Monday, December 23, 2013

poetry; War after war

by John S. Mbiti

We are tired of scandals and cases of senselessness in society. We don't have to experience these wars of moral uprightness. Change is what we want. Just listen to this poem and think for yourselves.

We are tired of waiting for and war.
Our trees their leaves have shed
The writer has come and gone
Spring flowers have blossomed and withered
And here we are.
Still waiting for another war
Our atom bombs have rusty grown
And bald are the heads of those who made them
But we
The ugly martyrs of another war
Do not fear
We have seen wars
We know their taste is sweet 
And their smell is good 
Smoke from the guns is all we dream about

Off changing clock stick

"Choice of attention- to pay attention to this and ignore that is in the inner life. What choice to action is to the outer. In both cases, a man is responsible for his choice and must accept the consequences."
                                W.H. Auden.


"Today is the first day of the rest of your life. So don't dwell on the past mistakes because that will get you nowhere. Instead, focus on what you can do and will do today, tomorrow, and the rest of your life, and all of the great things that will happen because of your action."

Season Greetings

On behalf of management and every body who is associated with youtooformorality blog in one way or the other, I take this opportunity to wish our readers a merry Christmas and a blessed new Year. Enjoy yourselves and have a good one.

Thursday, December 19, 2013


"At the end of your life, all you're going to be left with is what you did with your time, your legacy and your reputation."
                                                    Craig Ballanyne (Early to Rise)

Editorials/Morality Thermostat/Male person

This week we branch into a tricky issue and look at a male character with his thinking credentials. Why is he always portrayed as a weak creation on pertinent matters of sex and women? Talk of house girls; what of common sense? where is a Male's principles and values? And we dare ask, are male people weak or stupid? Listening to a talk show and at the same time reading, similar topic plays out again.  It is about men and their wayward way of living and thinking. Matters of sexual behavior seems to be too much on their plate such that some is falling off unawares and in the end creating rapturous discussions in the society about their character.

Men appear weak in the face of every passing skirt. Elements of values and morals on their part looks like a far fetched idea. They are falling off and stumbling sooner than expected. Self control has been thrown out of the window and in its place mediocrity has been edified and worshiped. Common day common sense is no longer practiced among these species. They take advantage of availability of some privileges so easily as if it is about pouring water in the glass. Sex for sure has turned out to be a Male's killer practice. How come men cannot exercise sobriety and personal discipline over such critical issue? Are men cows or goats? Why have abased their thinking capacity? Where is the difference between our modern man and a beast? It is so amazing and shocking at the same time how great men have been axed down with small action that has destroyed dignity completely in the eyes of the right thinking members of the society.

Talks of husbands and boyfriends walking away with their house girls are so rampart that one could be temped to think that our contemporary world lacks sensibility and respect. Many a male person have fronted their personal interests at the expense of guiding and running their own families in justice and maturity as expected. Instead they have perfected the art of creating scandals every other day. Girl child today is so endangered in the hands of a father. Where did all these nonsense begin to fall on us to experience such a weak and baseless men in society as the ones we have currently? What happened to common sense and decorum? Why are some boundaries being carelessly being crossed ? Must all these immorality and licentiousness be happening blatantly as we all watch? What of our future generations well being?

Who will actually stand and defend their right to a clean environment and justice? Do men lack brains? Let us be sincere here. Is it stupidity or weakness so we ask again? And if weakness, why can't people seek help to have their legs remain together? Cases of scapegoat lambastes this society in every turn of the eye.  You cannot you as person in your right mind blame the taps when you let water pour down carelessly. You have the capacity to control the water. Man just like any other mature person must exercise good judgment and responsibility. There is a lot of precariousness in families and life in general because of this kind of thinking and acting cheaply. We cannot just commit mistakes left right and blame it on something else. Let men learn how to be reasonable and be accountable to their failures if we are to progress at all. There is nothing like weakness when it comes to sexual affairs. People engage into such lengths well aware of the repercussions in the future. What we want to suggest is for men to style up and come back to their right senses. Their behavior is not serving well in the community.   

