Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Of matters society and its language and content, we look at what people in life like talking about and its sprawling nature. We too eavesdrop on society and listen in from their walls. We needed to find out the authenticity, realism and factualness of where debacles come from. On the mouths of people on local front is all about the ills in family. Along the week, we heard someone raise an issue about a husband who is all barbaric, naive, chauvinist, stuck in the past, out of touch with realism and out right stupid. The said man has curfews and misplaced mindset. At this point in time with the kind of economy and shift in climate, the man sees himself as the total commander of everything in the house ranging from what to cook and what the wife to do. She has to wait on him at whatever time he comes in the house before she cooks.

So we ask, when people have a one-sided life that lacks respect for each other, one that breaks the basic rights of another, then what is the point of being a family? Where did someone shop this philosophy from? Why do some men think they are important and take their wives for granted as if they are weak and incapacitated? Why do individuals with their own insecurities, foolishness and ignorance seek to mislead the society?

Today, society is filled with misplaced notions and ideologies that are not only disruptive but also defiling and scandalizing life. There is a lot of ignorance amongst people and little is being done to correct the mischief. People grow up with poor characters and without shame or even looking back and assessing their lives, choose to move to the next level with their exacerbated habits. Due to these kind of behaviors, people never realize their potential thereby living a lame, wanting and unsatisfactory kind of life. When someone lives his/her life below the bar than what is its rightful measure, what do we think we doing? Why can't people in community learn to reason and question why they experience gridlocks around their lives?

Is it that people aren't keen enough to see the mistakes of the past and learn from them? or apathy kills many? Whatever you say, know that your ignorance or knowledge will be measured in the way you live your life. The quality of life you live and expose your first family to portrays the nature of a husband of the house. What we are trying to advocate for here is that don't kill the society with our mediocre thoughts and sick ideas. Humanity was given brain to think and put his ways on the right track. Don't underestimate the role of your head only to paste shame that create fodder for other members in society to laugh at you.

If you think indeed you're mature, then proof it by showing us your modesty not empty souls. Stop giving children this impression of obscenity everywhere. You teach them how to cheat and complain later. You inhibit their maturity and talk of how your son/daughter is too slow or left behind by events in life. My cry goes out to parents. Can you raise your standards of your parenting skills. Don't be an out of oder type of parent and expect to have an ordered generation. Accidentally you can have such kind of miracle but remember it's not an everyday affair. All children are not gifted. thus, play your part and do it well. We are tired of hearing and seeing same things always. Give society a break from limitation and showcasing it as if it falls short of knowledge.

    P.S: Let everyone recheck how they carry themselves and what they embrace so often thinking that  it is the correct image.

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