Saturday, April 28, 2012


" All coaching is, is taking a player where he can't take himself.''
                                                                                 Bill McCartney

Editorial/ Evolution of Gospel Industry

The change of times and evolution of the perspectives sorrounding the gospel industry has brough a turn around growth of the industry as evidently witnessed in our current society. The fact that kenya is not a religious country yet gospel is so popular is such a fascinating encounter. Pitted against other competive lifestyles, gospel has come of age to take center stage in  kenya and literally giving all other life options a run for their money. Previous conservative corporates have come out of their cocoons and declared their interests openly to all and sundry in supporting the industry.

Media houses, corporate personalities that earlier frowned about religion have had their eyes opened lately and they seem to be seeing things that  they had not laid their hands before. The hard work of the young generation is spreading fast and almost catching up with everyone. Indeed there is a clear lessons here for the older community to take thier time and learn. Youths are a revolution on their own and a force to reckon with. When they decide to take charge of their lives and society, they send strong signals that are both tailored towards change and growth.

The gospel industry is particularly run and fueled by young energies that have pickled odds to establish a path where it didn't exist before. Questions of resilience , self belief, endorsement of person's own capabilities pegged on honesty, diligence and pure believe in God has for sure created an industry that is clearly founded on strong principles as well as an inimitable feet given our current times. We laud the positive signals and impulses that are in seismic evolution since the emergence of this industry. Whereas we can count more positives based on this topic, we take a journey through this subject to establish whether at all the sensationalism and popularity that has come with the gospel industry has actual impact on the lives of people in our land. Keep it youtoo for a full dose exploration.


"A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval."
                                                                             Mark Twain

Is Kenya Tailored For the Lord?

This is a major question to many a religious persons out there. Democracy together with freedom of expression and association have come from a far to be a prime benefactor of many souls. DeMOCRACY HAS ALLOWED PEOPLE TO OWN THEMSELVES AND THEIR LIVES. cOMMUNICATION AND ASSOCIATION HAS BROUGHT TOGETHER LITTLE KNOWN GROUPS THAT HAVE FULLY EMBRACED EACH OTHER AND ACCEPTTED THEMSELVES AS THEY ARE.aGAINST all these meetings and easy accessibility to the Lord has been discussed amongst them in one way or another.

The recent trend and the fame that gospel industry has ilicited, it as come as a shocker to amny contrary to the earlier conservativeness that was associated with christianity. Countless messages based on religious context has rented the airwaves ranging from radio, television , internet and traditionally church premises. All those diverse channels have been employed and united together in the effort os spreading the gospel. Kenya in particular has the highest number of religious shows compared to its neighboring countries. Being the much hyped country in terms of gosssspel, does the popularity that has come of age done anything positive and tangible?

A lot of information concerning the bible and the general good news have practically dominated almost over across this expansive country. Not many people can claim ignorance in the word, great effort has been initiated , pitting a chief concern; are Kenyans much informed, inherently deeply to their Lord as expected given the tens of thousands of messages shared? Looking at critical pointers in the actual society where these listeners and followers originate from, evils and maligned intentions reign high. Given the numerous atrocities that takes place inside our communities, where do Christians hide or is it a question of who is fooling who?

Career Growth

In the past two months we had an anecdote as this;"a smart man makes a mistake, learns from it , and never makes that mistake again. But a wise man finds a smart man and learns and learns from him how to avoid the mistake altogether." Let us talk about mistakes in our career growth . At what point for you as a career person do you identify mistakes, learns from them and correct them later? Actions of justification and defensiveness are popular amongst humanity. Not many can easily accept their mistakes and correct promptly as mentioned to them. However, career looks for a smart man who is quick to correct and listen without being defensive. Everyone needs a career for posterity. Some in honor of their future generation while others for prestige and self satisfaction.

Devoid of reasons, we all need to build a clear legacy to be emulated later by those who will succeed us. Maintaining a flawless culture in your career is what all of us must work towards in every minute we consume. Establishing an inimitable career path revolves around making mistakes. How wise one can become along the way is another trick. Smarten yourselves just like you have been advised by Roy. H. Williams in his anecdote. Mistakes are here to shape humanity. You need them to take precautions and always watch your back. Countless heads have fallen before and you 're not an exception.

Your only difference is whether you are a learner or a fool. Society is filled with paradigm. Open your eyes and see those smart people and learn from the how they resolved their dilemmas to be who they are today. For your career to be successful, you must also take initiative and dig around it to keep off weeds from competing for the same space and light.
 See you soon
Editor' youtooformorality


"Transformation can only be achieved through education."
                                                    Matt Smith

Popularity of the Gospel Industry

There has been a lot of public information layered all over based on the gospel industry. The fact that the gospel artistes have curved their way out and made their presence known to the market place is no mean revelation. They have come of age to take charge of their industry and for sure driving it safely to greater destinations compared to their fellow artistes in the secular industry. The fame and popularity of the industry has given many an artistes that needed breakthrough that seemed to be a coveted spot selected for the few in the past years.

Cemented by strong anchors earlier, the industry indeed is founded on strong foundation given the former pillars who invested highly on principles, talent and calling. The industry has gone further to single handedly found favor in the names of gospel awards such as groove which is founded solely to recognize and appreciate talent in the region. Given the much fame and countless tours that the awards has taken round the country, only a fool could think that it is a game for the show of who is who in the corporate world alongside the industry.

The industry has a clear vision of reaching out to the world in spreading the good news through music and talents. The response by the market has been terrific and super verb. The turn out in the tours has been both soothing and a major signature of just how much society has embraced one of its own in the name of musicians. As we have these kind of piles of good will investments of reaching out to the masses, we still question the impact and force of change in the availability of the industry.

Society still wakes up to rude shocks of mean atrocities and injustices countered on innocent people. The air waves have been filled with positive messages. What we are largely lacking is the good ears to listen and movers to initiate practicality and change. We wonder about all the raised hands to the gospel that can still be traced in several underhand thereby rendering a major blow to the new fangled effort of the gospel industry and its popularity.

Poerty; Just A word

When dogs encounter
They hesitate,
They sense a kinship
Stop, sniff, then part.

As birds glide they tune
A mutual note,
Beak by beak greetings flare
To form the music of the air.

Even cups in a tray
Make a sound as they touch;
Leaves rustle;
Yet the human voice is hushed.

Strangers silently we passed 
Only to look behind;
The other's head has also turned
 As if to greet my mind.

What do you think of Sheikha A. El-Miskery's poem? Does the poem make any sense in our real world? Keep the commenting coming. Enjoy


" School is never out for the pro."
                                                 Cavett Robert

How Much does Kenya know?

Where much is given much is expected. This is a common phrase that can be used to describe the current uprising of the gospel industry has brought to the fore and fed the country on both sides of its hands. Having played its part by informing and educating the public using al means and techniques, it could only be fair if Kenya can stand be counted and if at all it is worth the salt and effort that has attracted many corporates bodies to support the industry in order to reach the masses.

A lot has been laid out clearly whether through music or talent. The artistes too in the hard work have addded their message to the public and entered the manay records that were established before anyone thought that there could be such a thing as evolution of how religious education is passed out to the concerned. The loopholes have been sealed and boundaries as well as barriers broken. No one today in kenya can claim ignorance of somethings. Lacklustre on the side of the people and getting used to trends is major contributor in spoiling the broth.

