Wednesday, January 25, 2012


It has been with us for so many years. It is indeed the world's oldest book. Two thousands years to be precise is not a joke. There is no humanity that can claim comparison and competence that we get from this holy book. What it carries beats intelligence of so many authors in the city. It preserves the world's best wisdom and wealth. It holds the best source of information, philosophies, objectiveness and right caliber of how things should be done yet it si the least read and the number one book that is fervently marginalized in our society today.

Despite its availability world wide, it means very little to most people in this life. Someone would rather walk to a magician to determine his/her fate of life other than see the bible as an equal opportunity solution giver. People suffer so much yet they seat on their destiny answers around their house. People are in a quest to please God but they have poor understanding of the same God. They don't find Him as their primary source that is authoritative enough to sort their messes.

I'm amazed by the ignorance that thrives in this life vis a vis the posh nature of the bible including its indispensable potential to inform, teach, enrich and guide humanity to the right path. Open the windows and the gates of your life and the right credible consciousness through your bible. Read your bible for your own good. Choose first hand as opposed to listening it from someone  else. It is a world of free will where choices define people's lives. you want to go to the roght fine. Thinking of left? okay. But remember that it is your responsibility to direct your own life into making right choices.

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