It is fifty seven hours since we welcomed the new year and we here, would like to recognize the presence of the new year and wish you a diligent and competent twenty twelve. In the past year that is just behind our backyard, we set out our moral thermostat to let it record the temperatures of our society and what ails its moral precinct. We checked it recently and found the recordings. Before we empty it to the brand new year, let us look back at twenty eleven and talk about its ugly heads and faces.
Marriage being a universal practice and one endorsed by our maker, experienced a rough time and registered sickening performance. Despite being accorded such high value, it was abused and misused by the society. Its wall were shaken, curtains torn and the foundation cracked. People walked in and out as if it was a public auditorium. Others took it as a guinea pig and set their experiments to ascertain whether they have the right specifications to integrate with, and when they understood that all was not well, they scampered and forgot the terms and conditions of this quarter.
The lunatics entered the pact, the foolish too walked in and so was the ignorant. All these groups infuriated the institution and thought they hadn't done anything wrong and therefore went away silently. Some failed to read the signs from their counterparts and them too picked the wrong path. When they failed to get what they expected, all we could hear was loathsome stories of anguish and disappointment. Some were seriously hurt and contemplated suicidal escapees. On an accentuated note, others ran out of solutions and sought help. While a super majority on the basis of chagrin chose to keep quiet and learned to cope despite knowing too well that they will never find complacency and any kind of contentment they were looking forward to. Our thermostat recorded and signposted marriage as one area where scuffles and botched homework existed. People associated with this category know very little about it yet they expect to make things right.
It is very unfortunate that we are reporting on the negative angle of marriage. We too are not mesmerized about it. But that is what we found out while doing our assignment. We cannot and will not shy away from this matter but rather speak the truth and oust you where possible. Marriage is profound and and founded on the grounds of discipline, values, and principles. The founder of this institution who designed, thought and established such a thing as marriage had different reasons as opposed to what many individuals act on.
This is a field that needs to be respected and honored on its own right. It is a classified affair with only a few qualified people making the cut. It wasn't meant for all and sundry. Humanity must stop these abuses and injustices orchestrated towards marriage and instead take time to appreciate and understand it to know its in depth, and why we have marriage in our domain. Marriage is a regal issue with deep contract under its neck. It is commonly linked to Holy of holies in our bible, and we all know that not everyone is allowed to access the secluded area. We have specific people to oversee and partake such duties and events, and those who don't meet the criteria should remain behind and wait for their right moment.
Cases of fornication and adultery are rife. And it is to such people that we would like to address and warn to cease acting on selfish interest and learn to take the correct path and steer away from short cuts. Young persons must stop their sensual appetites and learn to slow down and respect themselves, bodies and the institution. Those already in marriage must fathom the reason why they are married and stop hovering around like stray dogs. We are hurting something we didn't initiate and institute. Remember, it was meant to be a gift and therefore shouldn't misuse special gestures extended to you. Control your feelings and choose knowledge to grow up well. That was last year, let us await what the new has in store for us. As we integrate with the changing times, all we can advocate for from this corner is that people should style up and discipline their feelings.
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