It is high time people learned to listen and corrected their errors. Every changing minutes puts a human being in the spotlight. Accountability and assuming of personal responsibilities is our everyday assignment. Many favors presents themselves to us granting everyone an opportunity to recheck their battle field but many a times, privilege is normally abused and treated remotely as just as any other thing. Kenya compared to other east African countries stands on its own league. More good will information has been shared extensively to the disadvantage of their neighboring countries.

If at all Kenya cannot put its act together and act as a paradigm to its next door neighbors, the disappointment will come as a chilling shocker to many organizers of this industry and even perhaps to Satan himself. We are still waiting to see Kenya pull its socks and control its own actions and learn to pick the right direction. We cannot have such sweltering experience in the country and still wake up to bizarre sameness incidents that we are hearing of now.


Still standing tall on its pillar is of course the book industry with its primary role of educating and moving the masses into development . Borrowing from a legend Ben Carson, who states that if you we commit ourselves to reading thus increasing our knowledge, only God limits how far we can go in this world is a clear statement in attesting to how powerful and life changing books can be if allowed to perform their duty in our societies. Having come of age , its testimonies and prowess speaks for themselves regarding how this industry can scour and shape a human being.

 The shocking news however, despite the growth of the industry is the massive ignorance embedded in the society. Little interest and value has been placed on books. Many people are blocked by the social economic challenges that takes much of their time in search for conducive environment where challenges of poverty and lack of unemployment is dreaded and a major nightmare in many lives. W agree with such challenges as being resent in our lives, but one thing we need to know is to learn how to integrate in life and make good use of our time. Unless a previous set back is corrected, mistakes will never be solved and thus calling one into commonness in terms of the methods used to counter those social challenges.

We all need new information and knowledge in one way or another. Everyone believes in the future and expects to have a much more improved life than their present. You need to be aware of your personal needs and learn how to meet them. And one way of beating life dilemmas is about becoming a a regular reader be it of magazines or books. Take charge of your own life and educate yourself where you're lacking. Don't remain a total stranger to books. Class work only is not enough. Do something extra in honor of your future. There exists credibility in books. Don't miss the experience. 
See you soon
Editor; youtoo formorality


"Trust is something to be built up, protected, valued , cherished , and carefully preserved. It is the one thing that changes everything." Alexander Green.

Editorial; Actuality of life

After taking you through a three week marathon of sensitive basic matters of life, this week we take a chill pill and do a sequel of all the three week discussed subjects and draw your attention to actual life. We sample what real life is made of and what is its daily composition. Poignant issues on real life struggles is what we tackle in our menu of the week. What of our real life society where some people are struggling for food, medication , freedom and finally liberty from some level of oppression? Whereas you think that everything is harmonious and calm; reality check states otherwise. People are gravely troubled on parallel grounds.

One family graves for food and water while another is deeply bothered  and hurt by the depreciating condition of their sick parent or brother who has been bed ridden for too long now and they  are worried by the quick depletion of resources that they have highly invested in the patience who is not responding to medication. Whereas some are easily accessed to medical facilities, others somewhere are decrying their sorry state of abjection and desperation as to where and how they can solicited money to enable them meet the agenda of their sick person.

As if that is not enough, what of a neighbor who is entangled in emergency issues? That he/she cannot demonstrate his/her freedom because of this and that of the host? Selfish hands on a daily basis abuse a soul here or there. Intimidation and duress is what they know better than growth. Oppression from employers, parents and even brothers and sisters is what some endure on their everyday life. Peace of mind is never and known by a good number of people in society today. Panting and worries is what embeds our current life. People are not fully settled to enjoy life as they would want to.

Despite what you have and what you do, someone somewhere is going through a difficult time. Out of all these realizations, one is left with only thing; that of giving thanks for who we are and what we have. You might be in a situation, but remember, there is someone somewhere who is more troubled than you. Therefore taking a moment and saying a prayer is not too much to ask.


Given the mean revelation that is finding its way to the public concerning the state of affairs of our modern day pastors, we give you an alternative to meet your spiritual needs to stay safe and secure. It happens that little springs from the pulpit these days other than the insulting facet of scandals and misplaced beliefs from some quarters of denominations is more signposted that the truth. In our previous articles we hinted you on possible places to forge forward. Today we do a sequel and strongly anchor our boat on the bible.

It is a regal book that has been described in many different soothing words to add to our mesmerizing words , for us respect is what we have on the holy book. It contains a lot of wise counsel that is seldom found on those we thought had the intelligence of their ages. Our society today lacks in wisdom and instead churns out readily available mediocrity that has drained many off balance than they thought. You don't have to be a victim of someone Else's ignorance. Take to the steering wheel and drive your own spiritual needs by rooting deeply in the sweet inspiring catchments of the bible.

Propose one hour everyday and read a chapter to guide your day. Start of sparingly, the culture will catch up with time if you choose to practice and move forward spiritually. Stop the lazy way currently popularized behind the guise of attending a church service on Sunday. Sunday alone is not enough. A mature conscious wise person does not need a vision to know that it takes the grace of God to wake up the following morning. We urge you to place value at your spiritual needs to catapult your own growth. 
See you soon
Editor; youtooformorality  

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


"If you  don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you , not much."
                                                 Jim Rohn

We are The Minority

Is just one of the stories that is trending currently in the country. Unsatisfactory voices have awaken from their slumber and are now busy lamenting to the government for all historical injustices that had previously been castigated upon their communities. Looking at the given reasons, is a real reflection of many sidelined communities of people across the board. In Afghanistan citizens are under oppression. Sounds of gunshots is a common fixture destroying the peace of thousands and practically affecting the education system of the children.

In our own backyard, small communities in the name of Endorois and Illchamus communities have cried for justice for so long. They claim their resources are not benefiting them but rather encroachment from other majority communities are the one having a pie while the official owns in the name of Illchamus of Baringo county are crying foul. The cry of the minority is loud in this country yet little is being done to counter their genuine reasons in the bid to get a reprieve from historical imbalances and injustices .

Bemoaning voices from the borders of our country are well laid bear yet the concerned are acting deaf and unperturbed by the grievances raised. Among the many minority groups that have ever come forward, never before have they been more energetic and outspoken as the Mombasa Republican Council. They have come forward with their message well laid out that they cannot take it anymore of the pain and oppression of being sidelined for almost fifty years and are now demanding to separate themselves from the rest of the country.

Whether someone will listen to their voice or it will remain Luke warm as earlier is a discussion for another season. All we want to see is justice in the lives of all human beings. Inhuman treatments have been well manicured in our societies both in the past and now. We believe that it is high time every raised grievance was looked into keenly and oppression for the minority solved.  


The discussion of the week has been hot and solemn. Real issues are everyone's concern as life needs to be respected and protected at all costs. There has been oppression, curfews, health struggles and injustices. Weimplore in the words of Charles Owour in his poem I see a Road if at all humanity could regain harmony and see a road to safety and peace of mind. Enjoy.

I see a road
that runs a hole through a heart
and little cars traveling fast
to further a dream
of little will o' the  wasp
holding a spectre of a flower
and blowing kisses in the wind,

That floats a soothing voice
a cry to a heart new filled to the brim
and love and longing stir it to ripeness
affection lifts the soul 
and dizzies the body to grope in a vacuum
for THAT ROAD TO Mombasa
and little will o' the wasp
holds a spectre of a flower
and blow  kisses in the wind.

