Saturday, October 27, 2012


"We gain strength, courage and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face.......... we must do that which we think we cannot."
                                                                                              Eleanor Roosevelt.

Why LOUSINESS at the Expense of Personal Dignity?

Society and its sideshows is proving hard to understand . The element s that make up a community too are snared with countless pitfalls around their lives. The noise that is increasingly on each waking of the day if anything for sure is a worrying situation. People have forgotten basic behaviors as and gone ahead to behave closely as their beasts. Common sense is no longer being practiced. Children are being fed on fodder that they are not supposed to be treated on. Parents have certainly turned unpredictable . Lousiness HAS BECOME THEIR NEW PASTIME . Where is their personal dignity and decorum? Can't they have a little respect for themselves and their children to prevent them from shouting and uttering the unmentionable words unashamed?

So immaturity has clouded their minds and turned them into children weakling on responsibility and level headedness? For how long are we going o be treated with this senseless habits? Children need direction and guidance . Why can/'t these baseless parents understand the critical of their position and shape up? Must everyone around their neighborhood know that critical thinking lacks in some individuals and that people find it hard to respect them around their age groups? Questions without answers and society continues to expose  its rottenness and lack of sobriety and dignity to provide leadership and sense of order.

We here decry ordinariness lack of the spirit of excellence. Just how long does it take people to understand that they are making  distraught mistakes and correct them? Why can't we learn from our past experiences? The fact that today people differed, must the same issue again be the question of tomorrow's misunderstanding? Correcting errors is a word for all of us. Improve is the ingredient you and I need to move from one failure to betterment. To what extend will our precariousness expose our nakedness? Mature up people and save the society the shame and indignity that has persisted unnecessarily.

We are not all mad and sick. Let us practice sanity. The extend of these noises from various quarters is not good for our future. It is very unfortunate if for instance a parent's behavior will cause the child to pick wrong decisions and carry them into their adulthood . Why replicate the same behavior in your generation? Parents wherever you are, know that you're bestowed with a role of leading , correcting, advising guiding and instill a sense of order into your children.   The growing generation does not need all that noise. We don't need to know that you are also a questionable parent. Limit the level of mistakes that you make on a typical day. Choose excellence and practice being different with each new dawn 

AWARENSESS; Personal Development

It is our pleasure again to bring you this platform where we discuss about you and how you can evade a lot of shortfalls in your life on a daily basis. In a sequel, let us talk about you and how to carry yourself around on a daily basis. So what should you do and what should you avoid? Insecurity , pleasing people, compromising to look good among other factors do not fit you. Don't let your fear or inadequacy lead you into making decisions that will jeopardize your life later. Be yourself. be real. stick to authenticity and always practice cutting character according to your abilities and strengths. 

Shed off your compromises and choose to grow up. The fact here is that, you cannot please everyone unless you want to be a failure. Personal development is about creating awareness around your life. It is about digging around your life and weeding out unnecessary extensions. Prune your life and always live a conscious person. Be alert with your senses and tear off those protruding angles that act as inhibiting factors towards being  a real you. When you note case of ignorance, redundancy, laziness or even questions of wrong decisions or peer pressure. Be in the forefront in fighting incivilities around your life. 

This is self improvement. Remember you cannot be that ideal person if you don't make it your responsibility and correct these immature errs. Purpose towards being yourself and doing those things that are you . Assignments that utilize your energies and strengths. Keep off questionable companies. It is so surprising that even those people deemed to be mature are being affected by peer pressure. Don't lead or let your life be characterized with injustices of different magnitudes. Don't sale your self to lies or alcohol or immorality. Face your everyday life a step at a time. 

Open your eyes and see well. When you see any skewed factor in your , clean it off before attempting anything else. Don't move into your next stage of life with misdemeanors of countless calibers. Advocate for growth and steer off from immaturity. Do not allow to be made into a prisoner by senselessness. Don't be turned into a fool by small failures. Immaturity is a disease, fight it. You can easily be scandalize your life by letting ignorance take a big part of you. Improve and always be fresh as a day drops in.


"All successful people men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect and then they work every day toward their distant vision that goal or purpose."
                                       Brian Tracy

OF Politicians & propaganda

Looking at political change gears, meet Mr. politician with his dancing with the devil for a pound of flesh. Kenyans have been turned into a play ground with politicians propaganda, they are taking into extraneous lengths to prove a point even when there is nothing factual to share. they all seem to extrapolate even when there exists nothing to expound on. Every mouth want to be seen talking even if it means confusing or inciting common persons to look favorable and above their opponents.

In the eyes of politicians, wrong and right are all similar. Vote hunting is turning out to be a platform where anything is something. Blood is being shed in the wide eyes of the so called leaders who on several grounds have ignored the plight of citizenry and taken into self interest to stay afloat. In the politics dinning room , old becomes young , corrupt changes into righteous individuals while the prejudiced are peace makers. Things around these fellows are upside down. They will talk to please even when they know too well that they are cheating. We all know that a pound flesh cannot be found without shedding bloo0d yet such extreme measures have been attempted by our current bred of politicians .

