious husbands out there stop abusing the presence of these house girls. They also need their fresh air just like any other person. Stop creating innuendos above and below. Respect and dignity around life is what we want to see not shameless acts that if anything only lowers one's dignity