We give you a medley of importance of books in society and the full meaning of the clause Think BIG. often THAN NOTE, WE HAVE GREATLY TOUTED THE ROLE OF BOOKS AND THEIR INDISPENSABLE NATURE IN COMMUNITY. wE BELIEVE AND HOPE THAT YOU HAVE TAKEN NOTE AND SLOWLY implenting what you have heard. Even today's nuggets makes the broth more sweeter and boldly signify their presence in life. Books just like food helps you grow healty and become more authentic to life realities. Thus on importance of books, here is to your pleasure. Foremost tip equips that, reading activates and exercises the mind leaving someone sharp and alerty on various things taking place in life.
When you become a good reader, your reading impact sinks deeper and thus force your mind to discriminate. You don't have to be everything everyone is doing. It prunes you towards attaining your own ground and being more real and truthful about life circumstances. Apart from exercising, activating and enabling you to be specific, reading too pushes us to use our imagination and makes us more creatively inclined. It is about connecting us to our uniqueness. Note that these are just but a tidbit of what this massive world of books can do to you. More lies in the future especially when you takes time to appreciate them. This is just a tip of the iceberg as valuable lessons lies ahead in our subsequent articles.
On a separate count, here is the meaning of the phrase THINK BIG.\
T takes on Talent as H talks of honesty. I for insight while N for nice. K goes for knowledge, B for books, I for in-depth knowledge and finally G denotes God. A few insights have been shared about every letter, we thus advise you to keep it youtoo for further enlightenment. See you soon,
Editor; youtooformorality.
My Pen My Word, My Word My Writings/ Blogging as an Expert/Self-Proclaimed Bible Analyst/Contemporary Moralist
Friday, March 30, 2012
"Evil flourish when good men do nothing."Edmund Burke
Of Love, Sex, and Mney
Innocence is lost and wickedness embraced. An ordinary young person doesn't know when love is love and when to have sex. As long as money is needed everything else is forgotten and strong emphasises pegged sorely on money. Critical matters of diseases and even an individuals' own personal dignity and principles is flattened as fallacy and supervicial loose manners are halowed and glorified. It is so sickening to note that many young people today are founded on weak grounds and have absolutely given little value to basic life norms.
For many whose naivity have inspired, rarely do they take time to think about what really they are getting into. They take delicate issues so easily as if life comes to an end tomorrow. Total disregard to the future is highly promoted and many lives wasted on short term regrettable ventures. Risky love affairs are commissioned everytime a person of opposite sex emerges. Chief victims of such exscapedes are innocent village girls who for the first time lands in a major city. Things happens so fsat at their expense. Before they find time to understand and transition into the new environment, they are surpassed by the swiftness only to find themselves in a mess the following day.
Young persons in the city are truly prejudiced and embroiled dangerously in love sex and money. Many visit the town with polished dreams to make it in their careers and education. But when things goes south ward, very few stand to defend their call and vision. They can just do about anything for money including giving in easily to prostitution and immoral trials for money. The selfish souls that are also readily available are also another enigma that one too many youths grapple with in their daily adventures. Flossing and being where the beat is blazing is what many want void of what such jaunts can result into later. Money for a long time has been a necessary evil that has seen countless heads falling and spoiled and even ruined those who left it to control and order them around. It is a sad revelation to see young men and women embrace risk behaviors when society badly needed their services.
Maturity and level headedness on hefty matters touching on love, sex and money largely misses in our public domain thereby endangering the future generation. We don't know until when will such perilous acts with grip the community's formative will linger around, but the actual state of affairs is that, thousands of lives are being lost in vanity and ignorance. The condition worsens everyday concerning matters soul and money. Desperate is the situation and only stringent measure of cautiousness and information of love , sex and money is what can save the generation. Whoever is ready and willing to initiate such kind of a gesture remains a gloomy day with a dark cloud around our society.
For many whose naivity have inspired, rarely do they take time to think about what really they are getting into. They take delicate issues so easily as if life comes to an end tomorrow. Total disregard to the future is highly promoted and many lives wasted on short term regrettable ventures. Risky love affairs are commissioned everytime a person of opposite sex emerges. Chief victims of such exscapedes are innocent village girls who for the first time lands in a major city. Things happens so fsat at their expense. Before they find time to understand and transition into the new environment, they are surpassed by the swiftness only to find themselves in a mess the following day.
Young persons in the city are truly prejudiced and embroiled dangerously in love sex and money. Many visit the town with polished dreams to make it in their careers and education. But when things goes south ward, very few stand to defend their call and vision. They can just do about anything for money including giving in easily to prostitution and immoral trials for money. The selfish souls that are also readily available are also another enigma that one too many youths grapple with in their daily adventures. Flossing and being where the beat is blazing is what many want void of what such jaunts can result into later. Money for a long time has been a necessary evil that has seen countless heads falling and spoiled and even ruined those who left it to control and order them around. It is a sad revelation to see young men and women embrace risk behaviors when society badly needed their services.
Maturity and level headedness on hefty matters touching on love, sex and money largely misses in our public domain thereby endangering the future generation. We don't know until when will such perilous acts with grip the community's formative will linger around, but the actual state of affairs is that, thousands of lives are being lost in vanity and ignorance. The condition worsens everyday concerning matters soul and money. Desperate is the situation and only stringent measure of cautiousness and information of love , sex and money is what can save the generation. Whoever is ready and willing to initiate such kind of a gesture remains a gloomy day with a dark cloud around our society.
Dangers of unconsciousness. Great danger engulfs people who live their lives unawares of what goes on and what doesn't happens. Existing dangerously as this is quite tricky and a pure journey to failure and destruction of a person's career. Unconscious people are composed of of everything and anything. Their precariousness rangers from acts of irresponsibility to poor presentation and the suicidal red tape of not knowing what to speak to who when and how. Acts of impunity and hurting the feelings of those around them is like a second nature to them. The vice clouds an individuals growth reducing them to types of kindergarten behaviors .
They want to shout instead of talking. Lousiness and pettiness is what defines their lives and days. mediocrity is bread and watered when one chooses this rather unfortunate path of living. It is also a form of self destruction that embroils one's life with countless felonies all committed in oblivion. But why you as an individual choose such kind of a lifestyle? Nothing on the face of the earth happens without being triggered. When you become careless and senseless, then such malicious undoings walks in unopposed. You don't need that as a career person.
Your image, dignity and personal principles have to be considered critically. Focus your career on always being professional. Observe the ethics of your field of profession. Small unchecked behaviors equally destroy the previous hard work. Don't sweat and shed tears of your career now to only later fall into the mundane of comfort zone. When someone becomes lazy and allows openings of haughtiness it always lays itself bear to all and sundry.
Rapacity always lurks in an individual's doors ready to occupy any little space. Your career means a lot if at all you have placed needed value at it. You must know that it is at your career jungle when so many jumbled dots starts to connect to define a lifestyle. Don't be careless, guard your career judiciously. You need it than you can think. Even if you are just making those baby steps in your career, don't allow cases of unconsciousness overtake your prosperity and peaceful meaningful future.
Lets meet soon.
Editor; youtooformorality
They want to shout instead of talking. Lousiness and pettiness is what defines their lives and days. mediocrity is bread and watered when one chooses this rather unfortunate path of living. It is also a form of self destruction that embroils one's life with countless felonies all committed in oblivion. But why you as an individual choose such kind of a lifestyle? Nothing on the face of the earth happens without being triggered. When you become careless and senseless, then such malicious undoings walks in unopposed. You don't need that as a career person.
Your image, dignity and personal principles have to be considered critically. Focus your career on always being professional. Observe the ethics of your field of profession. Small unchecked behaviors equally destroy the previous hard work. Don't sweat and shed tears of your career now to only later fall into the mundane of comfort zone. When someone becomes lazy and allows openings of haughtiness it always lays itself bear to all and sundry.
Rapacity always lurks in an individual's doors ready to occupy any little space. Your career means a lot if at all you have placed needed value at it. You must know that it is at your career jungle when so many jumbled dots starts to connect to define a lifestyle. Don't be careless, guard your career judiciously. You need it than you can think. Even if you are just making those baby steps in your career, don't allow cases of unconsciousness overtake your prosperity and peaceful meaningful future.
Lets meet soon.
Editor; youtooformorality
"You see, in life lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough. You must take action."Antony Robbins.
Let's party Indeed
Partying is an identified common fixture practised by many young person across the board. The mood as always is about letting loose and everyone's hands up to enjoy or celebrate the various successes ranging from completion of an education programme , birthdays and hopefully launch of a new career. When these friends and relatives move together to shake a leg for whatever reason, mixed reactiond of all nature are always in the mix. Wheareas the party host may have initiated it under genuine reason of celebrating a milestone, the souls and minds that graces the occasion contains more than meet the eyes.
We cannot deny the fact that malicious people with evil motives are found in almost every party. The ill intentions are normally readilly available to confuse the weam who can easily be caried away with any moving wind. Iside the party too we have innocent people who for whatever reserved reasons have never lively witnessed somethings that might likely take place in the party. The change of bottles and bengering are also the usual suspects in any setting meant for party. Along the mixed reaction, trouble too is courted. It is at this juncture that a scabbard is ifted to only let out dangerous worms that has stung not one but many youths with unsuspecting minds.
They went for a party wholly, but when they returned, some were limbing while others nursing wounds that were sustained in the merry making junction. Risky is a term we can use now to describe many social scenes around our vicinities. In these same social scenes, atrocities have changed hans and have been tendered freely. Care is thrown to the wind and everything let out to be sampled by whoever has the time and effort. The hook ups and the minglingis highly suspicious and misleading.Many a young minds are of the opinon every friendship must end up in sex to cement the relationship. Acting on intoxication of the bottle, many silly mistakes have been committed.
A sizable number of young persons in their immature nature, have found some matters too expensive for them to shoulder. It is in this parties that some are introduced to vices that theyknew litttle about. Virginity lost and instead nursing broken hearts and regrets sets in as some of the after party side dishes. We wonder if you as a young person need some of thiose predicarments. hey are such a heavy burdens and unfortunate in many faces. At the moment, we hold the view that issues to do with your career and personal life development are of paramount stance to be given requisite attention than party.
You need to know whwre you would be in thirty years to come and to determine the kind of life you will have at that time is strongly pegged at how you spent your current time in the present earlier years of your life.
We therefore advise you to party with a reason and remain in one piece. It is too early to deal with some circumstances such as ARVS or teenage pregnancy.
We cannot deny the fact that malicious people with evil motives are found in almost every party. The ill intentions are normally readilly available to confuse the weam who can easily be caried away with any moving wind. Iside the party too we have innocent people who for whatever reserved reasons have never lively witnessed somethings that might likely take place in the party. The change of bottles and bengering are also the usual suspects in any setting meant for party. Along the mixed reaction, trouble too is courted. It is at this juncture that a scabbard is ifted to only let out dangerous worms that has stung not one but many youths with unsuspecting minds.
They went for a party wholly, but when they returned, some were limbing while others nursing wounds that were sustained in the merry making junction. Risky is a term we can use now to describe many social scenes around our vicinities. In these same social scenes, atrocities have changed hans and have been tendered freely. Care is thrown to the wind and everything let out to be sampled by whoever has the time and effort. The hook ups and the minglingis highly suspicious and misleading.Many a young minds are of the opinon every friendship must end up in sex to cement the relationship. Acting on intoxication of the bottle, many silly mistakes have been committed.