Propaganda is what seems to be at best of their lips rather than common sense. A common man suffers a lot of problems and instead of leaders addressing relevant matters of insecurity, poor infrastructure , water shortage, looming danger of some natural resources and reconciliation, cheap talks is what ices the speeches of the politicians as they traverse the country searching for votes     . Mr. politician will never change in his persistence with delivering half truths. They can talk of how they can bring heaven on earth

But we believe is high time we as the public stopped these nonsense. Why accept to be cheated when you know the truth? Why listen to people whom we know very well have integrity issues and lack that credible image to speak ? Why dwell in the world of uncertainties at the expense of your own comfort? Wake up people and choose to open your eyes clearly and see the lies that have been continuously been thrown into the air. Don't buy into the propaganda . You can easily be sold to idols. Take care of whom you are listening to and whom you are supporting to leadership.

A leader must have character, decoru7m and the boldness to protect the truth. If such critical essentials are lacking initially , why would you allow someone to stand before you and mislead or stir you up into hating your neighbor. Or talk you into that community has not what it takes to lead? Politics will soon be trending near you. All we can advise you is to be careful and be conscious . Don't accept to be brain washed into believing wrong principles.

 Be that right thinking member that can as well exercise good judgment, common sense and responsibility. Propaganda will not feed you nor act as an investment towards bettering your future. Choose wisely and always be on the steering wheel and avoid malicious souls in the name of politicians with their discord and sometimes outright skewed in their speech. Life is important, always think before action.

POETRY: The Idol

Are you also praying a prayer that cannot be answered? Listen to what Laban Erapu has to say.

Brown, proud and flawless,
Wordless and passionless,
You stand on the shaft,
On the pedestal I built for you.
An idol in a Christian house.

Curved, polished and oiled,
Primed and perfect,
You came to my life
A goddess to whom I offer.
My first and last prayer.

Serene and silent
You stand on your pedestal,
Too high above the tears I shed 
For the love that was not 
Too far beyond the reach of arms
That rise in mute prayer
And beg to be released 
From the hold
Of eyes to blind for tears
And a heart too stern
For pity.
Share your thoughts. Do you think your politicians can be found within these confines of this poem? What are you thinking and saying? Drop your comment. 

Saturday, September 15, 2012


"An hour of effective, precise, hard, disciplined and integrated thinking can be worth a month of hard work. Thinking is the most difficult thing to do in business and in life. Empire builders spend hour-after-hour on mental work."
                                                            Kekich Credo

Inside Poor Parenting; Valuless parents

Intoxication, wrong gestures of presentation and not knowing when to do what and when not to say what are some of the fragrant scenarios that are witnessed daily amongst valueless parents who have turned out to be a big dissappointment and disgrace to their own children. Actions of endless drama and state of nothingness and disorder together with everyday embroilment in common life stupidity is what they hallow more than playing their role as real parents who are supposed to guide , advice and lead by example.

Engaging in lewdness and uttering good for nothing words in the presence of their children is what some parents have perfected most at the expense of the aftermath results given  what they say and act in the presence of their adult or young children. Slowly by slowly the fabric of soberiety continues to be torn by the very hands that are supposed to protect it. Vulnerability and weakness of many parents is what most kids know than the correct side of them.

Inside our present life, like it or hate it, there is a family that has never ever learned to settle down and live a normal life of mature peoplew. They are always entangled in one mess after the other thereby confusing and surprising their children on a daily basis of what has become of the parents or rather adults. This shame and insanity that we witness everyday from corners of this life must at least be contained by relevanat people. WQe cannot continue to be that loose and anked in the presence of a growing generation. Let us not be the champion of wqrong seeds.

At one point or another, someone must learn to grow up and correct his or her errors. Parents, you cannot continue to be mean and senseless in character all the time. Valueless and without order and organization is bad image for the children o f the society. Choose respect and recheck the way you handle yourself.

Books in society

We pick from where we left many moons away and once more discuss about this adorable book industry. Books in society remains unopposed and indispensable because their role of continuation assignment . When classes are closed in a learning institution, education is continued inside society through books. Whoever claims to be learned cheats him/herself. Education never ends in a person's lifetime. Change of time will always grace our lives to announce the expiration of a certain period or tradition of attending to matters. Open minds will change with time and often sometimes be ahead of the times courtesy of books. What we are actually saying here is that books in society have a well cut out assignment that is irreplaceable with other platforms.

If a person wants to keep their stream flowing and refreshed always, then a good option is about them turning to books to be informed and sensitized. We urge you to recognize and embrace books for your own good. To Stay safe and clean means for you always to be on your toes doing something to defend your own fall and regret. Beat mundanes of life, wickedness, insecurity and all that spells danger by being on the know side. Book industry has done well in the past and still continues to shine as it has played its role by equipping the society with the intelligence and and proclaiming their availability in the market today.

A lazy soul and  mind cry foul alone when it does not act in time to rescue itself from the grips of ignorance thereby remaining stranded in a certain corner when other masses are enjoying life and moving forward. Don't be left behind when almost everyone is doing something to stay relevant. The book industry exists to better and improve your world. Be forbidden not to underestimate its presence.
See you soon;


"You are responsible for exactly who, what, and where you are in life . That will be just as true as this time next year."
                                           Kekich Credo


Cases of abandoned children rendered to danger and molestation are rife within and withoout. A case in point here in Kenya could be the reckless parents from Central Kenya who have taken to cheap liquor at the expense of proper upbringing of their own children who are mostly neglected and exposed to child labour and daily abuses. Report by National Council for children service indicated that over, 7,000 cases of child abuse are reported almost every year i snot a laughing matter. Something is wrong somewhere.