The moon's luster opens a yellow flower 
Looking through blue eyes
flashing diamonds
a spark explores in a grabbing heart
as it plucks out this flower 
to treasure in a box at a corner
of a near broken house
as three hundred miles slice a heart in two 
leaving a part in me
and flying the other half
three hundred miles.

What do you think of the poem? Keep your comment coming.
Editor; youtooformorality


"I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do."
                                                                     Leonardo da Vinci

In the name of Food

An African mother is forced to take extreme means in order to help bring food on the table. The love for children and that stature of being there when needed as a parent is perhaps what motivates many women out there to defy all odds and ensure that there is at least something to bite even if it happens once in a day. Given the fact that it is such apparent that people fight over twenty shillings coin in our present society, you must know that the quest for food is an uphill task for many families.

The levels of social grades are clearly delineated when it comes to this particular subject with the one at the bottom of the bottom feeling it all. Pressure at neck of a common person in terms of meeting the basic needs of shelter, food and clothing sounds a gigantic duty to many a families. What they go through and measures they are forced to assume mostly determined by circumstances is so much debilitating. Mention countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq and all those war tone areas and stories of resilience, audacity layered with extra ordinary survival skills will quickly come to the fore.

In this situation of finding food, the battle is not always about indecency treatment experienced somewhere but a fight of life and death to oversee a soul breathe somewhere. In the mix of food, children , disabled , women and some for whatever reason incapacitated in a way majority bear the pangs of hunger. In the name of food, people walk while some cut short their sleep in order to save a shilling. Others put their best foot forward in any kind of available menial assignment to at least get a little money to tackle the challenge of dinner or breakfast for the house.

As the going becomes tough, so is the intelligence and adaptation to new fangled means of survival even when majority of those skills are dangerous and hazardous to life. People would rather risk their own lives other than witness their young ones enduring the ordeal of hunger. 

Friday, April 20, 2012


In our previous articles, we mentioned about the importance of books and promised to you the full meaning of THINK BIG. We are at it yet again to deliver our promise and explain further from where we stopped the meaning of the acronym think big as explained by the author. Without further ado, T=Talent  some short notes about talent states that, if we recognize talents and use them appropriately and choose a field that uses those talents, we will rise to the top of our field. H=honesty and states that, if we live by the rule of honesty and accept our problems, we can go far down the road of achievements.

I=insight and it talked as, if we observe , reflect and commit ourselves to giving our best, we will come out on top. N=Nice under this principle we are told that if we are nice to others, others respond to us in the same way and we can give our best for each other. K=knowledge, it is equipped that if we take every attempt to increase our knowledge in order to use for human good, it will make a difference in us and our world. B=books, if we commit ourselves to reading thus increasing our knowledge, only God limits how far we can go in this world. 

I=In Depth Knowledge states that if we develop in depth knowledge, it will enable us to give our best to others and help to make a better world. G= God under here we are advised that if we acknowledge our need for God, He will help us. So when we talk of think big, think talents, honesty, insight, nice, knowledge, book, in depth knowledge and finally think God. You need such a mix to be a better person in society. Everything you posses has a reason and it is therefore your duty to arise to your responsibility and do something major about your life.
See you soon ,
Editor; youtooformorality 


Thursday, April 19, 2012


"Fear of failure must never be a reason not to try something."
                                                                            Frederick Smith 

Death or breathe?

Thousands of lives across the board succumbs to their predicaments due to reasons of lacking in one thing or another. Medication for sure has become an expensive affair to many people around our lives. Families struggle to save the lives of their loved ones in both moral support and financial investments. The quest to breathe or death is a real occurrence in our present life that many grapple with. Life is becoming too expensive for some people. The  nightmare of consolidating money to treat certain chronic diseases is becoming too much. The panting, frantic nature of the concerned families and the general mood of worries and uncertainty sends minds into headaches.

It is upon this backdrop that many people contemplate on taking into tricky, dangerous mischievous moves in order to save a life. People go to the extreme and sweat their last sweat to see a breathe is restored and normalcy regather. Our empathy is to all those people around the globe who are dealing currently with such kind of an affair of perhaps attending to a sick person whether friend or a family. Life is very precious and when one soul is troubled with a a kind of sickness , the whole house is for sure send into panic as the recipient is one of us pain notwithstanding. Somethings are inevitable.

 BUT the cost of treating a disease is heavy, cumbersome and draining in most occasions. The aspect of a family trading their last investment in a sickness in equal measure reaps off life its sweetness and pleasure as it is supposed to be and happen to people. That is why here we take time and take you through real life issues that can easily break the right order of life to enable you take note of certain privileges that you enjoy daily oblivious of its favor. Understand that it takes grace for you to be who you are; fine and having everything in order. Don't take life for granted. Learn to thank God for Every opportunity of breathe. He is the only one who knows your tomorrow.

AWARENESS; Personal Development

On our personal development today, we learn how to protect, own and initiate a buffer upon our life. Informed clearly from our subjects of discussion this week, it is turning out  that an ordinary person is having it rough in the real world. We find it only fair if we can share a thought with you so that you cs learn on how to rescue and protect your life from certain humiliating ordeals. WE make it very clear that poverty is not a permanent notice. Neither is ti epic or special in a way to be challenged. Every one has the capability to tackle poverty.

People don't need to go through those unwarranted escapades that such conditions takes them through. You got to decide to have a life. Life is meant to be enjoyed and be savored in all facets. Circumstances, challenges and shortfalls will surely be around. But you as an individual has what it takes to beat them all hands down. Stop accepting some things in your life as normal. IF you experience scarcity in one thing or another, take it seriously and notice it from the first sign and take it upon yourself to identify it as a critical thing that needs your attention and suitable diligent solution. 

Don't wait to be hit hard for you to wake up. Own your life and choose how you live your life . Ordinariness is a disease on its own right. And it is there where you need to be alert and just cease living an average person. You will hate life for no reasons. Create a protective buffer of your self by being conscious and being well informed. Ignorance is the first ingredient to having a banal tiring life. Stop being a common person. You don't need those daily struggles. Choose to strive for one year to save your thirty years. Don't wait to be forty to understand that you had a condition to settle. Live wisely especially if you are a young person. Partying now may not add salt to your mileage in fifty year's time. Choose to be sensitive and solve your problems correctly using the right channels and techniques.
See you soon.
Editor; youtooformorality    


"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."
                                                                                       John Hermon 

Who stole my Freedom?

Hands of impunity , selfish minds and prejudiced souls embroiled in their own mess of awkwardness have sprawled their dirty streams of water into a neighboring boundary and practically destroyed the peace of an innocent person somewhere. The fact that the correspondent found his or her way into their door step, they confused him for a slave and shamelessly went ahead to reap off his or her rights of freedom. T Hey want to be on every case of the said neighborer's life. They eave drops in her communication in one direction, and on another occasion they give restrictive , discriminative instructions that are only tailored towards making one's life unbearable.

What of our selfish unethical employers who play stubborn in terms of remunerating their employees? How do they expect them to live their lives? What of our snitch government with prejudiced policies upon their employees? Why do they just see them as inferior and close to chattels? Who informed these two levels of categories that they are so special in the eyes of their subordinate and owes to step on their feet without an apology? What special privilege do they posses below and above their employees? Did you say money, a means of exchange? So who informed you that when you loaded with dip pockets, your first assignment is to oppress others? Style up wherever you're and learn to respect humanity.