A sizable number of young persons in their immature nature, have found some matters too expensive for them to shoulder. It is in this parties that some are introduced to vices that theyknew litttle about. Virginity lost and instead nursing broken hearts and regrets sets in as some of the after party side dishes. We wonder if you as a young person need some of thiose predicarments. hey are such a heavy burdens and unfortunate in many faces. At the moment, we hold the view that issues to do with your career and personal life development are of paramount stance to be given requisite attention than party.
You need to know whwre you would be in thirty years to come and to determine the kind of life you will have at that time is strongly pegged at how you spent your current time in the present earlier years of your life.
We therefore advise you to party with a reason and remain in one piece. It is too early to deal with some circumstances such as ARVS or teenage pregnancy.
Lets do some self improvement as we guide you into indispensable pointers to set your ground towards turning into a resourceful person. self improvement is about you taking time and analyzing how you approach your life and your daily routines. I t is about putting everything you in a sieve and sifting what to lay off and what you to retain. You know yourself very adequately and thus should be able to tell what you like and what you hate about yourself. In that regard, we would like to suggest areas for self improvement and these would touch on your speech, image, how to approach matters in life and finally dressing.
For a thorough authentic and authoritative improvement on the aforementioned angle, let your personal development dwell on the following paradigm. I think all of us know who Jesus is and where He originates from. Without delving into any detail, we would like to strongly refer this man to you as an inimitable example on how a human being should live his /her life. Having followed Him closely, we found Jesus to be an irrefutable person to color our awareness section today for he has proved himself beyond reasonable doubt that indeed he deserves to be listened to. He is a know- how, authoritative , role model as well as a good boss.
In speech he has set his mark and when it comes to image presentation, he is arguably the best. We see elegance and fastidiousness around his dress code and HE has largely set a good example on countless issues of life . He is not only realistic, but also perceptive, concerned, analyzer, assertive and understanding just to mention a few . Jesus Christ has been portrayed in the text as a very resourceful person characterized with inspiring change. Take time and understand his personality to learn a nugget to help you improve your lifestyle and and be a better person. See you soon.
Editor; youtooformorality
For a thorough authentic and authoritative improvement on the aforementioned angle, let your personal development dwell on the following paradigm. I think all of us know who Jesus is and where He originates from. Without delving into any detail, we would like to strongly refer this man to you as an inimitable example on how a human being should live his /her life. Having followed Him closely, we found Jesus to be an irrefutable person to color our awareness section today for he has proved himself beyond reasonable doubt that indeed he deserves to be listened to. He is a know- how, authoritative , role model as well as a good boss.
In speech he has set his mark and when it comes to image presentation, he is arguably the best. We see elegance and fastidiousness around his dress code and HE has largely set a good example on countless issues of life . He is not only realistic, but also perceptive, concerned, analyzer, assertive and understanding just to mention a few . Jesus Christ has been portrayed in the text as a very resourceful person characterized with inspiring change. Take time and understand his personality to learn a nugget to help you improve your lifestyle and and be a better person. See you soon.
Editor; youtooformorality
Friday, March 23, 2012
“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you not much.”Jim Rohn
On The Check, Transparency, honesty & competence only healer
On highlight mission, we took time this week and addressed various illnesses inside our churches. The exposed nakedness of the people involved in running the affairs of church was worrisome and disappointing altogether. Once wrong heads graces the leadership of something whether in family or public body, everything goes berserk. And the story has not been different around these corridors. We found out that churches in Kenya are characterized with unfortunate evils that owe not to be mentioned and be associated with such places of worship in the first place.
Who knew in their widest thought patterns that one day we could hear of murder, rape and in fighting just to mention a few vicious social wrongs could happen in church? Problems that has mired our modern cathedrals revolves around ill placed means of self regulation, poor leadership, diminished and almost dwindled respect for the body of Christ, wrong caliber of church attendants and finally lack of relevant principles in founding churches is what will see our once trusted institution fall apart if we continue with this same trend. Relevant people have to act with speed and rescue their boat before it capsizes.
The shameful acts that have reared their ugly heads in our places of worship must be counteracted with corrective measures to protect the laws of God. No one can shelf off the importance and relevance of church in society but what we want done is to upgrade the standards and restore back the previous image that was characterized with moral authority and veracity.
We know what entails leadership and what is expected out of leaders. Sub standards and mediocrity in the name of sermons and leadership brass is what we totally refuse and demand for transparency, honesty and competence to reclaim the damaged trust that existed before. We need people to have what it takes to be allowed to pastor. Christianity is a sensitive issue and should be handled with care and deserved keenness. total overhaul of what we are currently seeing could come as a much welcomed reprieve if at all people mean what they say and fully under standard who God is and what He expects from those who identify with Him.
Bible Study; Did You Know?
A conscious soul is a healed soul. People who have taken time to invest heavily on creating awareness around their lives in form of relevant information, self improvement and driven deeper unto an in depth founding, for sure these guys are secured. I don’t know where many of you fit, but the thing is, redundancies and laziness will only prepare you for petite ten percent quarter story of life. We don’t see the meaning of choosing a quarter when you can have a whole fraction. Lack luster and drawing yourself into senseless embroilments is not a good thing to share your time with in your first day of the rest of your life which is today. Place value at your today to take care of your rest of life which is your future.
In life we are surrounded and met with countless challenges as well as countless solutions. Choose to open your eyes to see the correct and exact road that will lead you into your lives’ vision. Life is for the fittest and don’t be left behind. In that fortitude, did you know that your bible is the first and last consultant in life? On bumper to bumper, we look at our current life and compare it with our bible to find the connecting axis between reality of life and relevance of the bible. Did you know that your bible is as exact as what goes around your life? Mention all those challenges and light moments to only find them in your regal book.
Did you also know that God is available in every situation of your life? Stop hearing this story from your neighbor, instead, open your eyes and start looking. And finally, did you know that your bible is as new as your news programmes that you watch or listen daily on your televion or radio? Check out those news elements on angles of newness, timeliness, relevance, proximity, prominence, and interest among others. Whatever therefore is holding you back and landing you and rendering you vulnerable to one too many crises of life at the expense of your bible is what baffles us. Don’t be famished when food is readily available on the table.
Have a prolific meaningful weekend,
Editor; youtooformorality
"Today is the first day of the rest of your life. So don’t dwell on the past mistakes because that will get you nowhere. Instead focus on what you can and will do today, tomorrow, and the rest of your life, and all of the great things will happen because of your actions.”Craig Ballantyne."
So Wrangles it is?
But who cares? Perhaps this is the attitude that has clouded many preachers around the community void of embroilment and lots of entanglement some have found themselves in. May be the rapacity that is biting our eyes to the chagrin of many doesn’t look sticky and worrying as many of us are seeing but just mere more hills that is being labeled as a mountain. Given the hopeless cases of poor leadership and lack of integrity, many a preacher are finding them normal and giving them total black out and proceeded to ‘spreading the gospel’ they have grown blind to countable pointers that are suggesting indeed that something is wrong. But stubborn as they have shown, have relentlessly held their bibles even in controvertible scenes which if anything have served as insult to the good news.
So for how long are we going to be treated to these sickening wrangles that have seen some baying for others blood? Can’t level headed men and women of character come forth? Lack of moral authority from churches is seriously affecting society’s core pillars and depleting slowly the uprightness of how some things should be approached in life. If we continue having this kind of lewdness and bad blood amongst the people who were initially charged to direct community, then how suitable is our future going to be? Someone has to know that matters touching on the body of Christ owe to be respected and handled with the delicateness with which they appear with.
Clear instructions concerning who should occupy such positions are loudly spoken and there is no way we can surpass the correct laid down policies and pursue our own interests. One thing our community preachers inside o0ur country need to know is that, God has not forcibly asked anyone to follow Him. He is just the third option. The choice to be for or against God is a personal decision. Free will is guaranteed freely upon every individual and should not be abused by our crop of modern pastors. Standards have to be there and that is what society in general should demand from men of cloth. Church is quite a different kind of institution and that difference is what we need to see promoted not wrangles and incompetence that are arrayed almost every as though it is a market place
Is it possible to experience another version of feud in our modern churches? We invite you to listen and judge for yourself as David Gill churns out his lines on the poem feud.After the parent6s have gone to burn the houses of theParents belowAnd those below in turn have burnt the houses of thoseAboveWho started the burnings?The children of the mountains, who were hidden but saw,Are shelled by the dawn from their pod of darknessAnd creep dry eyed to the ring of homely embersAnd stare at what half- charred remains there are:
A blackened stool, a cooking pot, some tins,
And then the unhabitual silence swells all intervals,
No cocks are crowing, goats all gone.
With desolate eyes they stare across the valley
As the long sealed trains of cloud slide past
Deporting their fathers and mothers……….
As always, your comments are highly respected and openly welcomed. Give your side of interpretation of the poem. Enjoy.
Editor; youtooformorality
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Awareness: Personal Development
On our awareness campaign today, we would like to tip pf any religious persons across the board in a bid to save them from the one too many controversies that have become the order of the day in our current life. Various vicious occurrences that are being reported in every corner concerning the modern rapacity that have crossed their ugly way into churches have literally damaged the institution and reduced it to just another body available in the land.
Seeking to continue growing people 's faith, we advice you to choose personal development in order to find reprieve from the lousy and noisy pastors with questionable character traits and seat on the steering wheel and drive your own spiritual car. Traditionally, church has been seen as a potential place where people could be cared and be nurtured. However, with increasing levels of dilution in messages and preachers alike, a wise person ought to think and safe himself from precarious looming danger of stagnancy.
Here we suggest modern day avenues where one can get quality and fulfilling sermons or spiritual foods. Change of time has come with new things both positive and negative. On a positive note, multimedia has proven that for sure they are not only in society to disseminate news, but also oversee the growth of individuals on a strong founding of spiritual realms. Various religious oriented programmes have been initiated and served as good substitute to church.
One can peg on media to move forward on spiritual needs. Internet too has not been left behind and signs in as potential hot kitchen with almost anything that one wants to find. If at all you can't stand the current rottenness and waves of sickening behaviours of your denomination, falling squarely in the arms of Internet could not serve as a bad choice. It is a save haven to help you progress and become a reasonable upright man. Also on the platforms are books. not one but thousands of them addressing religious issues have been introduced in our markets almost every day to fill in the gap of church. You can grab one and read away to your spiritual nourishment and be on equal lengths as those who are attending church. Don't allow your life to be tossed here and there with careless winds of wickedness.
See you soon,
Editor; youtooformorality
Seeking to continue growing people 's faith, we advice you to choose personal development in order to find reprieve from the lousy and noisy pastors with questionable character traits and seat on the steering wheel and drive your own spiritual car. Traditionally, church has been seen as a potential place where people could be cared and be nurtured. However, with increasing levels of dilution in messages and preachers alike, a wise person ought to think and safe himself from precarious looming danger of stagnancy.
Here we suggest modern day avenues where one can get quality and fulfilling sermons or spiritual foods. Change of time has come with new things both positive and negative. On a positive note, multimedia has proven that for sure they are not only in society to disseminate news, but also oversee the growth of individuals on a strong founding of spiritual realms. Various religious oriented programmes have been initiated and served as good substitute to church.
