Saturday, October 27, 2012

AWARENSESS; Personal Development

It is our pleasure again to bring you this platform where we discuss about you and how you can evade a lot of shortfalls in your life on a daily basis. In a sequel, let us talk about you and how to carry yourself around on a daily basis. So what should you do and what should you avoid? Insecurity , pleasing people, compromising to look good among other factors do not fit you. Don't let your fear or inadequacy lead you into making decisions that will jeopardize your life later. Be yourself. be real. stick to authenticity and always practice cutting character according to your abilities and strengths. 

Shed off your compromises and choose to grow up. The fact here is that, you cannot please everyone unless you want to be a failure. Personal development is about creating awareness around your life. It is about digging around your life and weeding out unnecessary extensions. Prune your life and always live a conscious person. Be alert with your senses and tear off those protruding angles that act as inhibiting factors towards being  a real you. When you note case of ignorance, redundancy, laziness or even questions of wrong decisions or peer pressure. Be in the forefront in fighting incivilities around your life. 

This is self improvement. Remember you cannot be that ideal person if you don't make it your responsibility and correct these immature errs. Purpose towards being yourself and doing those things that are you . Assignments that utilize your energies and strengths. Keep off questionable companies. It is so surprising that even those people deemed to be mature are being affected by peer pressure. Don't lead or let your life be characterized with injustices of different magnitudes. Don't sale your self to lies or alcohol or immorality. Face your everyday life a step at a time. 

Open your eyes and see well. When you see any skewed factor in your , clean it off before attempting anything else. Don't move into your next stage of life with misdemeanors of countless calibers. Advocate for growth and steer off from immaturity. Do not allow to be made into a prisoner by senselessness. Don't be turned into a fool by small failures. Immaturity is a disease, fight it. You can easily be scandalize your life by letting ignorance take a big part of you. Improve and always be fresh as a day drops in.

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