The case study mark you is just fetched one region, thereby posting a good thought of what if all the eight regions were considered, what could be the figure? You guessed right. Th e number could be huge and scaring. We have countless fixtures of irresponsible as well as insensitive parents across the board have little care to the demanding needs of their children ranging from developmental to economic. Rarely do most parents understand the strength s and weaknesses of their own offsprings at the expense of their own future. The personalized needs of mutual understanding betweeen a child and his/her own mother/father is lartgely lacking prompting children to seek solace elsewhere which may turn out to be sinister.

Cases of assumption and silence is seriously affecting our modern community. Parents are not available in every step of their children's life to direct and correct errors. They are not there to listen to their worries and problems affecting their children little ones; thus selling them to peer pressure that can easily destroy a child's future. A big question we would like to ask all parent figures out there is, where do you go when you're most needed and why do you treat your own blood in the most undignified way? Why become so tired too early when the race has just began? We challenge all the parents out there to assume back their role and take care of their children to avoid many senseless iniquities that are currently being committed by some of these neglected children.

Career Growth

In our career growth we would like to signpost the essence of going to school to achieve skills as opposed to going to school to pass exams. The market world has no place for those who passed their exams but rather those who are well equipped to fit easily in the changing dimension of life and circumstances. The passing of exams in our own opinion does not necessarily mean that someone is cerebral and thus approved to attend to everything that life offers.

People need to open their eyes or perhaps uncover themselves from this sprawling blanket that they have chosen to cover themselves with in hiding from actuality of life. Being a right professional and the aspect of being learned are two different things. There are those who claim to be learned yet they lack that same education. After all, we have so many educated fellows but our modern life runs on a deficit of modesty. It is only in understanding a skill that one can transform that intelligence into meaningful income generating facet.

Get over that notion of schooling to pass examination. Go to school to have fun and dust off your skewed platforms to remain one straight pruned person that fit himself or herself anywhere in life and create something or achieve something. Our society is filled with kindergarten schooled souls who have turned out to be ineffective in many ways. Those who thought were leaders have posted dismal performance to the chagrin of their own reputation. So is so and so and other the other or even yourself.

Our schooled minds have failed to interpret for us the intelligence of our present age thereby making us slaves to poor communication. Little is being tapped from our information age in the twenty first era. Many are still victims of traditional thoughts void of the changing times. Open your eyes people and learn to see what you have not been seeing for along time now.
See you soon;
Editor; youtooformorality 


"If you bring value to the table , other people who add value will be attracted to you. If you remove value from the table, people who add value will shy away from you."
                                                                                 Simon Black 

So poor parenthood Still exists?

If the necessary noise we are hear5ing is anything to go by, then indeed poor parenting exists. Poor parenting in its manifestation comes in many ways and forms. On one scenario, neglect of a child's needs in terms of her development , expression and giving relevant attention is one way of poor parenting. Refusal to guide a child in the right direction and hesitation in correcting mistakes promptly as they occur is also poor parenting. Parents 's absence in the lives of their children too is another form of poor parenting.

Failure to show love and protecting children from danger is as well a sign of poor parenting. The worst and regrettable one is all about parents being irresponsible and failing seriously to identify their roles in providing for their families. The list is formidable and all you need to understand  is that, we are suffering as a society in terms of parenting as some have loosen their belts and succumbed to pressure of life and literally fallen off from the steering wheels of driving their families.

Fathers for that matter have practically failed in their credibility test and thus surrendered their families to fate. Innocent children, teenagers and young adults who badly need leadership have been sidelined and left to dogs. A lot of drama is witnessed in many homes at the expense of proper growth alignment of the said children. Poor parenting as our little research as shown largely results from immaturity from the part of parents. Some are haunted by their previous life as children when they were growing thereby carrying the same attitude into their present families.

Thus creating an incessant chain of unsolved issues. We feel that there is enough time for people to grow up and correct mistakes. We also hold the opinion that people should not take into marriage until they are sure of what they are engaging into in order to slow down felonies in our present life. Some parents today are a big disappointment to their children. A picture that should not have happened in the first place. If that reason you are a parent out there, take heed to recheck your parenting styles.  

Poetry; Emptiness

Given the sickening nature of our parents, perhaps this is what their children are telling them using the words of Kassam.

People walk,
But where is the sound of their footsteps?
People walk,
But where is their charm and humor?
It is warm and bright,
But I cannot see the sun!
It is cool and romantic
But I cannot see the moon!
The trees sway,
Without rhythm or enchantment.
The lamps light devoid of any glow;
Hot coffee is served devoid of any aroma.
I shake hands but cannot get the grip;
I hit a ball but it does not rise.

Someone pronounces, 'Arise'!
But where is the energy?
Another pleads, Enliven!
But where is the blood?
A third illuminate'!
But where is the light?

I seek in vain for color and lustre,
          For the dew and spice,
For the warmth and radiance;
Yes, the very soil under feet lacks fertility.

Have your say. Any relevance in our current society?

See you soon ;
Editor; youtooformoarlity


"Good leaders create a vision, passionately articulate the vision, and relentlessly drive the vision to completion."
                                                  Jack Welch

Personal Development

We resume our normal tradition after taking you through our business feature. Today we tackle persornal development as we recently discovered that many more people don't understand themselves regardless of how old they are. Being aware means the whole difference between failure and success. By now you must have know that it is lack of information that leads people astray. It is also very vital to mention that knowing is what can rescue one from the grip and prison of a particular lifestyle that is somewhat not admirable .