One can peg on media to move forward on spiritual needs. Internet too has not been left behind and signs in as potential hot kitchen with almost anything that one wants to find. If at all you can't stand the current rottenness and waves of sickening behaviours of your denomination, falling squarely in the arms of Internet could not serve as a bad choice. It is a save haven to help you progress and become a reasonable upright man. Also on the platforms are books. not one but thousands of them addressing religious issues have been introduced in our markets almost every day to fill in the gap of church. You can grab one and read away to your spiritual nourishment and be on equal lengths as those who are attending church. Don't allow your life to be tossed here and there with careless winds of wickedness.
See you soon,
Editor; youtooformorality
Who will Teach Them self regulation?
Lack of regulation of any nature whether individual or organization has always possed danger making the body a readily available source of impunity and high handedness in management. The countless vague and rogue acts that have mired churches across the country today are a direct result of poor regulations if at all the said regulation is ever practiced. The fallen standards have resulted into wrong conception in terms of image of the church in the minds of the public. The nature of information that people have in relation to church now is totally different from what perhaps the holy book intended to pass. The recent perturbing news that we have been treated to has really been extreme strangeness and a bitter pill to swallow for many Kenyans especially those who take time to do the right things.
The bleak state of affairs can easily be likened to the devil himself having just been born in various places of worship and contaminated almost every good thing. The recent stories emerging from this once regal institution is largely contemptuous, corrupted and dangerous to the congregations. Reports on murder and defilement cases are nowadays focused on men of cloth more than ordinary persons with beastly minds. It is hard to differentiate between what is right and wrong as almost everything is similar. There exist a thin line between Christianity and secularism. What was formerly prohibited have just been popularized as new trends and even accepted as normal.
At no point did we ever hear of a ministering preacher getting involved in brawls concerning matters that hurts the body of Christ. Fighting over women is now very common in our century than before. Malicious pastors have surreptiously confused and led astray young innocent girls who least expected such kind of ordeals to happen on the door steps where tunes of praise and messages of hope and restoration rented the air. Sex, theft, wrangles and mind you promotion of prostitution is championed by the very people who are supposed to fight such evils and wickedness from our society.
It is so sad and disappointing that today people who are considered crooks have a direct link from our hallowed churches. Holding the view that currently Christians which I think is confused with religious persons are defiling society is not pejoration. Repercussions of lack of self regulation are widely evident in the countless madness that have leaked to the streets. Religion in the twenty first century is greatly tainted and acting as a bad example to children. Whether there is any tangible truth as to why everyone now easily tenders the word church and if at all they have what it takes, remains a debatable subject as more lies fly around the air unchecked.
"Get busy living, or get busy dying."Andy Dufresre
"No one has time these days for you to be anything less than etra ordinary."Craig Ballantyne
Of Typicalness and Characteristics of Kenyan Churches
Coming of age and curving its way squarely into society is part of the founding stories that describe the origin of our places of worship. Having a definite objective is what propelled many upcoming centers that are nowadays lambasted almost everywhere within town and even in our estates. The purpose of initiating church bodies in society if at all we could hear from the founding fathers, was originally pegged on the idea of spreading the gospel and reaching out to the souls that have never had the chance of listening to the good news with a raw message focusing on God and why one can benefit under the servant ship of the Lord. Apart from the many other emerging issues that came along, the major reason and main agenda of church has always been that of spearheading the good will message to teach man the correct statutes of God and importance of leading a pure life that is Christ oriented for an individual's own good.
Away from the basic matters, the modern days have introduced various traits on church today thereby seeing a radical shift from the original agenda, only to set in questionable modes that are on rotation across many churches in the country if anything, division and more so vicious acts is what hits the streets earlier than the real message. A typical Kenyan church today revolves around scandals and majorly brainwashing of the faithful who too have quietly accepted confusing and doubtful sermons. Cases of wrangles and pure squabbling on church positions and even sometimes property, is now becoming a permanent fixture in the public domain.
Some unsuspecting Christians coated by their level of ignorance have been highly been brainwashed to the extent of many literally proving difficult to life realities. Many due to their church beliefs have shunned hospitals and other major salient matters on family planning suffering serious contempt from members of certain unorthodox denominations. A dark cloud currently hangs on the body of Christ as a spell found its ways where it was prohibited and went ahead to irrigate wrong seeds that germinated with mixed notions that are a prime source of confusion. Currently, it is hard to tell whether religion in Kenya is authentic or somewhat pretentious.
Given the increasing number of broken souls, and serious disappointments that have been registered here and there, it is fool hard to believe some messages because of the dismal credibility of churches in Kenya. The much trust that was bestowed upon it previously has dwindled greatly. Many find it difficult to believe nowadays if at all church in our country are truly on their initial assignment.
Away from the basic matters, the modern days have introduced various traits on church today thereby seeing a radical shift from the original agenda, only to set in questionable modes that are on rotation across many churches in the country if anything, division and more so vicious acts is what hits the streets earlier than the real message. A typical Kenyan church today revolves around scandals and majorly brainwashing of the faithful who too have quietly accepted confusing and doubtful sermons. Cases of wrangles and pure squabbling on church positions and even sometimes property, is now becoming a permanent fixture in the public domain.
Some unsuspecting Christians coated by their level of ignorance have been highly been brainwashed to the extent of many literally proving difficult to life realities. Many due to their church beliefs have shunned hospitals and other major salient matters on family planning suffering serious contempt from members of certain unorthodox denominations. A dark cloud currently hangs on the body of Christ as a spell found its ways where it was prohibited and went ahead to irrigate wrong seeds that germinated with mixed notions that are a prime source of confusion. Currently, it is hard to tell whether religion in Kenya is authentic or somewhat pretentious.
Given the increasing number of broken souls, and serious disappointments that have been registered here and there, it is fool hard to believe some messages because of the dismal credibility of churches in Kenya. The much trust that was bestowed upon it previously has dwindled greatly. Many find it difficult to believe nowadays if at all church in our country are truly on their initial assignment.
Monday, March 19, 2012
SPECIAL FEATURE; Who Will Tame Incivility
We are interrupting yet again our normal preferred angles to dedicate this feature to Rebbecca Kerubo who rattled a snake and was almost on the verge of being beaten. Due to her inquisitive nature, we have thereforre coined a new vocabulary in her honor. She left no stone unturned thereby spurring this word., Keruboism. Keruboism in definition means the art of revealing hidden horns in a person who ordinarily appears modest on the unsuspecting public eyes not until something usual takes place only to betray that innocent demeanor. Thus on Keruboism, we honor the little known honest hard working security personnel that have perfected their art and went ahead to beat their counterparts in high rankings hands down in exposing the rotten facets of some people in society.
Onset, this trend was introduced by the thirty two year old female guard Rebbecca Kerubo working at village market who in line of duty revealed the other side of PT OPT DJCNB which was not that interesting. Courtesy of her diligence in observing the terms and conditions of work, we now know the real caliber of the former deputy chief justice of the supreme court of Kenya. As if to cement the new vocabulary, a similar incident was recently witnessed at Mathai supermarket by another honest hardworking security personnel who left no stone unturned. Though the script saw changes, it maintained the original idea now starring new casts of scavenging ordinary women with thieving missions in the supermarket.
Last week's pictures of women hiding cooking oils under their thighs was both shameful and shocking occurrence. How humiliating and disgusting was that ordeal? Must people be embarrassed to know that some character traits that they entertain are that dangerous and unwanted in society? Though we decry and bemoan such uncivilised ways of living, that picture of the two ladies on the local national paper was a major cause of laughter among many readers as well on equal measure a delicate matter of concern to serve as a lesson to other individuals. Correct your felonies before you earn yourself a niche in the public domain in a wrong footing. You know the security personnel learned their trade very keenly and they have the eye that is not sleeping on the job. On the basis of a job well done, we salute all the security persons across the board for their inimitable ways of taming incivility.
See you soon;
Onset, this trend was introduced by the thirty two year old female guard Rebbecca Kerubo working at village market who in line of duty revealed the other side of PT OPT DJCNB which was not that interesting. Courtesy of her diligence in observing the terms and conditions of work, we now know the real caliber of the former deputy chief justice of the supreme court of Kenya. As if to cement the new vocabulary, a similar incident was recently witnessed at Mathai supermarket by another honest hardworking security personnel who left no stone unturned. Though the script saw changes, it maintained the original idea now starring new casts of scavenging ordinary women with thieving missions in the supermarket.
Last week's pictures of women hiding cooking oils under their thighs was both shameful and shocking occurrence. How humiliating and disgusting was that ordeal? Must people be embarrassed to know that some character traits that they entertain are that dangerous and unwanted in society? Though we decry and bemoan such uncivilised ways of living, that picture of the two ladies on the local national paper was a major cause of laughter among many readers as well on equal measure a delicate matter of concern to serve as a lesson to other individuals. Correct your felonies before you earn yourself a niche in the public domain in a wrong footing. You know the security personnel learned their trade very keenly and they have the eye that is not sleeping on the job. On the basis of a job well done, we salute all the security persons across the board for their inimitable ways of taming incivility.
See you soon;
"School is never out for the pro."Cavett Robert
Editorial / Church
Keeping to the cornerstones of our founding vision of addressing, highlighting and exposing, we delve deeper this week into a once trusted institution that today its foundation is shaken as well as dilapidated. Rocky, troubled and falling off is the nature and some of the new definitions that we can currently use to describe the church. Depreciating and reduced from its former standards and respect, the change of time has seen new things introduced ; some that have totally transformed the image of church thereby opening doors for criticism and contempt to the house of worship. Whoever picked the original notes and replaced them with somewhat confusing guide is largely remained anonymous though the seeds that were planted have succeeded in causing grievous damage that is irreparable.
We thought that church was one place where one could get direction regarding varied approaches of issues of life and navigation away from many dangers and challenges that faces a common man on a daily basis. However, whatever is happening in our contemporary world and more so Kenya is very much heart breaking. Nowadays a week cannot go down without a scandal in one corner and deadly evils behind the pulpit. The top brass leadership of some of our churches are malicious individuals prejudiced on many counts. Acts of brainwashing, questionable hands, scandals, pretense and sadly again ignorance are readily available dishes that are more loudly prounnced than the real gospel and that good will message of hope , direction and truth to rescue the society from its various bondage's that it oughs to be unchained from. Lack of self regulations and vetting of who is who and why so and so should take the mantle and not him to be the incumbent, is somethings that are extensively missing in our churches today.
We decry the fallen standards and shameful acts that have taken place in our places of worship under pretense and vested interests. People who might perhaps only qualify to speak to the wild beasts, have surprisingly found their way on the pulpit addressing the so called faithfuls who have accepted lies. Whatever the nature of content and its credibility that our modern brass of pastors carry is highly questionable whether at all is God inspired or maliciously coined by selfish persons acting on their own vanity and interests. The question whether church today is real or sham is squarely a sticky matter for God only to determine who is speaking the truth and who is throwing dust in the eyes of the congregants. To say that society is losing focus on critical issues is not an under statement. Catch us this week as we dig deeper to bring you exclusive and authoritative reports that have the aim of highlighting vicious intentions on our aforementioned institution. Enjoy.
We thought that church was one place where one could get direction regarding varied approaches of issues of life and navigation away from many dangers and challenges that faces a common man on a daily basis. However, whatever is happening in our contemporary world and more so Kenya is very much heart breaking. Nowadays a week cannot go down without a scandal in one corner and deadly evils behind the pulpit. The top brass leadership of some of our churches are malicious individuals prejudiced on many counts. Acts of brainwashing, questionable hands, scandals, pretense and sadly again ignorance are readily available dishes that are more loudly prounnced than the real gospel and that good will message of hope , direction and truth to rescue the society from its various bondage's that it oughs to be unchained from. Lack of self regulations and vetting of who is who and why so and so should take the mantle and not him to be the incumbent, is somethings that are extensively missing in our churches today.