Books in Society

Let us talk about books and their place in society. They come in all genres and topics. Cases of ignorance have found a good serving here. The much talked about issues in life right now have a solution somewhere in a book. Life changes fast.Fully inspired writers across the board falls first too these changing demands and seal the gap often.It is therefore the duty of a responsible person to rise to the occasion and take advantage of the availability of books in society and make good use of them. Books have come of age to claim their position in this life. Complains we hear here and there are all empty talks of lazy individuals. Because if a person wants to stay afloat, they can do so easily without even going to school. 

Breaking out of traditions is a big deal in many a life. People keep on imitating each other and thus glorify comfort zone at the expense of their own wellness both mentally and physically. We eat bad foods yet we have books touching on nutrition.  Many lives have been endangered under the watchful eyes of their owners. People lazy around eating this and that thus ending up to be health hazards. Human beings once they are in their good health, tend to forget a lot of things both facts and truth and buy unto obnoxiousness only to be awakened by a rude shock of certain sickness. 

It is high time we as human beings started taking care of our own life. Books in society are not esthetic materials. They have their purpose. It is about you taking your time, money and effort to appreciate them. The quest to beating ignorance is a huge challenge. Situations change every day. What you knew last month is stale news today. Warm up and shape your own life. Your generation is very imperative. Have you heard of iniquity of a father passing on to the third and fourth generation? What does third and fourth generations have to do with your current mistakes/ Take care of this craziness by sampling books available in society today. Do not punish innocent souls later. It is your time to stand. Don't grow weary soon. Dust off your mind. Escape mundane traits using books. Life is not about craning your neck to see what your neighbor is doing so that you find something to talk about. Read books for growth and relevance and bring a difference around you. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

off changing clock stick

"You have less time than you think. We all do. Why then are you waiting to fulfill your desire? If you do not start today, then when will you start?You will never start unless you start now. Commit yourself, heart and soul."
                                                                Felix Dennis.

Awareness; Personal Development

In life, there is this person who cannot control their temper and sometimes it out grows their petulant nature. Shouting uncontrollably is what some find to be goo music to their ears. Letting your temper take toll on you is a scandalous way of living. Correct errors discreetly. Why shout on top of your voice? Why must it be that every time you tackle imagined and self inflicted issues you have to mention some things. What does a house has to do with your poor reactions? Must you continuously remind people of how that is not their house and how they have their homes and parents? What do you mean man? Can't practice maturity in the nip of a second? What are the achievements of shouting?

When all is said and done, what about you and your image and reputation?  How do you want to be viewed around? Do you think that speaking on top of your voice is a form of power? excuse me, calm down and learn how to control your temper. Be professional. Have some little dignity for yourself. Why defame yourself in the eyes of people? Whatever the issue committed, why can't you look for a reasonable approach? Shouting from a grown up is not that presentable. Let children do that. They have the time to grow up. But you in your age and at this time? Think again. You cannot be serious. Feed your character. Prune off those unwanted branches that moves you to want to shout. Control yourself. Stop losing your mind that easily.  

Life is a journey, travel safely. Don't be the reason for minor accidents that can be avoided. Know when to talk and when to sometimes let go. Talking high especially when the victim in question is a minor is heinous to the extend of the error committed. Direct children nicely. You don't have to shout as a parent to be feared by your child. That kind of mileage will achieve in their eyes if anything a plastic image. Looking out to be respected, but how do you ask? Shape up people and learn sanity. Personal development comes your way for the purposes of self improvement. Don't ruin your image in such cases. Life is large. A small mistake must not make you that crazy. Control it before you scandalize your life. Don't make people avoid you for nothing. Who will rescue you when you badly need a hand one day? Think before action.
See you soon.

What lies behind House Girls?