It is also being in the know that side that can cause one to appear to be moving or to appear stuck in a certain quagmire at the cost of one's life. Due to that reason, we fully dedicate our selves to bring you this tip on personal development to help you own and reposes your life. And when we talk of about personal development, we mean you and your life. It is about yourself improvement and discovering your real self and do those things that are you. If it means career or personality it should just clock down to your own specification. Laugh because you are meant to laugh not because a neighbor did so.

Here we encourage you to define what composes you and what does not define you. You're a cook and not a farmer. Utilize the strengths of your own passion in the correct field. Stop stumbling on almost everything around you. Be exact on what you want to ber and the world to know you for. Discover yourself and you r worl. Don't under live your potential due to ignorance. Awaken yourself and inform your own life. Be aware in order to reduce the number of mistakes you can make. Life is too short to be wasted in committals. When will  you learn about the sweetiness ofd this life if all you would do is walking fromj one failure to another? Check your life now.

See you soon;
Editor; youtooformorality 

Monday, August 27, 2012


In the previous articles we have been analyzing life and what it has for us and what we can learn from it so that we circumvent so many mistakes around. Good elements elicited forth and I would like to be categorical here to you that look into such factors and change something be it just a small portion of your total life. The role of this site is to act as a chaser to remind you little details about how you should live and fit in the guild without too much entanglement. Today and the coming days, I would like us to focus on our society and what ails it and what should we do to effective our lives. I am therefore going to give you just a tidbit of what we shall tackle in the following words

Of poor Modelship

Of Poor Modelship

Having a week long discussion about parenthood, it is becoming very clear that there is something wrong amongst our parents in society today. The belt has been loosened for too long now and  basic matters are falling out of hands. The fact that mothers' Day was celebrated three months ago, we still note with dismay that our older community are still struggling to be accepted by some of their children. Their formeree felonies of how they treated and handled their children is back haunting them. Some misappropriated family wealth, others perhaps were harsh, drooped in character, illicit drinking and open day immorality drove away the respect and sympathy of their generation thereby leaving them to fate to determine how they live.

It is not a good picture at all in the eyes of both God and humanity to be treated to all sort of mannerless act demonstrated by the so called adults. Careless sickening habits  have taken place openly in the presence of those who were not supposed to see such actions taking place. Witnessing occasions that put our parents into contempt. A father beating a mother in the eye witness of their five year old son and on a different scenario, strong words being exchanged in form of abuses yet again these similar souls will later demand respect.

Sincerely speaking, where on earth does such kind of behavior stir discipline and dignity? Why can't parents learn to think straight and act normal? When will they understand that a lot is expected from them and learn to effective their parenting styles? A lot needs to be done to correct this stature of poor models. Let a parent be a parent and a child be a child. Draw the distinctions and let acting up and taking up of responsibilities begin from there. We are tired of some buffoonery parents whom it is hard to tell whether they are grown ups or children. Style up parents!           


Insecurity and exposure are highly picking up fast in our modern society leaving many playing catch up. The pace is so high for an ordinary person to withstand. Every turn of an event breaks the wall and soon or later man will be caught in the cold or under the talon of a wrong leader. Danger looms large in our society and people need to be discreet and conscious. Amidst all these anxiety and uncertainty, the bible has remained intact and always up to date with what takes place in life.

Nothing has been left out for a window of complain to spurge forward. Every detail concerning these many issues and challenges that man goes through in life are all tackled and discussed.Humanity for too long now has been playing hide and seek with his/her life. Actions of suppression of the truth and authenticity of life's actual facts is what man works hard to blur and buy into cheap lies motioned by the wanton desires of their eyes and heart. On a large percentage, more evil than good surrounds a human being. Man is far from emancipation.

We don't understand until when will our eyes and ears be opened? Open up to consciousness to save your own life. The turns and corners that your life takes concerns you. Don't run away from your responsibility. Take time and appreciate your bible for your own good. Time and again we have shared that you don't need to be a christian to read your bible. Life is for all of us. Only lifestyles are a matter of our personal decisions. Learn how to live with all your senses on. Be aware and call back your life from injustices and corruptions of our modern society........................ remember, it is not life until it is well lived.

See you soon;

Editorial/ Cost of Neglecting terms & conditions in LIfe

On the card this week, we look at the cost of neglecting terms and conditions in around some of our lives. Life in general has a lot of aspects that need to be observed in order to have a well structured harmonious life. Every duty or assignment is always accompanied by governing policies. And we as responsible member of society in our right thinking mind are expected to implement these various identified terms of work. At least that is the assumed notion bestowed upon a normal human beings.

However, humanity characterized with embroilment here and there, has never fallen short of disappointments and outright disobedience coupled with resistance and uncooperative. They call it human nature and further accentuated by the fact that human is to error. We dispute not this observation, but what our concern could be and where our question arises is , what if this errors are not corrected and embraced as normal as witnessed in various capacities in our lives?

It therefore forces as alongside this thinking that we delve deeper into this sensitive issue of terms and conditions surrounding our everyday life in varied convictions and executions. In life and as human beings, we are expected to observe rules and regulations established as re

We are the Minority

Is just one of the stories that is trending currently in the country. Unsatisfactory voices have awaken from their slumber and are now busy lamenting to the government for all historical injustices that had previously been castigated upon their communities. Looking at the given reasons, is a real reflection of many sidelined communities of people across the board. In Afghanistan citizens are under oppression. Sounds of gunshots is a common fixture destroying the peace of thousands and practically affecting the education system of the children.