We decry the fallen standards and shameful acts that have taken place in our places of worship under pretense and vested interests. People who might perhaps only qualify to speak to the wild beasts, have surprisingly found their way on the pulpit addressing the so called faithfuls who have accepted lies. Whatever the nature of content and its credibility that our modern brass of pastors carry is highly questionable whether at all is God inspired or maliciously coined by selfish persons acting on their own vanity and interests. The question whether church today is real or sham is squarely a sticky matter for God only to determine who is speaking the truth and who is throwing dust in the eyes of the congregants. To say that society is losing focus on critical issues is not an under statement. Catch us this week as we dig deeper to bring you exclusive and authoritative reports that have the aim of highlighting vicious intentions on our aforementioned institution. Enjoy.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
AWARENESS: Personal Development
Preferably on career growth last week, we addressed the issue of self destruction on our tip on ethics and professionalism. Today we do a follow up and on personal development, we give you a medicine to the negative effect of self destruction. Firstly, may we emphasize that life is a gift and an inimitable experience. We hold the view that if at all we had a rate over breath, we wonder how many people could be alive today to tell their story. You being alive is not just another thing. It takes an effort from someone to see us sustained and always on the move to fulfil our purpose. Never ever under estimate the fact that you have life and that breath is freely guaranteed.
Don't allow your precious energies to be spent in pursuits that will harm you later. So what is our personal development nugget? The tip here is very simple indeed. On this charter, we encourage everyone to take note of these critical arears and question how you misuse or use them diligently. Notice time, people and opportunities that life brings along and state how you use them to impact your life. Each of the mentioned facet has a direct link to either propel you to success or failure. Time for instance has every man sweating either to developing himself or destroying his dynasty.
We are told that time waits for no man and for sure there is no dispute about that fact. Just make an effort to embrace the mentioned areas and use them positively to help yourself. Having twenty and even eighty five years yet you have paucity to show is in general not sweet music to the ear. Take some time to understand yourself and your real specification and go for what fits and accentuate your original strengths. Don't fall in a ditch and blame it on a friend or lack of electricity. Your life is your responsibility. You are not actually breathing for free. There is something that you are supposed to accomplish. Don't waste yourself in vanity and tainted pleasures. You don't have to be attacked to know that insecurity is real. Take precaution before you fall. Seek the correct version of doing things and living your life and finally place value on your breath and seek justice, honesty, diligence, self reliance and competence.
See you soon.
Don't allow your precious energies to be spent in pursuits that will harm you later. So what is our personal development nugget? The tip here is very simple indeed. On this charter, we encourage everyone to take note of these critical arears and question how you misuse or use them diligently. Notice time, people and opportunities that life brings along and state how you use them to impact your life. Each of the mentioned facet has a direct link to either propel you to success or failure. Time for instance has every man sweating either to developing himself or destroying his dynasty.
We are told that time waits for no man and for sure there is no dispute about that fact. Just make an effort to embrace the mentioned areas and use them positively to help yourself. Having twenty and even eighty five years yet you have paucity to show is in general not sweet music to the ear. Take some time to understand yourself and your real specification and go for what fits and accentuate your original strengths. Don't fall in a ditch and blame it on a friend or lack of electricity. Your life is your responsibility. You are not actually breathing for free. There is something that you are supposed to accomplish. Don't waste yourself in vanity and tainted pleasures. You don't have to be attacked to know that insecurity is real. Take precaution before you fall. Seek the correct version of doing things and living your life and finally place value on your breath and seek justice, honesty, diligence, self reliance and competence.
See you soon.
Friday, March 16, 2012
"If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?"David Deida.
Human Trafficking
In our bid to conclude our week, we handle our last topic that is addressing a heinous trend in kenya that has broken all common boundaries and extended into the human territory of human trafficking. This unfortunate occurrence is not only baffling in its own right, but also the concerned people involved by such activity are equally shocking. Since when have men of cloth been associated with evil behavours that they are supposed to be fighting around the society? Churches in the country these days have lost their main assignment on agenda and taken to awkward questionable traits that are slowly defining places of worship as dangerous. Little of this immoral acts are expected from such quarters.
Human trafficking is form of slavery that was practised many years away when many nations were under colony. A lot of years of independence has since passed and clearly marked and end to such viciousness. Commeration after commeration has been observed in our republic yet some retrogressive minds still want to bring back demoralizing ordeals that would just be safe if forgotten altogether. Democracy is int he offing for all to enjopy and experience. At no point has another human being placed under the administration of another individual if not in well stipupilated organisational administration. without such kind of mention,no man is allowed to take captive of another and render them into that stituation looking vulnerable when in the first place they posse no risk to the ordinary members of public.
Only a court of law has the mandate and authority to hold someone after he or she has been clearly informed in a simple understable language why they are being held hostle. However, here, people are innocent yet someone wants to take advantage of them perhaps acting on trust they have confided in them to only lead them astray afterwards. Actions of arbitrary nature are way beyond our present existence. Cases of curfews and interference of the bill of rights of the people is something that is blatantly explained in our constitution and anyone who contravenes the law ought to be prosecuted. Slavery and human molestation ended long time ago just like colonialism waned off. Dignity is what every human being need to be accorded with in our contemporary world.
We condemn strongly this kind of misplaced thinking and occurrences in our society today and warn those criminals with vested interest of monetatry benefits to find a suitable engagement to earn income. If they are in life to preach, then let them concentrate on preaching and deal with issues related with the body of christ and cease double standards that if anything defiles the good will messages of the cross. Freedom of every living being is well granted by the constitution and no one even the president of a particular country has the oomph to take it away without stated reasons.
Human trafficking is form of slavery that was practised many years away when many nations were under colony. A lot of years of independence has since passed and clearly marked and end to such viciousness. Commeration after commeration has been observed in our republic yet some retrogressive minds still want to bring back demoralizing ordeals that would just be safe if forgotten altogether. Democracy is int he offing for all to enjopy and experience. At no point has another human being placed under the administration of another individual if not in well stipupilated organisational administration. without such kind of mention,no man is allowed to take captive of another and render them into that stituation looking vulnerable when in the first place they posse no risk to the ordinary members of public.
Only a court of law has the mandate and authority to hold someone after he or she has been clearly informed in a simple understable language why they are being held hostle. However, here, people are innocent yet someone wants to take advantage of them perhaps acting on trust they have confided in them to only lead them astray afterwards. Actions of arbitrary nature are way beyond our present existence. Cases of curfews and interference of the bill of rights of the people is something that is blatantly explained in our constitution and anyone who contravenes the law ought to be prosecuted. Slavery and human molestation ended long time ago just like colonialism waned off. Dignity is what every human being need to be accorded with in our contemporary world.
We condemn strongly this kind of misplaced thinking and occurrences in our society today and warn those criminals with vested interest of monetatry benefits to find a suitable engagement to earn income. If they are in life to preach, then let them concentrate on preaching and deal with issues related with the body of christ and cease double standards that if anything defiles the good will messages of the cross. Freedom of every living being is well granted by the constitution and no one even the president of a particular country has the oomph to take it away without stated reasons.
We are interrupting our normal procedure to bring you this special feature to address a sensitive issue that many people in society have lost respect for it and taken it as just another normal thing. We condemn the selfish nature coloured by ignorance that will slowly see critical institutions brought to their knees at the expense of their defined purpose. Men particularly in life have failed dismally in salient issues. They have not only destroyed the real definition of familyy, but have also went ahead to spearhead wrong policies when initiating the same basic unit of life. Matterssex is what we want to discuss on this feature.
The right defined procedure of how such a thing should be approached is openly laid bare. Rules and regulations concerning sex is extrovert promulgated in life. Every activity that has been bestowed upon a human being has always had its terms and conditions. Work has its own laws under labour. We largely wonder when people choose to be blinded by their selfish pursuits to contravene a critical and sensitive rule that ought to be observed with utmost keenness they can find in the world. Sex has been identified previously as a gift to a human being and believe it or not nothing has changed as per the laid down regulation despite the change of times. A gift remains as a gift and no one should abuse its privilege by the fact that it is within their reach.
You only have access to it when you have been given by somebody and granted that permission to use as your property to use as you want. Once that kind of order has not been issued, keep off some things. Sex is only allowed in marriage between a husband and a wife who have been legally joint together by such laws. It is as clear as it sounds. Like it or hate it, any other person that falls short of the definition commits a moral wrong in partaking sex when they know very well that they are not under the realm of a husband or a wife. Listening to a certain discussion yesterday was a major shocker to hear people respond carelessly about when is the right time to have sex in a relationship. The casual nature is placed upon sex is a sad revelation to still linger in our modern life. We thought by now people ought to have matured up and equipped themselves with relevant laws that concern their daily living.
But our surprise, a human being will always be a human being to be consumed by their own injustices and vices. The marriage institution in Kenya is not just rocked for no reasons. It is troubled because people have misplaced priority accorded on it. A cart has been placed before a horse and we still expect things to go right. Shame on everyone out there whose thought pattern, ignorance and self centeredness informed them to take sex and marriage as just another thing. We refuse to go with the masses on diluted philosophies renting the air to confuse young people and stick with the correct fact that sex is sacred and owes to be treated and identified as such and be respected and only practised where it is allowed and qualified.
The right defined procedure of how such a thing should be approached is openly laid bare. Rules and regulations concerning sex is extrovert promulgated in life. Every activity that has been bestowed upon a human being has always had its terms and conditions. Work has its own laws under labour. We largely wonder when people choose to be blinded by their selfish pursuits to contravene a critical and sensitive rule that ought to be observed with utmost keenness they can find in the world. Sex has been identified previously as a gift to a human being and believe it or not nothing has changed as per the laid down regulation despite the change of times. A gift remains as a gift and no one should abuse its privilege by the fact that it is within their reach.
You only have access to it when you have been given by somebody and granted that permission to use as your property to use as you want. Once that kind of order has not been issued, keep off some things. Sex is only allowed in marriage between a husband and a wife who have been legally joint together by such laws. It is as clear as it sounds. Like it or hate it, any other person that falls short of the definition commits a moral wrong in partaking sex when they know very well that they are not under the realm of a husband or a wife. Listening to a certain discussion yesterday was a major shocker to hear people respond carelessly about when is the right time to have sex in a relationship. The casual nature is placed upon sex is a sad revelation to still linger in our modern life. We thought by now people ought to have matured up and equipped themselves with relevant laws that concern their daily living.
But our surprise, a human being will always be a human being to be consumed by their own injustices and vices. The marriage institution in Kenya is not just rocked for no reasons. It is troubled because people have misplaced priority accorded on it. A cart has been placed before a horse and we still expect things to go right. Shame on everyone out there whose thought pattern, ignorance and self centeredness informed them to take sex and marriage as just another thing. We refuse to go with the masses on diluted philosophies renting the air to confuse young people and stick with the correct fact that sex is sacred and owes to be treated and identified as such and be respected and only practised where it is allowed and qualified.