You cannot compare life with materials. The fact that you do not have what it takes to create one should be enough reason to wisen your head. Some people have never know sanity  and tranquility at the expense of lofty, senseless tyrant mind somewhere. That is not how life is supposed to be lived and be approached. Every one needs dignity everywhere they step and no one has the mandate to offer punitive malicious methods to make life difficult for others. Be your brothers keeper. Don't pretend, we all need decency to maintain our self esteem.

Career Growth

Respect for others is what you need to posses in order to differentiate yourself from ordinary members of society. After all, you are a career person and we need to see your modesty and maturity. Market your difference to us the public so that we fully know you and your life principles. Treat and present your career persona in you. You are the boss. Bring out your distinction from your immediate manager. Show leadership in your career. Give workable easy to follow instructions.

Make life bearable for those under you. Walk the work place with deserved dignity for both your employees and yourself. No one is interested in your petulance if you have any. NO one is also to know that you had a bad day the previous night. Your personal problems are your own burden. Stop speeling them over to unauthorized quarters and persons. NO one wants to know that you also posse s pettiness and mediocrity in one way or another. Careers for posterity and it requires your full investment of both character and professionalism if at all it has to flourish and spread widely.

Don't create a seamless scenes of laughter and gossip pertaining you as the major subject regarding how carry yourself . Present yourself correctly in your career. Seal all the loopholes that can easily bring down your kingdom. Respect your juniors to make it easy for them to reciprocate your kindness. Tendering abuses freely is a far cry in a career person. Focus on growing your career on suitable professional principles to enable you move to the next level of your career path. Stop shouting at people in the pretense that you are talking to them. Speak like a grown up.

 Make clear intentions in both job description and correction of mistakes. Look here guys, you don't have to wait to be in career to start learning what it entails , start early to position yourself strongly in a field of your professional choice. 
See you next,
Editor; youtooformorality

Monday, April 16, 2012


"The real contest is always between what you've done and what you're capable of doing. You measure yourself against yourself and not anybody else."
                     Geoffrey Gaberino.

Editorial/ Easter Holiday

Dedicated Christians across the board took their time out and observed tenets associated with the just concluded easter holiday. THe holiday is commonly chararcterisirsed with fasting for atleast forty days and denials around one's luxuries to allocated most of the time to prayer. UNder this banner of preparartion for easter, many routiness are dropped and people concentrate mostly on pleasing their maker through their actions.

 Whereas praise and worship rents the air almost everywher you turn, it is equally sad to note that the whole concept of buying into the idea of applying the right version of living is not seriously employed in people's lives permanently. THe issue of self sacrifice is as short term as the marking of the holiday starting on Ash Wednesday and culminating through lent and finally forgotten after marking Easter on good FRiday through easter monday. In our subsequent articles, we focus on what next after easter.

After a full month plus dedication to the correct version of living, have people changed or will we still fall back to our mundane and ordinary awkward lifestyles? THinking in  the minds of ordinary members of society who are poorly schooled and mustly uncultured, we check whethere these individuals unfortunately where the majority fall have what it takes to listen and champion change and even scour their own lives.

Digging further into a life of a common person, we notice that these people are chiefly troubled with so many issues both basic and sopyscicated. Whereas he or she tries hard to catch up with the celerity of life, other than not many are destructed with one too many matters that require their attention. Their ignorance betrays them and prejudice apathy notwithstanding, you must know that an ordinary society member has a long way to go. Riguor, and home work are some of the things that must be in demand within his/her reach to stirrany change.  Keep it here for a full dose. 

Bible STudy

The Bible being still the number one book on earth, we look at its place, value and interest in your life. Previously we have highly recommended the book to you as the most respected regal tome. Jesus himself being an influential leader on the face of the earth means   a lot about this particular book. As you might have noted, it is not easy for an ordinary person to attain such status and credentials of being known as an influential person. Having an estimated 2.2 billion people raising their hands to Jesus as a leader is not a joke. There must have been sweltering job behind the scenes.

Just mentioning a name as this and purely focusing on what Jesus did while on earth,truly in its own right qualify this bible as a must read text for anyone serious and alive. When you take your bible to read for whatever reasons, we advise you to be proud of the book and embrace it fully and even make it to be part of your breakfast. The bible holds a ig part in your life if at all you are conscious enough to understand why you breathe. Its value and interest speaks for itself.

Society members who have fully endorsed it have a different kind of story to tell and a totally different life from any living member who lacks that personal discipline of reading the holy book. We ourselves here have done that before and we are speaking from experience. If at all you are looking for real success and clear understanding in your own life, the bible is the best place to begin from. It is only in here where truth and authenticity is the order of the day. AS for your information, there is nothing a human being should be in search for other than the truth. You need to look at matters as they are and not the way they are reflected somewhere. Real growth is also largely available in this valuable treasure. 
See you soon.
EDITOR; youtooformorality.    


"Begin somewhere; you cannot build a reputation on what you intend to do."
                  Liz Smith

Is a human being tailored for Tame?

Keeping in mind the many chances that a  normal human being has been exposed to previously and even now, is he or she really willing to tender her time in informing and educating himself about relevance, convenience, and truth? Given the numerous churches lavished densely within our society, who listens to their messages to fully understand and the after put it in action?

Look at man in all facets and his positioning in life, dspite nthe advantages that he commands compparred to his fellow creatures, why is he famously associated with abuses, tirades and commotions both mentally and real world? THough there exists liberty, man has continously enslaved himself both in action and ways of thinking. Rarely do we see modesty in many occasions. Scandals and countless senselesss ordeals ies what majorly rents the air and color our everyday living.

 It is so easy for someone to embrace negativity than positivity. Public stunts is what many long for than real life endevours layered with good will intentions to stir change and progress. WE just bid bye to easter season a few days ago, and we are largely wondering if at all people took time to learn and sign post their previous misfortunes and do something about the past errors. Easter came in with a simple message to draw back people back to the basics and grant them one of its own kind opportunity to pay attention to one's life and choose which way to pick.

Many flocked our places of worship, while some held demonstrations in the street all in the name of remembering the death and resurrection of Christ who paid ransom for our sick lives to rescue many a soul from danger of the sparkled spiked fierce hands of the devil. Whether people listened to the way of the son of man or they went for a show off mission is a subject for another season. Cases of valueless pretentious souls are not new gestures in this life. Controversy maligns many hands touching the pulpit and the followers just like their leaders, never fall too far from the tree.

 Whether you're for tame or stubbornness, that is your own problem. However, what you need to know is that being alive comes with responsibilities and that it is at the junction of admitting responsibility that separates boys from men and girls from women.        

Poetry; Primus Priory

When we as human being change positions of factualness and employ misappropriation and expect life to be normal, you surprise the generation. You cannot place your left arm or leg on your right leg and walk comfortably. Stop dreaming is perhaps the message that is being relayed to us in the following poem. Sample it for fun and growth as well. The lessons are very simple and clear. Enjoy 

Courtesy Jared Angira

My man is gone away to serve 
                                         the master
                                         his chief
At the set of the sun 
                                        the pigeons
                                        and wagtails
                                        are homing
lurking along the cold side 
The black wall of euphorbia
Down the valley I hear
                                        the shepherds call
 The wolves have hawled
                                         from the hillside
The half-potent old men 
                                         virility sailed away with time
                                          minutes turned into years
The worn out men
                                       sing ruthless epics
                                       from beer party gospels;
                                       The golden flutes
I do not know, I do not know
I cannot tell, And I cannot tell
                                      When my man will come
                                       When my man will come
I must live these days alone
For my man must serve the chief
The weaver bird should rest in her nest
And stir not the heat- burnt hope
 For the fog is still absent

Let peasants cry into the dusk
The fields have partial answers
Children endlessly rock in the cradles
 Shall I go to find my mate?
Hunger shall never let me rest
The hours delve into years
Soon I shall have no tears to shed
No laughter to burst
 I will not know 
When first it started.