In our own backyard, small communities in the name of Endorois and Illchamus communities have cried for justice for so long


"Evil flourishes when good men do nothing."
                      Edmund Burke

Where is Society's Dignity and Trust?

Having a shaky society has exposed humanity to the levels that they had not to be. The enemy now knows where to attack and get almost everyone unawares. Avarice and selfish ness seems to be a pasttime to tens of thousands. Solace has been discovered in the wrong directions going by the opinions of many who holds the view that everyone is morally corrupt.

Obscenity has been promoted and openly indulged into. Life looks like it is dirtfied every day by everyone. Layers and collections of  felonies colors our society on a large extend. Child after child is getting confused by hoiw some people take to life so carelessly and empty mindedly. Salient character traits such as honesty and personal decorum is slowly depleting across our lives leaving behind bare grounds in form of a human being who are struggling to fit into life given their exposure to danger.

It is so easy today to spot a parent and supposedly his son or daughter engaging in similar senseless trysts. Some parents have initiated their children into prostitution, while others have introduced their sons and daughters into sinister sex affairs and some too without fear of the sky have also taken theirs to alcohol and smoking. To be sincere, integrity in our contemporary world has turned out to be a costly trait as some tread orders as though it is one of those ill- founded leprosy.

We need to calm down and asses our ways of living. The current trend that we have bought into of lack of principles is bad to the community. We will soon be devoured by our own mistakes. Let us not sell ourselves blatantly to injustices to guide how we live. Corruption is bad. It subverts the smooth flow of justice . Before a stranger notices our foul smell, let us choose to change and correct our mistakes. A state of banal ism kills the essence of life. We can't afford to be tacky. The growing generation is watching everyone's steps.   let ALL THINK BEFORE ACTING.


last episode, tip

On our final episode of our feature , we share what it takes to be an industry leader. If you get it right at the starting point and move through all those twisting paths during trying times, know then that you're headed to somewhere superior than where you came from. In an effort to be an industry leader, consider the following tips. The main area to observe is that, of self confidence to know that you are the best alongside your products and services. Believe in your capabilities and what you are offering the market. 

As a leader, take action and implement what you learn. Understand that life rewards actions not reactions. Strife a start up and perfect the art of never being satisfied . Keep learning and networking to expand your knowledge. Thinking bigger is also another ex factor to put into mind as a leader. Remember you have to be the best in order to rule. In that regard, make no little plans. Work on the Marco and micro components of your business.Know your business at finger tips to position yourself in a competitive angle to stand the beat of the market.

As an industry leader, develop multiple high value skills to enable you become a good marker. Identify an opportunity then generate leads, then build up interest in your prospects, persuade your prospects to become customers and finally deliver extreme value and service to your clients. Make a lasting impression using your services and the level of your professionalism. Lastly on our industry leader, always focus on strategic associations; not every human being is a normal being. Understand that not all are delighted with what has become of your success, Separate goats. Go for only relevant association that hosts like minded that can add some level of intelligence on your plate of professionalism. Wishing you a prosperous future in your businesses. Go ahead and launch your careers.

See you soon;


"Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but be a new and different person with a fresh newness in all you do and think. Then you will learn from your own experience how his ways will really satisfy you."

Why should humanity be such Rotten?

Cases of integrity failure are reported in far and wide. If it is not about the Israelite in the Bible complaining about their misfortunes and seriously craving for meat, then it is about we ourselves in our present community, us too craving seriously for money. Where money and food is involved, people always lose their sense of order and discipline and behave as if it is today or never. Humanity doesn't care even when they are practically stepping on the toes of innocent and helpless souls.

Our behaviour are so unbecoming and rotten for a lack of better soft word. Credibility issues sways people round thereby exposing Manny's wickedness. every One's WORLD SEEMS TO BE SHAKEN WHEN INTEGRITY CASES ARE RAISED.Look at our society critically, even our very own teenagers are not left behind in such matters. Innocent and unsuspecting as they seem, many have developed hidden tails and horns that are driving the society in the south. They seem to be wise in the wrong way They have taken to extreme trysts that will claim their little years before they find sobriety to make out what's happening around them.

Unfortunately many teenagers are of the opinion that without some sort of naughtiness and mysterious adventures, they are not alive and in support of their beat of their impulses. As a result of our clumsiness, countless dangerous mistakes have been committed even in quarters where they should not have happened. The correct notion of life is greatly troubled with blowing winds of rapacity that on many occasions are being championed by the so called leaders and elders of the society who if anything, are supposed to ooze knowledge, wisdom and hold the baton of right counsel given their age and experience.

However, with our present community, we are far from settling down as mature , responsible people who can stand to be counted. Instead disappointment to misfortune is what the growing generation has in store to witness. We believe it is high time the beat changed to give way to new lease of life. We are not  all mad people.We have to shape up before we shape out.     

Business tip Continued

Now that you have known about this and that about survival skills, LET US NOW FOCUS ON SUSTAINING YOUR BUSINESS in a competitive environment. A major consideration in sustaining yourself in business should be pegged on knowledge, open minded, correcting errors and being adaptable to change. Open up to be informed. Enrol for a course if you have to. Learn from others what to avoid and what to embrace. There is a lot of success stories littered around to the extend of your horizon within our vast society. Find them and be equipped with what was done to propel your predecessors to climb that high at the expense of all those business that existed in their environment.

