Saturday, October 27, 2012

Why LOUSINESS at the Expense of Personal Dignity?

Society and its sideshows is proving hard to understand . The element s that make up a community too are snared with countless pitfalls around their lives. The noise that is increasingly on each waking of the day if anything for sure is a worrying situation. People have forgotten basic behaviors as and gone ahead to behave closely as their beasts. Common sense is no longer being practiced. Children are being fed on fodder that they are not supposed to be treated on. Parents have certainly turned unpredictable . Lousiness HAS BECOME THEIR NEW PASTIME . Where is their personal dignity and decorum? Can't they have a little respect for themselves and their children to prevent them from shouting and uttering the unmentionable words unashamed?

So immaturity has clouded their minds and turned them into children weakling on responsibility and level headedness? For how long are we going o be treated with this senseless habits? Children need direction and guidance . Why can/'t these baseless parents understand the critical of their position and shape up? Must everyone around their neighborhood know that critical thinking lacks in some individuals and that people find it hard to respect them around their age groups? Questions without answers and society continues to expose  its rottenness and lack of sobriety and dignity to provide leadership and sense of order.

We here decry ordinariness lack of the spirit of excellence. Just how long does it take people to understand that they are making  distraught mistakes and correct them? Why can't we learn from our past experiences? The fact that today people differed, must the same issue again be the question of tomorrow's misunderstanding? Correcting errors is a word for all of us. Improve is the ingredient you and I need to move from one failure to betterment. To what extend will our precariousness expose our nakedness? Mature up people and save the society the shame and indignity that has persisted unnecessarily.

We are not all mad and sick. Let us practice sanity. The extend of these noises from various quarters is not good for our future. It is very unfortunate if for instance a parent's behavior will cause the child to pick wrong decisions and carry them into their adulthood . Why replicate the same behavior in your generation? Parents wherever you are, know that you're bestowed with a role of leading , correcting, advising guiding and instill a sense of order into your children.   The growing generation does not need all that noise. We don't need to know that you are also a questionable parent. Limit the level of mistakes that you make on a typical day. Choose excellence and practice being different with each new dawn 

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