"Never spend your money befor you have earned it.?Thomas Jefferson
Ethics & Professionalism: CAREER GROWTH
Self-destruction;- this two word phrase is bringing down more heads than the celebrity disease that all of us know. Self destruction comes in many ways and indifferent forms. Other than the highly advertised in the forms of drugs and alcohol, we also have the hidden dangerous forms of self destruction in our hindsight. The most conspicuously identified modes of self destruction are as mentioned; abuse of drugs of all nature, alcohol, sex, cigar, and not listed though dangerous is the little known yet deadly form of one person presenting himself as insipid as part of a definition as his character. The lousy speakers and murmurs too on equal measure falls in the realm of self destruction.
Everyone of us around this globe need our careers than never before. We have to prove our worth of being alive by engaging our energies in constructive activities that taps into our strengths and talents. The purpose of every soul alive is clearly laid bare and every living being should strife to find their bottom line at whatever cost. You cannot put in a massive energy to realize a career and then bring it down through reckless living in the name of self destruction. Why do you want to run away from reality and hide behind drugs? Just solve problems as they arise and learn to harden with life challenges to become a better person.
Must you comment on every emerging issue to prove that you're alive? What of the complainers of this and that in society? Why welcome small talks around your life when you should be forging forward to pave way for the success of your career? Small things destroy morals and values. Murmuring if anything only is there to dilute you from being a rational objective thinker to a good for nothing career person. When will you find time to swallow a nugget to impact the coming generation tomorrow if all you do with your precious time is to complain and admonish others? Learn to be a responsible conscious person to know what to talk and when to stop if a subject falls off balance. Self destruction has never been a good recipe in a person's career. Shun it if you can more so lousiness and being characterless if you can. Your life and career needs your time more than the social ills that will turn you into a liability later.
See you soon,
Everyone of us around this globe need our careers than never before. We have to prove our worth of being alive by engaging our energies in constructive activities that taps into our strengths and talents. The purpose of every soul alive is clearly laid bare and every living being should strife to find their bottom line at whatever cost. You cannot put in a massive energy to realize a career and then bring it down through reckless living in the name of self destruction. Why do you want to run away from reality and hide behind drugs? Just solve problems as they arise and learn to harden with life challenges to become a better person.
Must you comment on every emerging issue to prove that you're alive? What of the complainers of this and that in society? Why welcome small talks around your life when you should be forging forward to pave way for the success of your career? Small things destroy morals and values. Murmuring if anything only is there to dilute you from being a rational objective thinker to a good for nothing career person. When will you find time to swallow a nugget to impact the coming generation tomorrow if all you do with your precious time is to complain and admonish others? Learn to be a responsible conscious person to know what to talk and when to stop if a subject falls off balance. Self destruction has never been a good recipe in a person's career. Shun it if you can more so lousiness and being characterless if you can. Your life and career needs your time more than the social ills that will turn you into a liability later.
See you soon,
Thursday, March 15, 2012
The Incessant Debate On Prostitution
bringing a storm over the calmness of life has been the recent debate on prostitution whether to be legal or remain illegal as it has always been. Men and women painted red the streets while demonstrating to announce their presence under masks. They walked on the streets of Nairobi suggesting that if the 'trade' could be allowed to transact freely, more money in revenue could be collected. The evident of the dollars patched on their red t- shirts was a clear indication that indeed that was a lucrative trade that someone can easily run away a millionaire. This kind of superficial thinking is seriously misplaced and a pure communication that for sure, something somewhere is not adding up.Placing great value on money and forgetting critical issues of health and the uprightness in moral temperatures is a shocking revelation.
A simple message behind such assertions was sliding in that, money is of essence move than life itself. The greedy nature and ill founded minds of some people in this society can easily tumble down the fabric of the modesty amongst Kenyan people drawing them into repugnany in the eyes of other people in the world and continent as well. We highly condemn such misguided notions renting the air to confuse young minds that can easily be carried away by the diluted message. Children among other things owe to be respected and be shown the right way early. Prostitution remains a crime and a moral wrong no matter what people want to say. The holy book condemns this kind of evil and us here in equal measure supports the authenticity of the bible.
No individual human being that is created sorely to tender sex as his/her purpose of existence. We cannot accept malicious definitions to crept into society and be accepted in the vocal point of satisfying our own vested interests. Prostitution has never been defined anywhere as a form of employment to generate income. All those who practice it as work commits a crime and should be charged in a court of law. As a community, we cannot be cheap minded to that extend to promote iniquities as another correct policy to live by.
The identified seven thousand prostitutes and their forty thousand followers need to be advised to stop their laziness and go out in the field and sweat as the rest of the populace and make genuine money to cater for their needs. their hiding behind the loosely used word of lack of employment is a sick idea that is deficit in justification as no hard working honest individual who has ever searched for a job and went away empty handed. There is no bed of roses in Kenya. Everyone should learn to work and be self reliant. Avarice? Hell no, Kenya is not an example of hell.
A simple message behind such assertions was sliding in that, money is of essence move than life itself. The greedy nature and ill founded minds of some people in this society can easily tumble down the fabric of the modesty amongst Kenyan people drawing them into repugnany in the eyes of other people in the world and continent as well. We highly condemn such misguided notions renting the air to confuse young minds that can easily be carried away by the diluted message. Children among other things owe to be respected and be shown the right way early. Prostitution remains a crime and a moral wrong no matter what people want to say. The holy book condemns this kind of evil and us here in equal measure supports the authenticity of the bible.
No individual human being that is created sorely to tender sex as his/her purpose of existence. We cannot accept malicious definitions to crept into society and be accepted in the vocal point of satisfying our own vested interests. Prostitution has never been defined anywhere as a form of employment to generate income. All those who practice it as work commits a crime and should be charged in a court of law. As a community, we cannot be cheap minded to that extend to promote iniquities as another correct policy to live by.
The identified seven thousand prostitutes and their forty thousand followers need to be advised to stop their laziness and go out in the field and sweat as the rest of the populace and make genuine money to cater for their needs. their hiding behind the loosely used word of lack of employment is a sick idea that is deficit in justification as no hard working honest individual who has ever searched for a job and went away empty handed. There is no bed of roses in Kenya. Everyone should learn to work and be self reliant. Avarice? Hell no, Kenya is not an example of hell.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
"Self confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings."Samuel Johnson
Of Incivility & immoral nature of Police
On the basis of the hunter becoming the hunted, innocent lives have been abused at the hands that were supposed to protect them. Clearly defined in their line of duty, police have always had the responsibility of protecting the citizenry against danger and ensuring that there is law and order in the country as a whole. Members of public are encouraged to report mischievous cases taking place around their environment in the spirit of maintaining good governance and seeing to it that laws of the land are observed through community policing. On respond and acting in good faith, people in the society have heeded the call and cooperated extensively with the police in unearthing menacing ills that previously went unreported.
Cases of unethical habits have been on the rise in the community and a good percentage of those cases are brought forth by the people who have chosen to be responsible citizens and helping the society to learn to always consider correct ways of attaining service or goods. Instead of our Kenyan police to appreciate such feet, they have gone further to treat members of public unfairly and shamefully turned into rogue elements with both high handedness and promoting negative vices such as rape. Last week's incident where a police officer was involved in assaulting a lady was surely demeaning and rude way of administering duty. Police on patrol continuously abuses their code of conduct by mostly breaching ethics by attacking the victims instead of according them deserved protection.
These cases of uncivilised nature are seriously hurting people and casting a dark spell on the image of the police. They might easily trigger unruliness in the country supposing the citizenry became tired of their loathsome wayward behaviours. Reports of similar incidents are reported across the country prompting a relevant question of what happened to their morals or even perhaps the had none on the onset. This unfortunate arbitrary nature of executing duty is a senseless far fetched idea that ought to meet its demise on the crevices of good leadership and integrity. It adds no value on our administrations body to be looked at with raised eyebrows by members of public as that kind of coexistence only translates into an imminent danger that is looming in the air surreptitiously.
BOOK INDUSTRY; What Makes a Good book?
Looking at our markets today, several books are introduced containing all subjects that one might think of. What is of essence and value is where a potential reader and even established readers should peg their energies and investment. Where your money goes should matter and you spend on. Books coming of age to cut a niche of their own kind in society is not a mean feet. Their purpose is well communicated and extensively laid bare. They are so indispensable and of utmost value to our lives. In this regard therefore, place an ideal effort in the value of the content for it is here where you are either turbo charged for progress or drawn into redundancy and stagnation.
Moving further, let us look at the ingredients that make a good book for consumption. Authentic nature of subject. Under this topic, you need to look at our present times and state the issues that are affecting the community and juxastapose them with the themes explored in the book. Look for the suitability of the content in terms of the needs of the current times. When a book contains the actuality of life that is where its coherence and sweetness is found. We all like fresh meals for food, and it is no different when it comes to books. What you feed your brain on counts a lot, as it determines your thought life. The manner of your thought pattern is what states whether you are in touch with issues or not. Along that line of vetting is where you should major when considering buying a book.
How topical is the book in terms of what people go through in their daily livings? Where is the promptness in the discussed topics? Can the considered subjects authoritative enough to spur change? Can someone peg on the book to meet a challenge that is grappling with now? Where is the value and relevance of the product to many injustices, abuses and hidden traditions that some in communities are subjected to secretly? Can the book you’re reading able to topple the wrong policies castigated by our modern day governments or institutions with vested interests? You must know that relevance is of essence in book otherwise it might turn out to be another white elephant within your reach.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
"Giving others what they want really is what motivates them to give you what you want."Robert Ringer
Government Barbaricness
The recent strikes witnessed by the country if anything, seeks to reveal the rotten part of the government. Government employees are characterised with poor working conditions and minimal wages compared to their counterparts in private sector holding the same credentials. The Kenyan government flexes its muscle of dictatorship in the way they respond to the needs and grievances raised by their workers. In a way is as if they are telling their employees that after all, whether you shout or hit the doors, we are the government and what you as mere people going to do to us?
The arrogance is portrayed in the ministerial statements in media briefs where the respondents, oblivious of reality check, easily blutters words like, 'you are sacked if you don't report back to work as of tomorrow.' What a ridiculous response?Dealing with problems objectively is what our country top brass leadership has never learned regardless of many awkward positions they have found themselves in. They have provided laughing stock cafes scenarios in front of their juniors when issuing their senseless ultimatums. They choose to forget that whoever they are handling involves an equal mature person who deserves their respect as human beings. Void of such knowledge, government goes ahead to respond to the capital matters as though they are another stupid questions contrived by a kindergarten boy.
Incompetence and lack of professionalism has come of age to settle permanently in the Kenyan government. At no point as the leadership ever came forward and keenly solved an issue as per the urgency. There has to be always sinking under the sand drama and fixations of time wastage. The lives of many people are normally put on line as this logger heads takes center stage. Tirades, careless use of words must at all times surface up from the said ministers.
Government has for a long time undermined their workers at the expense of good service. The demoralizing nature that they take them through is surely an awful ordeal that ought to have been discarded in the ocean many years away. Their baseless authoritativeness and barbarianism is unwarranted and instead as a chief leadership pillar of the country, they should learn to put their senses where their mouth is involved and avert the many mediocre embarrassments that they put their image under. The level of their integrity is largely questionable and a bad taste as well as unfair to the Kenyan public. As a nation, we deserve better responsible ways of countering crisis than what we are ordinarily treated to every time a sticky issue signs on the public. Matters touching on governance ought to be handled with requisite professionalism and that is what the Kenyan government must learn to content with regardless of what it thinks of itself.