Don't wait for matters to exacerbate to that extend. Get your priorities right on the onset. The fact that you are human doesn't necessarily always have to end in misery and embroilment as it is the case in our real life. If you are the head play your part and stop messing others because of your indecisiveness.           

See you soon 
Editor; youtooformorality 

Friday, April 13, 2012


"Success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire."
                       Arnold H. Glassow                         

Of typicalness & uncivilized ordinary member of society

The poorly educated person and uncultured in many ways is the kind of person we tackle on this article and look at her or him in various platforms and see if indeed thhis type of individuals is capable of embracing change out of the sickening embroilment of scandals and pettiness in his her life. On various grounds, a limited schooled person has a lot of issues both touching on integrity, growth, civilization and total human dignity.

a TYPICAL PERSON RARELY DOES HE/SHE TAKE TIME TO UNDERSTAND CRITICAL THINGS THAT ARE DIRECTLY LINKED TO HIS OR HER LIFE. their WAY OF LIVING IS ABOUT BLABBERING AND DWINDLING HERE AND THERE. they ARE OPINION LEADERS IN Anything regarding of how much or how little they know about a subject and command that needed respect in winning other people's trust in order to grant him or her their ears.

 Uncivilized minds likes hullabaloos, fights, quarrels and common time disorder in almost everything they are engaged in. Mediocrity is their sumptuous evening party as well as a side dish salad for their morning . Matters of how to present themselves to people and on several occasions real time life issues is such as big nightmare them. Yet we have this thing called change that can be achieved mostly through someone taking initiate to correct errors and taking a major step further by making some thing happen that was practically not available before.

 We wonder whether with well coated message of easter holiday if at all our ordinary members of society found value in a word to look into their ways of living and change one thing or another. Honestly, it is difficult to change a typical person for the exercise is meted with countless objections and suffers both apathy and prejudice.  

AWareness personal development

Consciousness, actuality of real time life issues and veracity is what everyone else in this present moment oughs to know to authoritatively man and secure his/her life from the strong talons of mediocrity and every day ignogrance. So is our personal development today, we highlight on ignorance. No one to be truthful can claim to be competence and to be well versersed with almost every thing concerning the tens of thousands of subjects availabale under the face of the earth.

In one way or another ignorance must be admitted in one 's life. This is just about being real. There is no present time human being who is fully eqqipped with informationn and intelligence concerning every day happenings in life. Beating the challlenge of ignorance is about an individual's case. It is your duty as a normal right thinking person to set a side part of your time to appraise yourself about this and that around your community and country as well. In your personal development routine, Identify means  and techniquees you will employ to know that thing which you don't know .

Your mind needs to be dusted every now and then. Flippancy cases of laziness is hidden behind the word busy. Many people like using the word to hide their weakness and plain stupidity. YOU MUST KNOW THAT IN ODER TO ATTAIN CONSCIOUSNESS YOU HAVE TO BE HONEST AND ATTEMPT SERIOUS ASSIGNMENT HOMEWORK FOR YOU TO FULLY GROW YOUR Antennas and secure a clean settled life. 

Ignorance is a permanent fixture in everyone's life and you need to be aware of that and deal with the reality. Life is supposed to be lived in a certain way. Countless cultures have to be initiated to define your typical day. School alone will not help you fit correctly in life. You have to do something extra other than attending classes and enrolling in courses. 

See you soon 
Editor; youtooformorality 


"Fulfillment comes from a life of meaningful achievement and from being present in each moment while moving in the direction we must want to move."
                   Peter Bregman

Who will lead , who will Follow?

Basing our minds on our modern day living trends, leadership is proofing a challenge and waning fast from the public trust unlike previously where it was a densely coated affair lambasted the society unopposed. We can only say so in remiscies given our current times where leadership is struggling from a trampled dustbin somewhere at the back of the minds of many people.

Today leadership looks more of theorty than practical as we used to know before. Trusted quarters which were previously believed in and held with high regard in terms of expectations and tenets to guide the society is slowky disapproving itself as it too has satrted posting questionable demeanours to the public only to turn out as a chagrin to many souls who feel betrayed in a way. Controversy is what mires these places of holding them in endless tassles of war both verbally and on credible angles.

Almost everyone has fallen short of the traditional glory and is now pleading for mercy and restoration. Parents too have had their major share of disappointments both to their children and society at large. Little and almost nothing in terms of leadership is coming out their cistern. Scarcity and drought in raising lost generation is what they are doing better at among other dismal performance that we have all witnessed inside our lives. As if that is not enough, national leaders too have jumped into the bandwagon adding their signature mark in promoting bad leadership that is both casting the country on the brinks of economic standstill as well as redundancy in the human resource. They seem to only understand how to champion wrong policies that lack direct link in developing an ordinary citizens.

 Every corner that was characterized with leadership before has its roof leaking and seriously exposing the occupants mostly children, teenagers and young adults wondering what to next as those whom they thought they could look up to have turned into a sort of an eyesore. We are also here left perturbed and wondering who will lead and who will follow.  

Special Feature; Did The Easter message sink?

Easter holiday is slowly taking its bowing rights from the public domain after creating a major buzz two weeks agao. The season was a promising one to different individuals ranging from children to business magnates who were looking forward for a candy moment with their parents and friends. Churches opened their doors widely to all and sundry and true to their expectations, the pews did not remain empty.

A number of souls chose to mark their easter inside a temple perhaps to chant a prayer for good tidings or just may be for certain undisclosed missions that were best reserved to the particular person who graced church during the holiday. Whereas a business person made his hard cash somewhere, little can be accounted for those christians who filled church compounds as no one is sure of whether they were listening or no. Christians filled many places of worship across the world to celebrate the death and resurrection of their maker who brought reprieve when little was expected .

Sunday saw many people over joyed in a merry mood all in the name of the assurance that christ had rise. Messages flew from all directions based on easter themes and thousands of people ranging from prisoners to children sat down tolisten. Whoever kept the lesson is our major question today. WE don't know for sure whether some partook in the season for sheer reasons of showing off or they were solemn deep down their heart. The aspect of whether you listened or not is not a big issue.

Life as always has been a gift and and all you choose to take it through is basically your personal concern. Seasons in life always acts as reminders to humanity to either change to a new tune of life. Whether you're for change or retrogression is no one's worry. You are a principal trust holder of your own life. You owe your life an explanation when cases of injustices and poor assortments encamps ways of your living. Supposing selfish escapades or respect for the truth is your way of life is largely your personal case to determine. What we know for sure is that, there was a season called easter which came with a reason and purpose.   

Thursday, April 12, 2012


"The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot."
                                                                                                     Michael Attshuler

Will we Ever Embrace what's right?

Looking at our human nature and all the kinds of weaknes associated with humanity, it proofs foolhardy to stick to the right path though it happens to be the easiest with weigthless loads yet the most dreaded by thousands. The investment of time andreguired effort in personal decorum flips off many hands. Seeing many running to treacherous jaunts that looks appeasing to the eye yet surreptiously holding open graves for the participants .

