Wednesday, April 25, 2012

In the name of Food

An African mother is forced to take extreme means in order to help bring food on the table. The love for children and that stature of being there when needed as a parent is perhaps what motivates many women out there to defy all odds and ensure that there is at least something to bite even if it happens once in a day. Given the fact that it is such apparent that people fight over twenty shillings coin in our present society, you must know that the quest for food is an uphill task for many families.

The levels of social grades are clearly delineated when it comes to this particular subject with the one at the bottom of the bottom feeling it all. Pressure at neck of a common person in terms of meeting the basic needs of shelter, food and clothing sounds a gigantic duty to many a families. What they go through and measures they are forced to assume mostly determined by circumstances is so much debilitating. Mention countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq and all those war tone areas and stories of resilience, audacity layered with extra ordinary survival skills will quickly come to the fore.

In this situation of finding food, the battle is not always about indecency treatment experienced somewhere but a fight of life and death to oversee a soul breathe somewhere. In the mix of food, children , disabled , women and some for whatever reason incapacitated in a way majority bear the pangs of hunger. In the name of food, people walk while some cut short their sleep in order to save a shilling. Others put their best foot forward in any kind of available menial assignment to at least get a little money to tackle the challenge of dinner or breakfast for the house.

As the going becomes tough, so is the intelligence and adaptation to new fangled means of survival even when majority of those skills are dangerous and hazardous to life. People would rather risk their own lives other than witness their young ones enduring the ordeal of hunger. 

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