The arrogance is portrayed in the ministerial statements in media briefs where the respondents, oblivious of reality check, easily blutters words like, 'you are sacked if you don't report back to work as of tomorrow.' What a ridiculous response?Dealing with problems objectively is what our country top brass leadership has never learned regardless of many awkward positions they have found themselves in. They have provided laughing stock cafes scenarios in front of their juniors when issuing their senseless ultimatums. They choose to forget that whoever they are handling involves an equal mature person who deserves their respect as human beings. Void of such knowledge, government goes ahead to respond to the capital matters as though they are another stupid questions contrived by a kindergarten boy.
Incompetence and lack of professionalism has come of age to settle permanently in the Kenyan government. At no point as the leadership ever came forward and keenly solved an issue as per the urgency. There has to be always sinking under the sand drama and fixations of time wastage. The lives of many people are normally put on line as this logger heads takes center stage. Tirades, careless use of words must at all times surface up from the said ministers.
Government has for a long time undermined their workers at the expense of good service. The demoralizing nature that they take them through is surely an awful ordeal that ought to have been discarded in the ocean many years away. Their baseless authoritativeness and barbarianism is unwarranted and instead as a chief leadership pillar of the country, they should learn to put their senses where their mouth is involved and avert the many mediocre embarrassments that they put their image under. The level of their integrity is largely questionable and a bad taste as well as unfair to the Kenyan public. As a nation, we deserve better responsible ways of countering crisis than what we are ordinarily treated to every time a sticky issue signs on the public. Matters touching on governance ought to be handled with requisite professionalism and that is what the Kenyan government must learn to content with regardless of what it thinks of itself.
Business Tip; From class To Career
College is over and now you must venture into your career and demonstrate what you spend some four years doing. On testing your skills and finding out how good you're sends you into thinking business. Therefore right here is where major home work lies. How can you make that ideal business person that everyone would want to engage in business with? Right from square one of transforming into a career person to becoming a guru in your specified field. If this is one day going to be a real definition of who you want to be then welcome and listen carefully. Our focus here is to change an individual from slumming the door of university to opening the door of professionalism. As you know, someone from class cannot necessarily be that needed person on job market as his certificates might indicate. You need to get a good hand to show you how things are done and how people walk on this roads.
Unless you are lucky to land a mature disciplined business personality to act as mentor, matters on mistakes will literally be your send nature. However here we want to prune you out of those rough sketches on yourself and leave you refined and ready for work. Thus on your first day as new business person, what do you need to consider?
2. Open up
If you don't something, always be ready to ask. Life is changing fast and what was new yesterday might not necessarily be new today. Even the wisest person one the planet that you know also asks when in need. Don't let fear cloud you in your own doubts. Clarity makes easier and enjoyable. Your time too is very important and should not be wasted in stammering on toying with the idea of may I ask or not. If you don't know find out. don't carry a mess into the next level. It may turn out to be a major liability in future that might cost you dearly.
3. Choose professionalism
Start on the right footing on the go. Get everything right on the onset. Learn professionalism to vouch out cases of scandals and getting into fixations every now and then. Work place as it own rules and should be respected if impact is what you want to initiate. Draw a distinction between your personal life and your professional life. Things that owe to be accomplished outside office should surely stay out of office. Get some ethics and code of conduct is your field and be updated. Be organised and define your duties clearly. Plan your table avoid being jumbled. Let your place of work communicate harmony.
4. Time management
No one on the planet should at any point sideline time. It is that critical and again no one owns it. That clearly translates that, we should take note of time and learn to utilize every passing minute productively. As a business person, you should be in a position to account for your time in your day. It is of value to know where an hour was spent on. Count every minute and show something tangible for its elapse. State how you demarcate your tasks based on time. If at all you have to make it in business, then choose to learn the hard way. Time matters and as you know waits for no man.
5. Language
Your communication and the words you use on a daily basis tells it all. Whether you like it or not, you will be judged on your own words. How you speak and present yourself will it drive people away or draw them near to you. This is business and not a picnic party. Be official in your speech wane off staggering on the way. Present your ideas clearly in a manner that can convince someone to trust you with their time and ears. Make that impression of a good speaker on the first spot. Winning people's confidence is difficult and once you get that opportunity to sell of yourself, do it like never before. This could make a good recipe for future assignments. Definitely here is where we come to a stop on this issue. Enjoy.
See you soon,
Unless you are lucky to land a mature disciplined business personality to act as mentor, matters on mistakes will literally be your send nature. However here we want to prune you out of those rough sketches on yourself and leave you refined and ready for work. Thus on your first day as new business person, what do you need to consider?
- Take the back seat
2. Open up
If you don't something, always be ready to ask. Life is changing fast and what was new yesterday might not necessarily be new today. Even the wisest person one the planet that you know also asks when in need. Don't let fear cloud you in your own doubts. Clarity makes easier and enjoyable. Your time too is very important and should not be wasted in stammering on toying with the idea of may I ask or not. If you don't know find out. don't carry a mess into the next level. It may turn out to be a major liability in future that might cost you dearly.
3. Choose professionalism
Start on the right footing on the go. Get everything right on the onset. Learn professionalism to vouch out cases of scandals and getting into fixations every now and then. Work place as it own rules and should be respected if impact is what you want to initiate. Draw a distinction between your personal life and your professional life. Things that owe to be accomplished outside office should surely stay out of office. Get some ethics and code of conduct is your field and be updated. Be organised and define your duties clearly. Plan your table avoid being jumbled. Let your place of work communicate harmony.
4. Time management
No one on the planet should at any point sideline time. It is that critical and again no one owns it. That clearly translates that, we should take note of time and learn to utilize every passing minute productively. As a business person, you should be in a position to account for your time in your day. It is of value to know where an hour was spent on. Count every minute and show something tangible for its elapse. State how you demarcate your tasks based on time. If at all you have to make it in business, then choose to learn the hard way. Time matters and as you know waits for no man.
5. Language
Your communication and the words you use on a daily basis tells it all. Whether you like it or not, you will be judged on your own words. How you speak and present yourself will it drive people away or draw them near to you. This is business and not a picnic party. Be official in your speech wane off staggering on the way. Present your ideas clearly in a manner that can convince someone to trust you with their time and ears. Make that impression of a good speaker on the first spot. Winning people's confidence is difficult and once you get that opportunity to sell of yourself, do it like never before. This could make a good recipe for future assignments. Definitely here is where we come to a stop on this issue. Enjoy.
See you soon,
Monday, March 12, 2012
"Our greatest glory is not never failing, but in rising up every time we fail."Ralph Waldo Emerson
Editorial/ Monkeyness in society
Focusing unto the a many challenges that our country has witnessed in the past week, we look at the unfortunate occurrences that we thought had no place in our society today. However, to our utter surprise, they still reign mightily within our society and country at large. On national chagrins, we discuss various subjects that were glared in the public ranging from the unprofessional lifestyle of our government to cases of human trafficking that are reported here and there. On our schedule also we talk about the immoral nature of our Kenyan police in their administration of their duty and not forgetting the sticky matter on prostitution that has spurred debates all over concerning the state of affairs and how the so called leaders think and handle certain issues that contains public interest.
The aforementioned topics of discussion as you will learn later a long the week, if anything reveals the mischievous traits within our residences and amongst our people suggesting that in a way, monkeyness reigns within our nation. The industrial strikes that we have witnessed ranging from the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation to doctors is a clear indication that the bolt after all is not tightened. Government has not placed any value upon their civil servants and a rather shameful message out there is that, anything for its employees is just as good as something of value demonstrated elsewhere where integrity, democracy and fabulous leadership is practised without missing a point.
Their response to their workers was a serious shocker. Where on earth is still duress used as a means of addressing grievances? We are hearing graveous issues touching on corruption and even sexual assaults among workers yet the government is taking their employees for joy riders as if they are common time idlers who are seeking any available opportunity to showcase their nothingness of idleness. When has poor working conditions prompted productivity and good will observance of work policies'? The Kenyan government needs to mature up and handle matters with deserved strictness as you cannot compare human life and incompetence.
The aforementioned topics of discussion as you will learn later a long the week, if anything reveals the mischievous traits within our residences and amongst our people suggesting that in a way, monkeyness reigns within our nation. The industrial strikes that we have witnessed ranging from the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation to doctors is a clear indication that the bolt after all is not tightened. Government has not placed any value upon their civil servants and a rather shameful message out there is that, anything for its employees is just as good as something of value demonstrated elsewhere where integrity, democracy and fabulous leadership is practised without missing a point.
Their response to their workers was a serious shocker. Where on earth is still duress used as a means of addressing grievances? We are hearing graveous issues touching on corruption and even sexual assaults among workers yet the government is taking their employees for joy riders as if they are common time idlers who are seeking any available opportunity to showcase their nothingness of idleness. When has poor working conditions prompted productivity and good will observance of work policies'? The Kenyan government needs to mature up and handle matters with deserved strictness as you cannot compare human life and incompetence.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Poetry: Kisenyi
It seems there is something funny happening silently within our society that many don't know yet the engineers who are overseeing such obscenities are seriously purporting that indeed nothing wrong is happening behind our backs. Our society is defined with countless acts of justices and immorality even if some want us to believe that all is well. But in our poem today, we refuse pretense and call a vice a vice. In that regard, sample the following poem and fill the gaps for yourself. To your pleasure, here is John Butler with Kisenyi.
See you soon.
Let us not lie to ourselves.
A skeleton is skeleton
Whether hot, white under the sun
Or metamorphosed by the mystery
Of African African moon.
Let us not look either
At this frantic place
Only with beastly eyes
Do not see only
Mud and Mabati
Baziba and swahili.
For lip- locked, twain and twain
In so secret darkness
Sacredly, compulsively
Perform the rite.Truly here is compulsion
That is very heart.We don't want to dilute the message of the poem for it is sizzling and choose to serve you hot as it is for taste. Remember, your comments are highly welcomed.
See you soon.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
"Fulfillment comes from a life of meaningful acievements and from being present in each moment while moving in the direction we must want to move."Peter Bregman
Also Real in Human Nature; Scandals & Prejudice
Out of the many fixations that man has ever spurred forward, the mixture has never fallen short of acts of prejudice or scandals.Matters of common sense and little investment of rational thinking greatly down plays humanity and on several occasions showcased their unsophyiscicated nature to daily life's challenges. Because of prejudice, man cannot easily accept somethings happening within their vicinity. Resistance more so to change is what suffer mostly under the real of humans stubbornness. Their conservativeness, makes it hard for them to adapt to new intelligence and knowledge flowing freely in society.
Pressure has to be exerted for people to listen and later see the sense of a subject in question even if it is about something that can save their day anytime. They would rather choose to be consumed by their ignorance rather than openly embrace invention. Voices of nay speakers lambastes corridors of sanity always blurring good will messages that have captured the analysis of change of time, interpretation and conveyed its findings. Of hardness and stubborn souls is the little definition we can associate man with. Inspired with various limiting factors, man flabbergasts many a generation with their ways of thought and response to immediate needs that calls on their attention.
Inside the residence of an ordinary household, occupied by ordinary people acting on average information and even capability, scenes of recklessness and ramshackledness lurks around like a ready made fruit juice. Scandals of this and that are littered conspicuously in our society always reducing man to a mere being which is not true. Though highly distinct from other creatures, humanity has blatantly refused to correct his errors thereby prompting them to turn into mistakes that sometimes have cost heavily on him in both monetary and integrity. He cannot stand on credible grounds these days to discuss societal issue without eye brows being raised.