Tens of thousands of people jeorpardise their productive lives and energies in deceptive lures of vanityt and end up wasting lives in a commotion of nothingness. THERE HAVE BEEN DRUNKARDS IN THIS LIFE FROM TIME MEMORIAL YET WE HAVE NEVER SEEN ONE OF THEM forward and testify as to how wonderful and uplifting that kind of lifestyle has added on their status. ALL WE CAN hear is torrents of lamentations and regrets and always aquestion f misplaced priority.

Despite alocoholism being a disgusting way of living and wastful as it appears, it has continously become popular and therby gained momentum from btoht young and old on equal meaure. Negativity is highly celebrated in society more that positivity. What is even more baffling on this observation however is the fact that those lighting a bone fire of iniquities, somewhere at the back of their minds always know are directly condemned and criticized by their own actions on dangers of the wrong aspects of life. NONE of the majority agae can claim innocense concerning critical basic issues of this life. Weall know what we asre expected to do but many play truancy and trivial games.

Our lack of honesty to facts and our blinded nature to the truth will surely send many of us to hell unwarranted. You hurt your family members through your actions yet you take it as normal thing? Thieves steal, liars lie, corrupt hands corrupt; so is minds of impunity and injustices though all are united by the truth that whatever they are engaged in in not right and thus seek darkness and on numerous grounds are characterized with fear and discreteness so as not to be seen by other people while practicing the evil acts. Do you thing ingeniousness is what you need to survive?

Ethics & professionalism; Carerer Growth

 On our career growth today, let us talk about being a time keeper. Time keeping has turned out to be a disease in the lives of so many people who on several grounds struggle with keeping time. Chronic as the state suggests, professionals too are wrestling with time just like their ordinary counterparts. We all know for sure that none of us here has control over time yet many have continuously disregarded this fact and went ahead to pay little attention in the way of doing things in relation to time. 

Why should you as a career person be always  found off guard? Do you need a watchman to remind you of every tickle of the clock stick? Aren't you conscious enough for a wake up call? or are you a cow or a sheep somewhere within your creation? Why babble and dabble like a confused drunkard in a central street? We are amazed every now and then and surprised by how people have chosen to abuse time in their every day living. 

Lateness is a sign of disorder and disorganization in a person in one way or another. Cases of entangled prisoners in a free nation are rampant. You as a career person do not need this kind of precariousness and madness. LEARN TO RESPECT TIME AND GIVE IT ITS DUE ATTENTION AND RECOGNITION IN YOUR LIFE. In all facets, know that time controls what you do. If you therefore contiously post poor credentials of giving it a wide berth, you will cry foul at your own expense.

Twenty four hours is what everyone is given to either create fame or infamous life status. you don't need a bell to be tied on your ears to act as a chaser. Just choose to be a time keeper. Tell your mind over and again that it needs to be in alignment with time in terms of both keeping appointments and beating deadlines. IT IS AGAINST TIS POOL OF TIME THAT WE HAVE REFINED FELLOWS SIZZLING HOT IN THEIR CAREERS while on the same fortitude struggling career persons unsure of what to do with their lives given the way the wave of life is pushing them. Be a total career person as it is through time among other things that separate chaffs from grain.

Editor; youtooformorality


"Problems do not go away. They must be worked through or else they remain, forever a barrier to the growth and development of the spirit."
                                                                            M. Scott Peck

Editorial/ Cost of Neglecting terms & conditions in LIfe

On the card this week, we look at the cost of neglecting terms and conditions in around some of our lives. Life in general has a lot of aspects that need to be observed in order to have a well structured harmonious life. Every duty or assignment is always accompanied by governing policies. And we as responsible members of the society in our right thinking mind are expected to implement these various identified terms of work. At least that is the assumed notion bestowed upon a normal human being. However, humanity characterized with embroilment here and there has never fallen short of disappointments and outright disobedience coupled with resistance and cooperativeness.

They call it human nature and further accentuate by the fact that human is to error. We dispute not this philosophy, however, our question is, what if this errors are not corrected and embraced as normal as witnessed in various capacities in our lives? It is alongside this kind of thinking that we delve deeper into this sensitive issue of terms and conditions surrounding our everyday life in varied convictions and executions.

In life and as human beings we are expected to observe rules and regulations established as requisite policies to determine how an action should be applied. On our plate along the week, we discuss further the subjects regarding policies touching on laws of the land,God, family matters and terms and conditions tackling individuals against themselves. All those identified areas are associated with terms in one way or another. So when hell goes loose and everyone chooses to ignore the law, what sort of life do we experience? 

The cost of neglecting rules and regulations is quite expensive and tiresome. Regardless of the capital punishment accorded upon every twisted term and condition, humanity has defied the order and continuously underrated the rules and broken them without shame or fear. On this take, we have discussed further the aforementioned subjects for you to sample and decide. Keep it here to learn more.

Ethics & professionalism

 Now that the going is becoming tough for many a young person and almost every corner looks bleak. Yet life must continue. What should one do in this scenarios to make things happen and satisfy his or her needs? Starting off, let every young person come to terms with the real issue that indeed charting the employment world has become a tricky affair. The nightmare of unemployment is still a huge ogre many nations and those bearing the direct heat are mostly young persons.

 The issue of unemployment should be something that a formative must be fully aware of and what sort of repercussions it can bring upon their lives. After measuring the weight of insolvency, your next step in beating the challenge is to wear the responsibility of of running the affairs of your own life. Know that you are the one who is jobless and not your mother or sister. Sit down and come up with a procedure on how you will progress forward and meet this need of money or internal satisfaction.

It is against this backdrop that you owe to fully know yourself and the special skills and abilities that you posses that can help you initiate development. If you truly know yourself, then you must have realized something special in you. Not all are born gifted but everyone is necessitated in one way or the other. You are alive for a reason and you must fight to fulfill and accomplish that purpose. lIFE MIGHT BE GIVING YOU A LEMON IN EVERY ANGLE THAT YOU ARE TURNING, BUT KNOW THAT IT IS YOUR DUTY TO DECIDE WHETHER YOU WILL MAKE A LEMONADE OR SERVE YOURSELF THE RAW BITTER LEMON.

Initiate your own career based on your strong talents and abilities. Skills are not meant for beauty, but rather they are meant to be endorsed to change lives in a nation or world for that matter. No one will fix your problems. Solve them using your own energies and mind. Start a career to attract money later in future.

See you soon.
Editor; youtooformorality 


"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
                                                                                       Albert Finstein.      

What If I don't Observe?

Observing rules and regulations has truly found many off guard and practically riped them off some kind of freedom. Living in a country independent and democratic as always had presented sanity and calmness. AS usual, citizens of such countries are expected to observe the rules that govern that particular land. These regulations are established in a bid to create a just society where conformity should be the order of the day. The rules on a large extend or normally good intentioned and citizenry advised to recognize and embrace them for their own good.

Everyone needs peace of mind, tranquility and a state of wellness and security to champion both personal and national development agendas. This kind of philosophies is what is supposed to spread across amongst people to enable them to live in harmony and maintain respect for one another. However, good will will as the message mighty sound, not every person will buy the info as it is portrayed. Some want easy ways and lawlessness, disorder and sometimes wars.

It is a pity that despite having well written laws of the land and properly communicated to the concerned party, still mischievous souls have refused to listen and play their part. Many failed to observe terms and conditions of doing things thus landing themselves in big troubles that has left some languishing while others regretting terribly as to why they did not comply. This has been a trend of a human being. Humanity cannot just choose to listen and follow procedures as laid down.

