Saturday, November 26, 2011


Talent: It may be just a word we hear being mentioned from one corner to the next. Some have heard about it and got curious and sought its path. Others practice it and utilize it extensively in their lives whereas a super majority have little to do with it. We are typically reminded that everyone on the face of the earth has something special that has been implanted in their lives to specifically benefit them and society. A skill that you don't have to struggle to do a duty. As a person, you have the responsibility to unearth that strength. You need to fully understand yourself and recognize you strong holds. Take time to listen to yourself and get in touch with your intuition and be quick to interpret its impulses that time to time brings forth. This God given opportunity is in everyone of us. It is supposed to help you identify which career field you belong into. It requires homework and commitment. Sometimes we don't have to go through what we face had we taken time to know ourselves. Take talent discovery as your personal role and work towards knowing you. Mostly monitor your areas of interest and what you like doing effortlessly in your free time. Know that thing that you normally do and it gets you revitalized and you enjoy doing it. Become a better you and revolunize your life by living within the hemisphere of your talents. Steve Jobs told people to find what they really love, because it is in what you love doing that every corner of your energy and mind are fully involved. You need to live a complete person. Don't have an imbalanced life where you are only standing on one foot. The gem is to stay foolish to understand what best describes you and your life.

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