So what if they are beautiful? Isn't it their right to be awesome? Why have they attracted such a big fuss lately. Does life not belong to them? Why do some people take them as entities or quick service replacement as some might think? House girls just like any other worker are only out to find money to better their current situations of their general life. Some husbands in their own houses can't let them rest easy. Indiscipline and interference of their privacy is what some male out there have perfected into fine pastime. Respect for marriage has greatly gone down and those expected to do something are the ones creating scenarios to pour water on the institution even more. If people were not ready to settle down, why did they choose marriage in the first place? Why take advantage of the availability of someone?

This is how child labor begins. Parents see in their own children workers. We condemn this kind of immaturity and senseless actions. Human being were given a mind to think. Individually discipline matters here. at this point, is when we ask, what happened to the education that people went to school to learn. Some went with one fool's head and upon graduation came back in the society with two fool's head. Instead of helping the society; they have turned out to be a big burden to the realm of common sense and sanity. You just don't walk on food like a dog does. Remember your head always when doing something.

Of late I was listening to a certain talk show and one could not help it but wonder how some people think and what informs their decisions. Men for sure comes out often than not as rotten individuals both morally and action wise. What does someone mean when he suggest that a husband or even a boy friend can easily sleep with a house girl simply because she is beautiful? How cheap can some people be? Don't purposely commit an offense and use something else as a scapegoat.   Men in our contemporary life need to pull up their socks and work on their images as head of family. we need to see more respect accorded to marriage from men. You all would agree that of all the uncertainties that color our lives negatively; majority of those notoriety are caused by men.

 Notable is the incessant nature of irresponsibility. Many have absconded their duties. Instead of focusing too much on matters that do not concern you; why can't you focus on the stability, peace and prosperity of your own family? Why waste money in vain pursuits to only cost your loved ones later? What lies behind house girls we think is work and respect to their rights. Malicious husbands out there stop abusing the presence of these house girls. They also need their fresh air just like any other person. Stop creating innuendos above and below.  Respect and dignity around life is what we want to see not shameless acts that if anything only lowers one's dignity


"Be good, be passionate and add value to the world. There are amazing opportunities out there for you because the world is full of problems that need solving. Be a value adder, not an extractor. Focus on the process and it will keep you moving to the outcome you desire."

Career Growth; Ethics & professionalism

Pretense_ For sometime now; we have talked about a human being as one of those creatures that is both interesting and shocking at the same time. So what makes a normal person stop being her/him and start behaving strangely? a lot lies in the pipe when we talk about pretense. What is wrong with humanity? Character is very critical here. People do very little to culture their image and character. their insecurity drives them crazy. They're always seeking approval and walking around apologetically as though they are a misfit. some even want to hide from their own soul. Why do you want to fool people around you that you are cultured when in real sense you are a troublesome hooligan? 

what is the value interest of pretending to be this when you are that? people endear themselves to people to evade reality. As a career person, you don't need this. Be yourself and practice only those things which are within the specifications of your strength and match your abilities. Ethics in work are very imperative. Scandals and countless actions of prejudice if anything only lingers around to destroy you as a person and kill your career. you cannot work hard for fifteen years to only destroy yourself in a day or a month.  as move along life; stop being careless and immune to some things. A human being is subject to improvement and growth. Do not let  your career stream lack outlets. sick behaviors should be shied away at all cost.

To be a pretender is to be childish. Remember you want to brand your career. And you cannot become a brand with such side shows. immaturity too is one element of pretenders. Grow up with time. Create credibility. Be yourself and serve your services competently. Respect yourself and career. solve any levels of insecurity early before you embarrass yourself in the public domain. Maintain a professional image  all the time while working. Remember that a strong image will save you millions. Cases of embroilment in life looms large around a human life. You cannot afford pretense. Shape yourself. Prune yourself off protruding malice. Choose to always grow with every new day. If you wronged yesterday; today decided to change. Avert the path that characters problems. Learn how to solve problems around your life. Don't pile them. They will chock you one day and bring you into public condemnation. Just see what happened to Tiger Woods and be advised to remain as a genuine soul with well meaning intentions.

See you Soon