At the same time, look for mistakes that were committed in your industry that have brought some previous business into their knees and shun them completely. You want to progress in your business and for sure failure is not an option. Choose to awaken your business senses and allow them to smell, see, listen and taste where necessary. Thus in short, sustain yourself in business on the pillars, make yourself available to be widely read, be a well researched person in terms of issues related to your business, learn from the top notch business leaders, choose to be up to date with what is happening in your industry and lastly, be an extrovert. Go out and find what people are talking and eating. Hit here and there and attend different seminars that have something going on in your own area of specialist.

 Remember, you don,t want to be a victim in your own kitchen. Your interest here is to tap into your industry and change the lives that are within your reach. Live up to the expectations of your vision and mission by seeing challenges as another correct opportunity to acquire new information and learn some laudable lessons that will place you in a focal point to succeed.
See you soon,

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Practice sanity in your daily lives


Learn to exercise good judgment, common sense, integrity and responsiblity


it is not life until it is well lived.
you choose life either to stoop or stand. Decision matters here.youtooformorality

: ADMIN; ................ WE'RE ABOUT TO RESUME

We would like to make it clear that we are still in the compound and our usual posts will be making a come back soon. This is due to the fact that we have been approaching like minded persons in the nearby fence to allow us do a joint venture with them. All is well with us. We are coming back bigger and better. Photos, in depth analysis of our bible study inclusive of our hot topics on morality. Remember, we are the architects of this matters.   Save us. See you soon.

editor: youtooformorality

Saturday, July 21, 2012


"There are three ways to get something done. Either do it yourself, hire someone, forbid your kids to do it."
                                Monta Crane


It is said ethics are good economics. That is laudable to live your life in the confines of established policies that one is supposed to be subscribed to. Sticking within the ranges of self regulation and above all embracing honesty is what everyone should aspire to achieve. Whereas we have certain clearly delineated policies, stubbornness among humanity is proving hard to tame. Protruding horns have remained intact around our present time professionals who want an anyhow approach of tackling matters no matter how delicate the issue at hand happens to be.

The scenario that we were treated to two months ago in the National Hospital Insurance Fund saga has laid it bear that some people will actually try hard to be ethical in the way they handle matters. Playing around with another man's money regardless of how that man manged to find such money is playing out easily from the bosses as if the whole issue is as simple as picking a glass to drink water. A worker's money is so much disrespected yet he/she contributes honestly to the economic growth of the country.Their hard earned money is changing hands with corrupt hands that lacks the moral authority to be leaders in the fund.

Small critical wavelengths fails man everyday. Observing a simple ordinance for the betterment of life is turning out to be a challenge to a modern day professional. Short cuts and easy money is what many want to run to despite its ruining nature. Society is slowly being destroyed by the hands that were necessitated to protect it. The coming generation is endangered with the fact that they could easily occupy a society that is tattered and greatly knocked down on its core pillars to guide the formative. Someone needs to rise up against these senseless embroilment that will sooner or later confuse someone.

Everyone of us is endowed with responsibility to recheck, correct and uphold the right principles for a safer life. Let us all look back at our levels of integrity and correct our mistakes early.     

Survival skills ... continued

We pick from where we stopped  and give you what we promised. So how do you survive and at the same time sustain your business in this sporadic times? Survival tip one is that, questions of natural forces that are beyond your control must always be considered in your initial blue print particularly in your business plan. No one can tell when inflation will beat its path to your business. Cases of drought, war and even erratic weather5 pattens have never fallen short of occurring. These all inevitable issues must be thought through by every aspiring business personality. You have to attain and understand their impact to enable you position your business in a good foundation that will withstand their test supposing they took place.

Measure their weight, cost and how much friction they can stir around and save the findings. Do this analysis for your own good and future as you must remember that, you are not the only person running that kind of business in your vicinity. Mark and know your boundaries too well and seal them properly. A second factor to consider while thinking initiating a business is about a kernel tip, that of market information. You have a well formulated structure of how you want your business operate  and have fully cited out in your mind. Staging a business in mind and running it in real life are two different facets. 

Thereby putting you in that wanting stance of needing market information. Market knowledge is of high essence here as perhaps this is what will set you apart from your next door competitors. You need to understand fully the trends and behaviors of your relevant industry. What sells and what does not sell. Tell what survives the first five years and why and who fails within their first few months of launch and why. Tell the market receptions of product and services. Understand the strengths and weaknesses of your rival . How much do they know and how effective are they at work. Where are they failing and how can you take advantage of their weakness?
See you soon


"A false friend and a shadow attend only while the sun shine."
                                                                              Benjamin Franklin

Of Personal Integrity

There is nothing as sickening and lowering as one exposing himself or herself as corrupt in both character and morals. Living a vulnerable individual rapture d in all ways in its own right is quite demeaning and perturbing altogether. The kind of actions and behaviors that is posted by some of our fellow society members is so disturbing and a high level of disrespect to our children. What has become of personal integrity amongst humanity is turning out to be a snappy affair for one to determine. A wall mart of questionable behaviors round right thinking members as dealt a major blow to the growth and well being of this society.