We wonder when man will style up and choose to convert this negative situation of prejudice into acceptance so that his physical eyes could be opened together with his thought life for him to appreciate his living and treat each day as a miracle and shun these nonsense that wealways sees around within our larger precincts. Not even once has the life we have been defined in the roles of dilapidation as its purpose. But for us continuously doing so is a serious insensitive stand to be identified with as human beings. We either choose to tackle our fears and ignorance or small things as scandals will surely infuriate our lives in bad blood of illumination to talk of emancipation.
Pressure has to be exerted for people to listen and later see the sense of a subject in question even if it is about something that can save their day anytime. They would rather choose to be consumed by their ignorance rather than openly embrace invention. Voices of nay speakers lambastes corridors of sanity always blurring good will messages that have captured the analysis of change of time, interpretation and conveyed its findings. Of hardness and stubborn souls is the little definition we can associate man with. Inspired with various limiting factors, man flabbergasts many a generation with their ways of thought and response to immediate needs that calls on their attention.
Inside the residence of an ordinary household, occupied by ordinary people acting on average information and even capability, scenes of recklessness and ramshackledness lurks around like a ready made fruit juice. Scandals of this and that are littered conspicuously in our society always reducing man to a mere being which is not true. Though highly distinct from other creatures, humanity has blatantly refused to correct his errors thereby prompting them to turn into mistakes that sometimes have cost heavily on him in both monetary and integrity. He cannot stand on credible grounds these days to discuss societal issue without eye brows being raised.
We wonder when man will style up and choose to convert this negative situation of prejudice into acceptance so that his physical eyes could be opened together with his thought life for him to appreciate his living and treat each day as a miracle and shun these nonsense that wealways sees around within our larger precincts. Not even once has the life we have been defined in the roles of dilapidation as its purpose. But for us continuously doing so is a serious insensitive stand to be identified with as human beings. We either choose to tackle our fears and ignorance or small things as scandals will surely infuriate our lives in bad blood of illumination to talk of emancipation.
SPECIAL FEATURE: What's In The Strength Of a Woman?
Eighth March as tradition has it, is a special day globally demarcated squarely on a fairer sex that of a woman. And today just like any other dates of the previous commemorations of global international women's day is no different. The day is set a side to celebrate the economic, social and political achievements of women in society. This day particularly recognises and appreciates ordinary women struggling somewhere to make a mark in community on equal competitive nature of their male counterparts. We delight in this strength of a woman that has not only disappointed, but also went ahead to surpass the expectation.
Women have demonstrated their leadership not only by guiding a home into a civilised haven, but also beaten her fellow male personality hands down. Her credibility both in public and private life can speak for itself. She has boldly fought the crevices of chauvinism, out right human abuses here and there and went outspoken about sickening humiliating violations that was thriving previously unchallenged in our society because of fear of victimisation. Many a male have tried to pull her down but her stubborn strength could not let go of the battle. She has stood the test of time in many war fronts and now she has emerged a top and created a milestone that gives us an underpinning and a well enough reason to celebrate our ordinary women in the community who defy all odds to be a voice to the voiceless and inspire a definition of dignity and sanity where it was little known.
Great acts of courage, determination and sometimes resilience has seen a woman bring a ray of hope to the face of the society. They have stood there for their children and barely provided for them when many men chose to sink their heads under the sand and literally abscond their responsibility for cheap pleasure perhaps in clandestine or liquor. While men can pursue vanities at the expense of their own families, little o0f the same can be talked of women. Majority of homes as we speak now are mostly administered by women who are running the state of affairs leaving an interesting question mark on what befell our men to give such a wide berth their role. We may not have the words or best descriptions to bestow upon the efforts of our women, but our respect and tribute is in order to them all who epitomised the struggles of an African woman and single handedly changed the society with their little resources, voice and energies. For sure empowering girls, is inspiring future a well crafted theme for the year.
P.S. We resume our normal professional tips on the thirdteenth day of March.Enjoy.
Women have demonstrated their leadership not only by guiding a home into a civilised haven, but also beaten her fellow male personality hands down. Her credibility both in public and private life can speak for itself. She has boldly fought the crevices of chauvinism, out right human abuses here and there and went outspoken about sickening humiliating violations that was thriving previously unchallenged in our society because of fear of victimisation. Many a male have tried to pull her down but her stubborn strength could not let go of the battle. She has stood the test of time in many war fronts and now she has emerged a top and created a milestone that gives us an underpinning and a well enough reason to celebrate our ordinary women in the community who defy all odds to be a voice to the voiceless and inspire a definition of dignity and sanity where it was little known.
Great acts of courage, determination and sometimes resilience has seen a woman bring a ray of hope to the face of the society. They have stood there for their children and barely provided for them when many men chose to sink their heads under the sand and literally abscond their responsibility for cheap pleasure perhaps in clandestine or liquor. While men can pursue vanities at the expense of their own families, little o0f the same can be talked of women. Majority of homes as we speak now are mostly administered by women who are running the state of affairs leaving an interesting question mark on what befell our men to give such a wide berth their role. We may not have the words or best descriptions to bestow upon the efforts of our women, but our respect and tribute is in order to them all who epitomised the struggles of an African woman and single handedly changed the society with their little resources, voice and energies. For sure empowering girls, is inspiring future a well crafted theme for the year.
P.S. We resume our normal professional tips on the thirdteenth day of March.Enjoy.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
"I shall shape my future. Whether I fail or succeed shall be no man's doing but my own. I am the force; I can clear any obstacles before me. Or I can be lost in the maze. My choice. My responsibility. Win or lose I hold the key to my destiny."Og Mandino.
Does He Ever Listen?
Basing on many identified grounds, a good incisive look at man informs totally opposite of one of his key senses, that of listening. Backlogs, mind mugs if anything advises that more lies to humanity whether at all he attempts his homework other than the specified office work. Tirades, commotions and moments of anxiety is more conspicuous to grant time to look at the salient issues of life. We attacked him before over other messes on various angles and still surprisingly again we are unto this stream, the source refuses to go dry and continuously drip drops of leads that portrays the hardness and the troubled nature of people.
There is so much drama around the minds of many people to allow requisite ample time and attention of relevant issues. Otherwise, who is ready to put a word to several repetitive short falls that occurs almost everyday? Isn't this a clear indication that a demoralized soul in the identity of human lacks that peace of mind to concentrate and deal with his own present needs at hand? If you think this is a mere thought, then tell us why our society is greatly rocked from all directions, always under attack of if not robbery then it is about some cattle rustling somewhere near a border. What about the recent reports of violence in certain parts of this country?
Even before dust can comfortably settle on the aforementioned hullabaloos, we hear of child molestation, rape and insecurity, a blatant pointer that man himself has destroyed and disrupted the fundamental rostrums of existence and calmness. The safety of our lives cannot be guaranteed at a hundred percent. The tranquility and smooth running of affairs of both our country at large and the specified locations of our residence are totally a mess, shaken and ruptured. If at all this creation was listening, then by now he should have learned the importance of compliance and conformity.
He should not be reminded about this and that around his life. The aspect of responsibility could have found a permanent domicile in his daily actions. Humanity should have known their neighbour as an equal life partaker and deserves his own respect and dignity as a human being on equal measure. W3e shouldn't be striving and fighting every fortnight. Husband and wife must have placed value on decency and solved their indifferences competently without the much advertised glamour that is witnessed inside this expansive society.
There is so much drama around the minds of many people to allow requisite ample time and attention of relevant issues. Otherwise, who is ready to put a word to several repetitive short falls that occurs almost everyday? Isn't this a clear indication that a demoralized soul in the identity of human lacks that peace of mind to concentrate and deal with his own present needs at hand? If you think this is a mere thought, then tell us why our society is greatly rocked from all directions, always under attack of if not robbery then it is about some cattle rustling somewhere near a border. What about the recent reports of violence in certain parts of this country?
Even before dust can comfortably settle on the aforementioned hullabaloos, we hear of child molestation, rape and insecurity, a blatant pointer that man himself has destroyed and disrupted the fundamental rostrums of existence and calmness. The safety of our lives cannot be guaranteed at a hundred percent. The tranquility and smooth running of affairs of both our country at large and the specified locations of our residence are totally a mess, shaken and ruptured. If at all this creation was listening, then by now he should have learned the importance of compliance and conformity.
He should not be reminded about this and that around his life. The aspect of responsibility could have found a permanent domicile in his daily actions. Humanity should have known their neighbour as an equal life partaker and deserves his own respect and dignity as a human being on equal measure. W3e shouldn't be striving and fighting every fortnight. Husband and wife must have placed value on decency and solved their indifferences competently without the much advertised glamour that is witnessed inside this expansive society.
Career Growth: Mark Your Speech Boundaries
How much should you delve and how much should you hold back? Pegging at the same strength, we tackle the controversial issue of speaking too much than what was asked for of information. We help you as a professional career person to mark your boundaries when it comes to matters of speech. A human being is created a social being, and indeed no one is in conflict with that fact. Freedom of speech is well granted and in addition too, democracy cheeps in to liberalize our communication. Therefore, we seek gagging no one on this topic but rather address the notoriousness that is demonstrated outside the defined ambiance.
Talking parrots who don't know when to stop are what we illuminate to help you draw dividing lines to regulate what to speak and what not to speak. Too much information in its own right is a kind of self destruction. You cannot just go out and continuously share the secrecy of your trade, private life and even public. This is an open double edged sharp knife that can easily cut your body part and free ticket to enhance attack from your business rivals as well as tender some sort of shame on your part on different grounds. Going about sharing almost everything and anything concerning your personal life creates a sticky scenario for people to respect you as you are.
Your dignity is your life line. Don't temper with it anyhow. Your personal affairs is your own business and at no point should a third party know what is happening and what is not happening. Exposure of your confidential information is a big risk to your own personal security. You should not render yourself prone to fall. Someone can easily conjure what they know about you and create a bitter ordeal and cause serious harm. As a professional career person, you should be aware of this danger and learn to avoid it upfront. Mark your boundaries of speech and clearly delineate only talk when necessary not because you want to be heard. Your career matters and don't just jeopardize it through careless talking. Future is real and that is what you should seek to protect at all times.
See you next.
Talking parrots who don't know when to stop are what we illuminate to help you draw dividing lines to regulate what to speak and what not to speak. Too much information in its own right is a kind of self destruction. You cannot just go out and continuously share the secrecy of your trade, private life and even public. This is an open double edged sharp knife that can easily cut your body part and free ticket to enhance attack from your business rivals as well as tender some sort of shame on your part on different grounds. Going about sharing almost everything and anything concerning your personal life creates a sticky scenario for people to respect you as you are.
Your dignity is your life line. Don't temper with it anyhow. Your personal affairs is your own business and at no point should a third party know what is happening and what is not happening. Exposure of your confidential information is a big risk to your own personal security. You should not render yourself prone to fall. Someone can easily conjure what they know about you and create a bitter ordeal and cause serious harm. As a professional career person, you should be aware of this danger and learn to avoid it upfront. Mark your boundaries of speech and clearly delineate only talk when necessary not because you want to be heard. Your career matters and don't just jeopardize it through careless talking. Future is real and that is what you should seek to protect at all times.
See you next.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
"An error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it.Orlando Barrista
What Of Brittleness in Humanity?