In one occasion or another, they want to twist and and bend them to satisfy their personal interests. And because of these selfish adventures, the cost of neglecting terms and conditions has landed thousands in jail and even caused friction to motion their rights to be curtailed on certain grounds. We largely wonder why some people have to wound their toes in order for them to learn or listen to what was open and clearly stated.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


On this take today we want to suggest to you an easy smooth running enjoyable life for you to practice for your personal development. We champion conformity for development and future success. So how does one become a law abiding person? the secret to conformity is about awareness, understanding and using of your ears for their right correct mission. Choose personally that you as an individual and train your life to be in alignment to so many relevant issues.

Start with the simple things around your house or school. Identify areas that require your input in order to escape colliding. whether it is about not stepping on your carpet with mud or those simple traffic instructions of not using your phone while driving. For instance, choose to inform yourself about all the rule and regulations that are always signposted in your house. Know them and follow them as suggested. 

The magic about change is always pegged on individual decisions. No one is born a Christian or disciplined. Every thing good  or bad is learned and practiced. If you therefore want to be a law abiding person, then learn to listen and follow instructions. Don't just be a sycophant but rather establish facts and be equipped with reasons why it is important for yo to be on the conformity side of life. Have relevant justification to counter why a certain rule has to be observed. Remember maturity and being founded on strong principles about basic things in life is of utter most importance.

 Don't be sheepish but instead go for understanding and correct information. After all, you want to be in the correct version of thinking. Rationalism here counts a lot. The gem is to start small from making baby steps and slowly advancing to perfection along the way. The idea has worked for thousands elsewhere and you are not an exception.

See you soon.
Editor; youtooformorality


"You're not going to do good work if you're not choosing something because it inspires you."
                                             Maggie Gyllenlaal

OF God's terms & conditons

Among other many platforms, God too has given His instructions regarding how matters should be approached and be executed. H im just like our physical governments looks forward for humanity to find time and aquint themselves with relevant regulations detailed under His code of conduct. But to these known and unknown rules, who listens and who observes? Given the fact that He nis not around to spot check our present lives and champion them, do they even exist in the minds of many a people?

The disadvantage right here is accumilated vis a vis scapegoat. Humanity known for his busy schedule of personal interests and always fronting his agendas has come of age to worry and attract equal mixed reactions. There is no time to learn what is expected in his realm. But to whose intersstand value whether someone chooses to follow God's laws or regulations?

Let us be honest here. Whether you choose to go God's way is none of anyone's business. All everyone needs to keep atleast at the back of his or her mind is that, there exists rules governing how things should be accomplished both on earth and heaven as well. The truth of the matter is that, man is given the ability to discern issues and our common time execusses on many grounds are baseless and tired lazy talks. There are many who chose to neglect those established terms and are now gnawing. Law will always remain law whether written at the back of your hand or inside your heart.

It is largely your duty as an individual to basically take time and educate yourself on issues touching on critical matters of terms and conditions of God. No one will teach you some things as these. It is only fair that you accept the responsibility early and show some interest in handling subjects surrounding your life. Many a times we are consumed by our greediness and vested endeavors to forget basic issues. Don't wait for a wake up call to know and remember that you were supposed to attempt certain assignment. You have the time now. Learn how to be conscious what value you stand to benefit when you take to the driving wheel of your personal life.  Some things are only neglected at owner's own risk.


Let's signpost once more the relevant of books in our society. Previously we informed you of the cultural values of books. Apart from being our repository of certainty, books are still today a big time reservoir in matters of education and sensitization. An ordinary member who chooses to vocally position books against himself or herself in the forest of books stands a great chance of both growth and wisdom.  We have been treated to numerous stories of ordinary people who chose to challenge mundane by embracing a practice that literally changed the course of their lives.

To this facet, books in terms of their relevance and role in this life don't fall too far from the truth. Advancing one's education is not only necessarily through enrolling in a course in a college or university. some one can choose to self teach themselves on a particular subject of interst and turn out to be just as good as that person around your neighbourbbhood who attended college to learn a profesion. BOOKS CARRIES EXPANSIVE POTENTIAL TO DEVELOP A SOCIETY IF TAKEN SERIOUSLY AND LEFT TO Perform their duty as expected.

They can wises a man who previously looked a zombie into a refined gentleman who can later be arguable contributor of the community. Having demonstrated their power and prowess firstly, in changing us from one time fools to the kind of persons we are today in various capacities, we here believe that books are irrefutable society's golden egg that owes to be embraced to help demistfy mean practices that can easily advise societies' occupants otherwise. Having proved its case previously, what  one need is boldness and ability to challenge routine and try this unexplored field. 

See you soon.
Editor; youtooformorality  


"Understand that the right to choose your own path is a sacred privilege. Use it. Dwell in possibility."
                                                   Oprah Winfrey.

What of terms and conditions governing Family?

Social life as a common fixture around man has truly come with ist intricates and fascinations. Among the common facet, man has been the main character in both. He has been fallen and been bruised in equal measure all in the quest of finding complacency and meeting the need of being a social being. So humanity knew along time ago that indeed he is not an island and thus prepared himmself beforehand for socialization.

On this rostrum of looking fit, terms were raised and because of speed and avarice, they were broken fast even before they could settle down well in the community's domain. Family has presented itself with interesting gestures. It is around this angle that both the poorly educated and the society's elite are united. IT'S only here where it appears that almost everyone of a certain majority age seems to know something. Both fool and wise know that there exists something called marriage and procreation.

How that term marriage is understood is and effected is quite a different case. There are some who see it as another ordinary affair and thus do not find any substantial reason as to why they should seek permission from anyone in order to be introduced and be initiated in it; and true to their thinking, have practically taken matters into their own hands and proceed forward to bestow role upon themselves regardless of what they know concerning those particular duties.

Whether at all you are found within the realm of majority or minority , that for sure is largely your personal problem. What we both need to know however is that, at no point will some salient matters as family be ordinary business. There are those amongst ourselves who thought so before but today are thinking different. If terms exist against something, whether you like it or hate in one way or another you ought to comply for convenience and sobriety. It is only prudent for you as an individual to take time and understand the reason behind as to why such a clause resides around.

 Common people have no eye for detail and we believe that you don't define yourself as ordinary or common. Save yourselves from scandals by observing terms and conditions be it in family life or country rules.    


So what happened next morning> Find out with Jim Chaplin in his poem to determine whether the words are synonymous with what takes place in our society today. Enjoy.

Was this where I came staggering?
This the inviting portal to delight;
Three box- lids and a half- peeled log.

Was this the hall that opened wide?
Promising soft richness of desire;
Two army blankets hang on a knotted string.

Was this she who called me in?
She of seductive grace beyond the others;
Grasping, blowsed with our soft caressing.

Was that the man who came inside/
That peeling reflection of beer- shot eyes;
That pocket less, drained, dejected, I.

Okay, for us this is one characteristics of a human being who seems to think that he or she understands life too well. Whether someone is tricked or fallen is your part to tell.Learn the poem and keep the lessons. 

Let's meet again soon.


"If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?
                    John Wooden

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Whether Obedience or Diobedience; whose interest?