Some young people and even unfortunately children are growing up with wrong parents who on many occasions act as bad examples to their own offspring. Pertinent matters of trustworthy and lack of reliability kills our present community. Packaging oneself for life has become a long and cumbersome road for some people to trudge. The older community in particular have become so reckless and insipid in the way they behave, talk and perform their duties. They are reducing their professions to a scene of scandals by promoting corruption and bad practices at the expense of well laid down policies of work and codes of conduct means for self regulation.

They forget too fast that young people are watching them and sooner or later will be judged by their way of acting. As a parent or professional, you stand to give wise counsel to your children or expert advice to your audience, you do not bribe or corrupt, you do so because you merit and believe that you have what it takes to do so. You are a professional you are a parent or even an opinion leader, learn how to behave. Personal dignity is of utmost importance than even what you practice. Remember, you must first exude confidence before you are trusted by those whom you want to win and believe in you that you can deliver what you claim you execute.  


In our bid to honor our promise, we talk about survival skills, sustainability and how to be an industry leader in your business on our business tip along the week. The feature comes your way courtesy of ethics and professionalism in the way you must conduct your business and yourself. Uprightness and having reality of facts is what we serve you today/ Looking at the general view of our major towns, we get the impression of towns in business. The busy front stores, bustle in the municipal markets and the actual jostling of people in the central business district is a clear indication that no man or woman is in town to waste his or her time.

They all know too well that every lapse of a minute in idleness is a count of loss. In the interest of adding to the economic pillar using right words that of being in business is what make these men and women from all walks of life converge in their respective businesses to make a mark in the economic angle. In the name of all those established maintained and upcoming ventures, all we don't know is whether these men and women have what it takes to run a business. Areas of survival skills, sustaining a business and eventually becoming an industry leader is no walk in the park. 

We need to see your resilience, acumen, desire and enough diligence to walk the talk of being a business man or woman. The turbulence and unpredictable nature of the business world calls for an entrepreneur to always be on their feet running , craning for new information and recording the present intelligence of the change of season. Business temperatures are always over heating and one has to develop thick skin to survive the excess heat. 

Starting a business is not for the faint heated but rather for those who are ready to negotiate all those business corners which most of the time are soggy, slippery and tricky altogether to walk on. For this reason therefore, if you are toying with the idea of starting a business then be ready to walk this prickly path of learning the survival skills, how to sustain business in our fast lane changing markets........... to be continued;
                                                                                                                                        See you soon


"If you don't know what you want, you end up with a lot you don't."
                                                     The Doorman Flight club


During the times of Sodom and Gomorrah in the bible, that society was destroyed because of their avarice and carnal appetites that they signposted more than the real reason of why they were alive. In our  hitherto society, it seems integrity and credibility issues will cut us off and expose our vulnerability in attending to both basic national matters and the way we handle ourselves as individuals. The recent exposure of tassels between men in office shamelessly behaving badly has a long way to go regarding how we as ordinary right thinking members of society carry ourselves and the nature of how we execute our duties.

Personal dignity has seriously waned amongst some people regardless of their ages. We act very meanly and dangerously for our children and young men and women in our community. Personal integrity is largely missing in the quarters that is much needed. How can two grown ups ij the stature of educated as they mighty identify themselves  fight over a seat in the flash of cameras? Was that children's hide and seek or reality? Did their children see them behaving so, and if for sure they saw, what daddy does while at work, what did these two men whom I refuse to call gentlemen did when they I arrived home in the evening; did they tender an apology for poor behavior to their spouses and children?

That kindergarten act from the chair of National Hospital Insurance Fund two months ago of preventing his deputy from occupying the seat was so unbecoming and a sign of immaturity. Casting a dark spell to our older community on how rigid and intolerant they are in terms of championing the growth and critical changes in our society today. We cannot have such calibers around us and expect them to direct others in the right direction when they are needed. A lot lays under the bridge whether at all those who call themselves as grown ups if at all they are what they say if action is anything to go by. Cases of breach of trust are rife and a deep gesture of just how humanity has fallen in terms of charac6ter traits. Keep it us as we upbraid the ills of our society.      

Thursday, July 19, 2012


"It's not strength that matters ; but it is focus."
                                                       Bruce lee

Monday, June 11, 2012


"Great copy, ultimately is an exploration, stimulation, or provocation of the prospect's greatest and deepest desires, fears, hopes, and dreams."
                                                                                                 Micheal Masterson.

Communal Versus Individualism

Which is the killer of another? Conservatism or radicalism? side by side every stand has its own pro and cons. But the aspect of collective responsibility is highly laudable here. Resources being shared equally to all and sundry. Solutions reaching out on appointed time, and that respect on communal asserts such as land that was not easily tempered thus proving security of the family for both subsistence or a family being rendered destitute because of the selfish thinking of one person who things has what it takes more than other present living members.

Matters have to be discussed extensively amongst the concerned before a certain duty was carried out. We so much buy into the thinking of Archbishop Desmond Tutu views on solving African problems. Let us be burden bearers to our brothers who are held back because of this or that is what the old man was trying to put across in his message to the people. Individualism has set its feet fast in the land and quickly depleting the basic social structure to extend that someone can easily by pass a sick child who is struggling with his/her life.

