Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Resistance: Things have changed but you are still stuck in the past. You are reading different newspapers that are portraying change of time but again all that doesn't ring a bell. You want to function the same way you first stated your career journey. New knowledge and equipments have come in and you think your old know how is suffice. Almost everything within the vicinity has revolutionized yet one is undeterred. Adamant is what you are dealing with. In short, you are stuck in a certain mud. Life changes everyday and that remains the same with your career. Resistance in life and even career kills innovation and progress. If one chooses to resist, that is like maiming a part of your body that creates an impediment to your future. Life will loose its sweetness and a person will be drowned in routine. As a career person, avoid circumstances that can lead  you in a ditch. Update your level of knowledge and open up yourself to accommodate changes. Be a good decision maker and make wise career moves that will see you grow and have a next level in your realm.      

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