We have clearly witnessed in the course of our lives how some people have had a rough time due to failure in observing one thing or another. Thousands of heads have rolled down and numerous are still beating that same road. The sensitive and delicate matter of conformity has not only proofed a challenge to one person or state, but also to o many regions and countries. It is a common trend that can easily be noted in every society under the face of the earth. The weight of neglecting terms and conditions in life has created seamless trouble around many lives.  the stubborn nature of human is strongly embedded in them and that it is very hard for a typical person to adhere to the correct right  facet of life.

Despite the hardships that is endured and and accompanied by breaking of laws or terms of work, rarely do some learn. Until someone is hit by reality, a simple word cannot easily advise a common person to take precaution and learn to coexist smoothly. Whereas assuming this kind of life might look simple and successful in a way, it has always been founded on short term adventures that later turn into a bitter pill to and gravely haunt the correspondents when they least expected. We don't believe that pain and regrets is somewhat warranted. you don't need any of these time trailers to stall and derail your agendas in one way or another.

Correct version of life is what everyone needs at all times. You don't follow regulations to look good in the eyes of people but rather you do so for your own sake.  To secure your generation and set a pace for them to inherit later and promote it when you aren't there. The sins of forefathers are deadly and always comes around to haunt the offspring. Why should they be punished for mistakes that they are not directly responsible for/ Why use your own hands and minds to destroy a future? Choose to be a rational thinker to promptly correct mistakes before they exacerbate and sprawl to unauthorized quarters. You don't need a vision to know that you are charged to stick to the right procedures as far as they are available in your society  

Career Growth; / Cost of Leadership

As a career person, you have sometimes found yourself on various platforms where leadership was required of you. Whether you made it possible for the situation by demonstrating leadership or not,is a subject for another day. Today we are looking at an individual who heads a department or perhaps you are the director of your own corporation and even may be you are a board member somewhere. So what happens when it lays bear that you are not well positioned both in caliber and capacity to champion the change or growth of your business or career? What if you are a leader and you lack leadership skills or strengths? That you consume your regal precious time promoting self destruction and unprofessional ism.?

Precariousness as history has it is a quaint tenet to be found around about a leader. The trait amounts to stubbornness and pettiness along the career. Acts such as selfishness, lousiness, lack of principles, not knowing how to carry yourself as a leader, disorder and being somewhat unethical are all correct ingredients in driving south and utterly killing a career. You are in charge yet you don't compensate and appreciate people under you is a regrettable crime in profession.Your poor decisions and awkwardness can easily bring down the company and affect negatively people associated with your career. 

It is never pleasing nor laudable for you as a career person to always behave in suspicious ways that can practically hamper people whether clients or employees. Try to level up as a leader, career person and observe your ways and if possible weed out thorns and spikes tat are unnecessary in your line of duty. Grow your mind and drop kindergarten antics. Be the kind of leader that everyone will want to follow; be caring enough to your people, celebrate the little milestones within the lives of your employees. Correct mistakes when identified inside your leadership realm and finally compensate those who render their services to you.
See you soon
Editor; youtooformorality  


"Trust is something to be built up, protected, valued, cherished, and carefully preserved. It is the one thing that changes everything."
                                                       Alexander Green.

What O f Emotional Weakness?

The little known mischievous social ills that brings down many heads grumbling to the ground. Emotional weakness in definition refers to emotional needs whereby an individual wants to be satisfied in one way or another. The needs can present themselves in form of one wanting to be loved, cared for or just to be given attention and sometimes to be listened to. All these missing links comes with equal level of danger and pleasant surprises for those who are lucky altogether. Many of our young people are characterized with such needs thereby entangling some to their circumstances.Those who are unaware in various issues and still struggling with identity crisis are the major victims due to their indecision nature and countless confusion that mires their lives during the transition period.

On the cross road, young adults and some who recently have come out of teenage suffer greatly when it comes to emotional weakness. It is at this point when many wish to get friends perhaps to confide in or may be someone to listen to their crisis. While in the process of seeking approval here and there, malicious hands can easily take advantage of the worries and despoil their innocence and leave them wounded and haunted by their decisions or slippery as the matter sounds, is also the participants. Friendship for along time has been cherished and hallowed by all and sundry. In search of such friendship is where many a young people have grappled and wrestled with death. One friend is so fast lane while the other somehow left behind yet we want to be cheated that they can dance to the same music.
In one way or another, one is bound to either to be misled or directed in a wrong path. That is where hell breaks loose and make a meal of the lost sheep. Heads keeps rolling in the name of friendships. Cases of secret hook ups are not new buzz words in this century. Friends have conned their fellows who innocently gave out their contacts to only get ousted later by a phone call from a total stranger suggesting to have received the victim's number from a close friend. This kind of clandestine motives are always a ready market of ruin. So on a mission to highlight the negative effects of love triangles, we advise our fellow youths to take control of their own lives and make personal decisions that have been mulled over and put into perspective the outcomes of such such decisions. Life is very important to be lost in such a controversial tryists.   


"Problems do not go away. They must be worked through or else they remain forever a barrier to the growth and development of the spirit."
                                                            M. Scott Peck.

Editorial/ Reclaiming One of Our own

On agenda this week is the sticky sensitive matters surrounding the lives of young people. Based on the series shuga, young people have been portrayed as loose, careless and narrow minded. Many are driven by avarice and the love for sex more than the natural in build embers of real love. sensitive issue of love, sex and money are taken for granted as though they are common fruits in the local markets. On this take,we drop civilization and sophistication and look at the typical ordinary young person and how he/she uses his/her life in the name of enjoying her youth.

Themes of innocence and ignorance plays large ogling freely around the young people's lives. Picture a young man or woman straight from high school joining the community; how little or how much do these guys know concerning matters of love, sex and money? Whether they know something about these issues is quite a hard nut to crack but the real truth here is that, danger romps open armed with its associate potential of ruining a life. In other words, the probability of such delicate minds succumbing to their predicament is absolutely one. Tricky and slippery as those matters sound, is what many a youth out there are embroiled in. So they are naive and ignorant to be level headed enough to think to save their lives. Yet when when they walk out of their classroom to the society, they find a damaged disarrayed jumbled and crying environment without any under laid stringent authoritative structure to offer them direction to stabilize their  foundation and impact them for maturity in order to expand their thinking capacity to transition in the society safely.

Such is the neglect and wide gap thatexists today around the thousands of lives of the formative. The older generation have continuously moved ahead and practically forgotten the welfare of their young people. Where they walk, what they expose their minds to and how and whom they mingle with seems to be a far fetched idea that our modern parents have grown to give little attention. They are only awaken when a state of emergency arises and after everything else is spoiled. All in all, shuga is here with us yet again and trying its best to pass a message. There exists a serious problem amongst our young generation that needs to be addressed with both necessity and urgency. The responsibility lies in the hands of the youth themselves and partially on their parents.

We appeal for the voices of our parents which have been silent for too long now. Sticky issues as these cannot continuously escape their attention to fall off to this extreme. They must speak to their children and be advised to come out of their cocoons. On similar ground, we advise you our fellow youth to take your time and understand the state of affairs before jumping unaware into capital matters because almost all your friends are engage in a kind of a turmoil. To your notice, innocence period passed a long time ago,all you need to do and know is to choose to grow up and be responsible. Your future is more imperative and that  is what you should be more concerned than the short term baseless jaunts founded on wrong underpinnings encapsulated with serious consequences if not well contained and controlled. Invest in self improvement to know what you don;t know yet to secure a good meaningful enjoyable future. Keep reading for our hands are highly motivated to inform.