Because of again our diminished care, major streets in our various towns are lambasted with a number of street children who needs everyone's attention in reaching out for them to provide alternative shelter. As if that is not enough, cases of abandoned children whether in hospitals or dump sites are also rampant in our current society. Our hearts have weaned from being humane and instead filled with contempt,. prejudice and individualism. A contemporary human being is disfigured and deformed in a certain way

In a way, we are pushed from the correct position where we are supposed to stand as a community. Pressure as many will want to assert is a pure scapegoat but for how long will circumstances determine how we should live? Let us think again regarding how we approach life in our modern days.   

BUsines tip

On matters business, wait on us here where we will bring you an exclusive piece carrying three part tier on sustainability in business, survival skills and wrapping it up with how to be an industry leader in your own preferred field of interest. Our piece will be founded on the grounds of experience, honesty and originality in equipping you on how to run your own business as a young person and making it big in your industry regardless whether there is already market dominance with the big cats.

Ours could be to help you position yourself strategically so that you see clearly so that you take advantage of the emerging opportunities. The tips will be all about stitching your fabrics together to have a seamless successful business operated by a professional oriented mind to attain your breakthrough. Gone are the days when business es were run on baseless grounds without any knowledge of how to conduct business.

People start their own business not because they are failures or school drop out but rather because they want to solve a problem in the society. You open a business because you want to grow and test your own waters of what is defined as areas of your own interests. When professionalism intelligence ethics and pure career orientation crosses with the right person having noted a n unending problem somewhere winning looms at large in the offing. Good luck to all those of you out there who are aspiring to joining the business market. Sky can only be the limit. See you next.


"People need to be taught from an early age that no one owes them anything in life, and that character traits such as curiosity, hard work, honesty, thrift, innovation, ingenuity and above all, self-reliance are to be commended."
                                                                                           Tim Staermose.

Can the Fabric of oneness bee Patched?

Our society seems to have lost direction not only on one issue but several other critical platforms. Rapture is not only experienced of family issues but also on societal norms. We decry the fallen state of the marriage institution in this country that is strongly lacked down with heavy chains of controversy and unfaithfulness. Filthy oduor graces many a nose to the chagrin of the disadvantaged of who comes in in the name of children.

We believe that society's children ought not to go through such sickening and chilling experiences brought about by the immaturity and poor civilization on the side of their parents. The defining canvas that once united humanity is slowly tearing off and exposing our nakedness to the extend that it should n't go. At one angle is all about the terrestrial cheating habits amongst people while on the right side is about meeting the horrible disheartening modern day character traits of the communities young generation that lost itself somewhere in the jungle and are struggling to find their way out though the move is turning out to be a toll order on some who have literally succumbed to their fate.

Drugs , alcohol, sugar mummies and modern day immoralities kills our generation. Society's sanity is weaning off. It sometimes lays out as if our life is made up of mad persons only. Common sense is no longer being applied where necessary. Senseless acts are what fills extensively the corners of our society. Humanity can be all that evil and sick but what we cannot let  happen is to sell our lives to the dogs and pigs. We can be  one again if we choose to behave and up our effort in mending the fences. We cannot afford a valueless people. Every one needs norms and morals to have their clothes on. We all love harmony and smooth running of affairs. Do something to rescue and patch a torn part somewhere in your life. 

POETRY: Them and Us

                        By David Gill

They are rooted here. Their tenuous life,
haunted by ancestors , walks beneath these leaves.
Out of sight but always well in earshot
our neighbors weave the slow grass mats
of their dark- green unfathomable lives,

Whilst we in our dry, well furnished houses
(the protectorate served its servants well)
with house boys polishing the spacious acres,
Stare out across the smooth manorial lawns 
and red platoons of cannas through the trees 
to alien hills that shoulder us away.
What do you think of David GILL'S poem? Share your thoughts with us. 


"The source of lasting happiness can never come from outside yourself through consuming values- but only from within yourself by creating value."
                                                                                                       Kekich Credo

Where did that strong bond of empathy go to?

Once upon a time, we were one with a lot of harmony and cohesion. THE BOND WAS SO STRONG THAT ONE COULD NOT DISTINGUISH WHETHER THE OCCUPANTS WERE NEIGHBORS OR A LARGE COMMUNITY COMPRISED OF FRIENDS AND RELATIVES. mistake S WERE PUNISHED ,errant admonished, guidance offered and all that needed a direction in one issue or another searched not further. Terms and conditions that everyone ought to subscribe to and observe and maintained were laid down clearly for all to be familiarized and be in conformity with.

Dire consequences too were loudly pronounced for the stubborn minds that could not learn by themselves unless supervised. Order, organization and a state of sanity was somehow visible and cultivated among the dwellers of our ancient society. Every one's role was cut out and everyone knew what to do. Division of labor was paramount and laziness frowned at and those specifically notified with such kind of character traits stood a big danger of even loosing their families as divorce was neigh to nebulous people.

The society was well organized and children to adults fitted in well given the effortful tasks of village elders who had a critical role of ensuring justice and proper administration of duties is carried out as intentioned. Problems were solved communally and those in the wrong given requisite advice on how to avoid such misfortunes. Despite the customs and notable shortfalls here and there, this fabric of the ancient times is still admirable in the way they carried themselves with a strong background of decorum and dignity.

Slowly things started changing and everything that was a core definition togetherness disintegrated with the change of time. W hover is associated with the cutting of this communal tree that meant so much is still at large. but whether you agree or not , a fact is that there is so much we can learn from our former society that can draw us back to the basics in mending our torn fabric.