Monday, January 30, 2012


On awareness today we are not only talking but at the same time charging you to lead your life into doing righteous and justice. As the head of a department, responsibility is bestowed. Unto you too we are placing accountability under your neck. Before and even now, we equipped you that your life is your responsibility. You are the sole individual who should bear liability for any wrong found within your life. 

Every breathing soul is enabled and placed strategically in a position to make right decisions. We also the divergence in the levels of inadequacies, but that is not to say that humanity is prone to mistakes. You control everything that comes to you. You either lock it off or let it in. On similar ground, we also want to notify you that nothing can take place unless you  allow it to happen. Iniquities don't happen by themselves,they are initiated by people. Mediocrity is championed and entertained by ourselves. Falling to alarming credentials in human standards is caused by ourselves. 

Acts of unconsciousness and baffling extensions are our own making. You have a choice, strength and enough relevant energy to live within the expected realm of conformity, compliance and submission to rules and laws of the land. Justice and correctness of life is what every human being is supposed to observe. Grow your character tailored towards such principles and learn to avoid controversy and embarrassing ways of life. To grow individually and even wise up and hone your life is a personal initiative that can be successfully be achieved through personal development. Either bank on text or digital supporting resources to move forward. Stand in and fight for the sanity of your own life.    

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