Thursday, November 24, 2011


For a long time now, books have remained as an arguable pantry that the human knowledge can't get enough off. They have served thousands of people in the past, and they continually serve the same purpose even today. Being a cistern and repository of life, they have preserved the history, irrigated the society with their endless ocean of knowledge and gone further to condemn and criticize bad policies in life be it about people or nations. Books have kept the world best lessons that many struggle to get and understand. They have the trait of equipping and refining people who recognize their value and purpose. They wash and clean the soul and mind in a way that beats best description. On their submission feet, people confess, take oaths, repent, relinquish wrong notions, open up and listen to voices of reason. Many come out scoured and ready to pick new ways and some loosen their belt and get to listen and accept to adapt. The value of books surpasses their cost and remains largely as an irrefutable inscription that life will ever have because they store what we see and forget. They record a season's atmosphere and mind the generations. That is why culturally, their value has not been ignored nor looked down upon. They serve as agents of social and cultural change especially in fighting against chauvinism and practices that are demeaning and discriminating among people in society.  We could not be where we are now in terms of development if it were not for the bold and dedicated people who chose to speak for the voiceless at a time when democracy was abused and disparaged. Selfless souls put forward their best foot using their pens and helped restructure and shape life to consider changing from attitudes and thoughts that were backward. We also take books as a royal road to enable us enter the realm of imagination. It is at this pulpit where creativity is born and established into products and improvements to way of life. At this royal road, people come in terms with themselves and settle scores. Some choose the conscious way of life and mean to be learners and speak to their hearts and mind to attain peace holistically. They are also mirrors of so many cultures that a lot of ethnic communities around world celebrate and preserve. Every country needs history, and we cannot have an authentic picture unless we learn from what is round and was done before. People need to pent up and there is no correct alter than what books offer. They used to temporarily put our egos in a box by the door and gives one an opportunity to confess and recognize ourselves. I can't tell it better. Every human being at one point needs that kind of rechecking in their lives. People have to be real and just be themselves. Know what you are doing and why. Other than that, books have also proven to be a very important source of personal development. You need to grow and it's your material to propel you to someplace. Testimonies are in the air and believe it, it is not a mean feet. I have personally witnessed that and I think it is the same wavelength with many readers across and around this globe of life. Books too are sources of entertainment, escape and personal reflections. Humanity is a question of decisions. Every area of a human being involves making a choice in one way or another. People need to reflect and get the best direction.  They are also a bridge that enable people experience other modes of being. Evert aspect of an occurrence has been captured and there it is being relayed to you in form of art as it happened. Books in society also are windows of the past. It is at this corners where we look at things in the ancient and pick requisite lessons to aide us forge forward. Books being a treasured asset that life has ever posed, they need to be respected and left to speak by their own..       

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