Considering this creation from various ascertained platforms, we are prolifically informed that for sure humanity has an inherent problem embedded in their nature. Looking at their methods of functionality and execution of their duties and commitments, man leaves behind some interesting land marks that suggest something deeper than what we see on the fore. The hidden agenda in the name of inadequacy and incivility is what we seek to unveil. Brittleness in man is what we would like to know and why should human being a creation after God's own resemblance chose to posses such a tricky and slippery stand. We not only look at him on one ground but also include other conspicuous pursuits that have openly exposed man as a weak creature prone to mistakes and sometimes lacks the stability to ground themselves and defined principles which comes as a proper option compared to uncivilised feasting that man has embraced as a lifestyle and at certain occasions confused those common injurious felonies as part of his nature.
Numerously, wrong doings have taken place in life and in all these, man has failed their credibility tests dismally and flatly deflated his own dignity and integrity. Areas of trustworthiness, integrity, holding unto work ethics and professionalism are seriously injured in man's precinct and on many occasions, portrayed as a greedy person unconcerned with his/her own sense of direction and remained extremely to be tossed here and there by the passing wind. Humanity mostly on many counts cannot defend his own life. He has been drawn into scandals, some of which so debilitating, yet he has quietly accepted them as if they are a norm of life.
Countless falls goes unchallenged leaving man defenseless and without any justification to explain why such a thing had to happen. A fools head has been fitted permanently on his head making humanity a common fixture in matters of precariousness, unethicals and general shake ups of the society. We don't know why it has to be this way but unfortunately, that is what we see happening around in our daily jostle and hassle of life. You might not agree more but truth be told ,there lies a major problem in humanities life that has questioned the social nature of man, drawing him into a crisis of sorts. Take a good look and perhaps you will understand where we trace this kind of notion.
Numerously, wrong doings have taken place in life and in all these, man has failed their credibility tests dismally and flatly deflated his own dignity and integrity. Areas of trustworthiness, integrity, holding unto work ethics and professionalism are seriously injured in man's precinct and on many occasions, portrayed as a greedy person unconcerned with his/her own sense of direction and remained extremely to be tossed here and there by the passing wind. Humanity mostly on many counts cannot defend his own life. He has been drawn into scandals, some of which so debilitating, yet he has quietly accepted them as if they are a norm of life.
Countless falls goes unchallenged leaving man defenseless and without any justification to explain why such a thing had to happen. A fools head has been fitted permanently on his head making humanity a common fixture in matters of precariousness, unethicals and general shake ups of the society. We don't know why it has to be this way but unfortunately, that is what we see happening around in our daily jostle and hassle of life. You might not agree more but truth be told ,there lies a major problem in humanities life that has questioned the social nature of man, drawing him into a crisis of sorts. Take a good look and perhaps you will understand where we trace this kind of notion.
Ethics: Career Growth
Matters technology and us is what is on board today and we would like to literally urge you to take time and notice technology and add it to your plate of career. This as you may know is a formidable topic with irresistible glamour. Technology comes with both its sweetness and sourness. Whether you choose to ignore or embrace it, all alike affects your career in one way or another. The current of technology is flowing so fast and trust me, we cannot veer of or fail to grant our attention and relish on its fascination. Our markets are filling fast with new inventions that are depicting the present needs of our career path.
It has brou7ght a whole new definition that have created a new wave that is shaking the supremacy of what we are used to before. In that regard, it is only important that you take time and familiarize yourself with what is changing and what is coming in . Your ignorance now on technology will cost you later.As a career person, you must know that technology is for progression and it therefore goes without question that it should test the platforms of revision and restructuring. Adaptable to change is what your career must be tailored towards. Concentrate on what is happening in your industry and change fast rather waiting for change to knock on your door.
The introduction of computers came with their madness and its about time you knew that the madness never stops but instead new methods of application is what is adding rapidly in your ascertained field. If you count on redundancy, ignorance and nebulousness, you will cry foul at your own expense. Change with time to bring in current challenges to test your wellness of what you know. Charge on open mindedness to grow your professional side other than fitting into the common man's comfort. Don't remain a total stranger to modernness. Facebook is in the air and you don't want to be left behind in this new world. Don't just hear of twitter, websites, blogs and linkedin just to mention a few yet you're alienated in knowledge about these new media that are seeking to revolutionize how life is going to be lived. Get into the groove and play on as the rest.
Keep it always here for relevance.
It has brou7ght a whole new definition that have created a new wave that is shaking the supremacy of what we are used to before. In that regard, it is only important that you take time and familiarize yourself with what is changing and what is coming in . Your ignorance now on technology will cost you later.As a career person, you must know that technology is for progression and it therefore goes without question that it should test the platforms of revision and restructuring. Adaptable to change is what your career must be tailored towards. Concentrate on what is happening in your industry and change fast rather waiting for change to knock on your door.
The introduction of computers came with their madness and its about time you knew that the madness never stops but instead new methods of application is what is adding rapidly in your ascertained field. If you count on redundancy, ignorance and nebulousness, you will cry foul at your own expense. Change with time to bring in current challenges to test your wellness of what you know. Charge on open mindedness to grow your professional side other than fitting into the common man's comfort. Don't remain a total stranger to modernness. Facebook is in the air and you don't want to be left behind in this new world. Don't just hear of twitter, websites, blogs and linkedin just to mention a few yet you're alienated in knowledge about these new media that are seeking to revolutionize how life is going to be lived. Get into the groove and play on as the rest.
Keep it always here for relevance.
Monday, March 5, 2012
"A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval."Mark Twain
Painting a gloom picture by the mention of this subject, man pegs her life on insipid functions that destroys future and even hitherto background. He largely embraces mediocrity that sinks him everyday to his lowest level. The stubborn nature of humanity places him under awkward circumstances always, giving out that share of a gleam notion. Acts of crookedness, unruliness, unethicalness and all those sickening platform limbs human being. It is due to that misplaced habits that society wanes on its good part sometimes appearing as though nothing worthy can come out of this life. Falseness dominates around bringing along cases of lewdness and cheapening a human being.
Man has been destroyed by his own habits and a lot of self destruction that he commits on himself everyday. This has hampered the requisite growth of human beings and gone farther to blur the right meaning of life. Acts of unruliness has watered many a generation on the laurels of their own education. Motions of intolerance amongst folks incarnates many with beastly behaviours. Daily abuses here and there have made our community look tainted and dirty on many walls. The value of peace and calmness of the society has not been fully established and for sure we have critically lost our modest and the real convenience of living.
I don't know for how long we intend to let degrading characteristics of stubbornness hamper us. On our take, we believe that every living individual has enough controlling factors to take hold of their lives and steer it correctly. Mess after mess is not what we need to move forward. We cannot be avoiding a soggy path to only end up falling on a smooth dry ground. Actions of being embroiled in our own insecurities scandalizes the massive effort created before to propel success. As a human being, there has been wide spoken milestones that have been achieved before and trust me, we cannot continue to exude habits of stonage in such a vigorous fast lane twenty first century.
It is such a shame and out right snobbery to refuse to recognise the various developments that have been registered in our current society. It is our believe that as per now, we have seen what obscurity has done to many people and it has all ended up as an absolute waste of time and acts of vanity as for sure, many injuries have been castigated against people and several unnecessary freak accidents occurred which should not have taken place in the first place. You don't have to hit your toe on the ground to know that you're supposed to be sensitive to make out what where you are stepping. Our continued stubbornness has no tangible positive forth comings but rather misfortunes is what can clearly define the repercussion of all those who pursue such kind of a path. Take notice of your life and avert unwarranted void adventures.
Man has been destroyed by his own habits and a lot of self destruction that he commits on himself everyday. This has hampered the requisite growth of human beings and gone farther to blur the right meaning of life. Acts of unruliness has watered many a generation on the laurels of their own education. Motions of intolerance amongst folks incarnates many with beastly behaviours. Daily abuses here and there have made our community look tainted and dirty on many walls. The value of peace and calmness of the society has not been fully established and for sure we have critically lost our modest and the real convenience of living.
I don't know for how long we intend to let degrading characteristics of stubbornness hamper us. On our take, we believe that every living individual has enough controlling factors to take hold of their lives and steer it correctly. Mess after mess is not what we need to move forward. We cannot be avoiding a soggy path to only end up falling on a smooth dry ground. Actions of being embroiled in our own insecurities scandalizes the massive effort created before to propel success. As a human being, there has been wide spoken milestones that have been achieved before and trust me, we cannot continue to exude habits of stonage in such a vigorous fast lane twenty first century.
It is such a shame and out right snobbery to refuse to recognise the various developments that have been registered in our current society. It is our believe that as per now, we have seen what obscurity has done to many people and it has all ended up as an absolute waste of time and acts of vanity as for sure, many injuries have been castigated against people and several unnecessary freak accidents occurred which should not have taken place in the first place. You don't have to hit your toe on the ground to know that you're supposed to be sensitive to make out what where you are stepping. Our continued stubbornness has no tangible positive forth comings but rather misfortunes is what can clearly define the repercussion of all those who pursue such kind of a path. Take notice of your life and avert unwarranted void adventures.
Being Observant for Personal Development: Life occurrences have happened on extensive nature yet many are still entangled in their previous misfortunes at the expense of countless tenets that have taken place around oblivious of their notice due to their blinded nature with daily worries and fears. Personal development has been around since time memorial yet many have failed to place value at it to propel them forward. Today therefore let us focus on the basic of one of our senses and see what it holds in store for us. Not many are hallowed with keen eyes but it breaks no borne to learn and acquaint yourself with discreetness.
Change of times call for a person's attention and alertness. You cannot beat the swiftness of this life by only channelling your energies in one direction. You must learn to develop eyes on your back and extrapolate other eyes for the future. The success of living can only be attained by an individual choosing to wholly give some standard time on themselves and aspire to champion their own cause of life. Creating time for your own personal needs can easily give room to personal development, a highly recommended initiative to fight different weakness around your life.
Wisdom and agility can be gained by you opening your eyes and giving an in depth look at what goes around within your surroundings. The lauded part of being observant is all about shunning common mistakes that are committed daily by people. At certain occasions, being observant acts as a warning for a future occurrence which can be tackled now regarding what one witnessed. To also be informed about what really ails people around, you need that keenness and those compound eyes. Personal development is what keeps people their pace and instills that sense of urgency in solving problems as well as developing the professional demeanor of persons in our daily life. You can confidently count on personal development to become a revitalized and refreshed individual just like your new day.
See you next
Change of times call for a person's attention and alertness. You cannot beat the swiftness of this life by only channelling your energies in one direction. You must learn to develop eyes on your back and extrapolate other eyes for the future. The success of living can only be attained by an individual choosing to wholly give some standard time on themselves and aspire to champion their own cause of life. Creating time for your own personal needs can easily give room to personal development, a highly recommended initiative to fight different weakness around your life.
Wisdom and agility can be gained by you opening your eyes and giving an in depth look at what goes around within your surroundings. The lauded part of being observant is all about shunning common mistakes that are committed daily by people. At certain occasions, being observant acts as a warning for a future occurrence which can be tackled now regarding what one witnessed. To also be informed about what really ails people around, you need that keenness and those compound eyes. Personal development is what keeps people their pace and instills that sense of urgency in solving problems as well as developing the professional demeanor of persons in our daily life. You can confidently count on personal development to become a revitalized and refreshed individual just like your new day.
See you next
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