Wednesday, February 29, 2012


"The surest way to accomplish your business goals is making service to others your primary goal. The key to success is adding value to other's lives ........... Your income is directly proportional to the number of people you help."
                                                                             Kekich Credo.

Why So Much Non-compliance/Uncooperativeness?

Pacing up with the ailing nature of our society, it is also dumbfounding to note that dwellers of the society posses some weird manners that are so degrading and shameful. Acts of unruliness, non-compliance and uncooperativeness are just but a glimpse of the true nature of a human being. A typical person who has done nothing in form of advancing the knowledge to build up from what he or she knew before is a difficult soul to deal with. This rude and perturbing traits are spreading fast and catching up like bush fire and mostly landing on the shoulders of a many men of the society.

The misdemeanor is taking shape rapidly as if it is a hot rumour out there where almost every man is listening in. The awkward characteristic has destroyed the hearts of men and instead filled their minds and hearts with acts of irresponsibility and carelessness even on the basic issues. Many family people can only be described with one phrase, that of a failed state.The moral uprightness is slowly depleting and bringing in a drought of feelings and society standing on the risk of having to deal with the dryness of humane and compliance on many issues. The magnitude of absconded duties by both husbands and wives is shocking.

 Never before has a community has been ruptured in terms of behaviours as the one we occupy live in today. White lies flies from one corner to next without individual perpetrators having any dignity of what such misplaced living blurs their image. Children are having a rough time with a section of the society dwellers. They are shamelessly contempting themselves in the eyes of their own children not minding that such kind of acting only seeks to jeopardise the future of the innocent children. Even if society lacks that requisite competence of conformity, such debilitating ways of living is so embarrassing to life itself.

It's such a mockery to a man's breath. We cannot just choose to be difficult to handle in every Area. This kind of living if anything, only aspires to kill the succulent nature of life and incarnate humanity with beastly outlook which is not only bad but also a demeaning philosophy to carry around in our souls. We don't make out where people get such kind of traits. However, we find them unwanted and diminishing for a full human being in the right thinking.  


On this issue today, let us talk some business as another tip to take you forward. Once upon a time, we had someone called Zig Ziglar, without going into history to state who this individual is and why mention him; save that curiosity for another day when we will have an exclusive about him. But now, just listen to what he once was quoted saying; "if you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want." Precisely that is where every business opportunity arises from.

That you should help enough other people get what they want is a good definition of starting to think about business. Starting a business is about fixing a certain prevalence problem that exists within our society. Think of how you can help those people achieve their goals and make their life easy and effective. Business is not about earning millions of dollars but rather that aspect of helping people get what they want is where you should start when searching for an opportunity to venture into business. The problem can also be solved in your strong points of your very own passion.

What you are passionate about is also one area of finding a business opportunity. Your area of passion is an effortless exercise and it rates highly among the most thriving business around the world now. Another viable occasion to identify an opening for business is all about good eyes that can see around very well. Our communities are large and massive, and out of all those occupants, needs and problems are as spread as they occupy that particular area. A keen person will notice the trends of lifestyles and easily tell what is missing and where is the weakness of the society. Scout around and identify weakness which later bill and have a life. That is blatantly how business personalities of all walks happen to come into play of our beautiful lives. 
 See you next.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


"Every moment waited is a moment wasted, and each wasted moment degrades your clarity of purpose."
                           David Deida

The Indepth Of Kenyan Society

Seeking to understand the real face of society, we again set out our thermostat to record the findings and here is what we found out recorded in our search thermostat. Whereas there are so many challenges hampering a common man, there exists an established trend of occurrences around the lives of the sojourners. In Kenya, habits and disturbing findings are inherent in our communities. It is a fact that equality will never be achieved in this society on so many issues. To start with, there is no way equality will be attained between the most illiterate and the most educated. On different ground, we will also never achieve sameness in the gap between the poorest of the poor and the loaded pockets.

Some will continually immerse themselves in their riches while a super majority again will continue languishing in their poverty not knowing that there exist a reprieve on the good side of life. Children from these two camps, at no point will they be the same other than on the grounds of breath. The shocking untold tales is about one family swimming extremely in abundance and another fighting to face the next day with absolutely nothing to count for under their head. Such is the demographic appearance of the realness of this society that at one point one person is struggling to survive while another person on a different location has plenty at his/her exposure to the extend of not knowing what to do with the remains.

Blame this on the typographical arrangement of the society or pick a bone with a government, but the truth of the matter is that, inequality romps massively inside our society. Survival skills, adaptation and learning to comply and compromise with the situation is what a many Kenyans have bought into but still the scars are too large to be sealed and wiped out completely with any upcoming measures in the name of coping. We here largely don't understand what crimes some some people within the society committed to have to deal with the kind of such difficult conditions that almost makes it impossible for people to say that they are living.

We can raise a million plus consideration but the prime solution lies in the hands of young people of this extensive life to notice some mistakes and notoriousness and choose to correct them for the better as well as avoid walking on the same paths of their forefathers. Void to see deeply and deal with the real problem head on, we continue reeling and falling every day with things  we can possibly solve given patience and discreet trepidation. All we need to know is that, it doesn't have to be sorrows always. Choose to play your part and put in requisite effort together with necessaryy competence and hold the hope that every other aspect will fall in place smoothly because it happened to some individuals within this society.  


On this campaign trail of awareness, we seek to talk about dangers and cost of unprofessionalism. No one can escape this trap of being unprofessional. Many languish in its embarrassment and awkwardness yet few recognise the discomfort and decide to expunge it. Awareness is a kind of an affirmative action. It is only when something is known and accepted that can later open a window for change. Every individual has a responsibility to understand his/her life fully and choose to represent it as expected depending on the specifications of every human being's creation.

One needs to understand their professional side, social habits, the ambit of the mental world, and as if that is not enough,champion further and tell their boundaries making it distinct where to step and where not to step and state reasons why they stand by that word. Among many identified responsibilities of human being, the aforementioned are of necessity and salience. The fact here is that you cannot naturally know your limitations until triggered either by danger or consciousness. You will never be that optimum person until you choose to work something on yourself. Home work has to be established, maintained and be followed with action to achieve any move toward becoming a well fitting member of society.

Understand that no one can teach another how to be professional as we don't have such institutions specified for such kind of assignments. Upgrading and amelioration is a personal decision  that can be reached upon one doing a serious makeover through personal development. In definition, personal development is about an individual initiating that responsibility upon themselves to educate themselves on various subjects within their reach. Lack of professionalism is a bad recipe in your dish of career. 

Don't sound precarious and alienated on that special occasion when you can do something now. Your life is your entity and you alone know what is lacking and what is available. Don't underestimate personal development. Everyone needs it  if at all future is real for you. See you soon.

Monday, February 27, 2012


"Transformation can only be achieved through education."
                                                                                           Matt Smith


Facebook as a definition of new media has come in with new ways of communication. Apart from its novelty and uniqueness, today it rates as a chief medium that is rendered to misuse and abuse. Facebook came with an objective of connecting and uniting people across borders. Currently, this privilege is highly been abused by users who due to their nature of broken values have extended their spoiled characters to facebook. Since the inception of facebook four years away, its objective of pure communication is depleting with time and every changing minute.

Users have borrowed from their dilapidated nature of morals and brought lewdness in public where it is discussed openly without any feather of shame. We don't know whether to believe that this is how society is majorly hampered when it come to values or we should question the backgrounds of individual members who perpetrate such content of information that can easily corrupt another man's morals.Whereas we would like to take the matter as a permanent fixture in human legion to abusing privilege, on another end, we are tempted to take the view as an over extended mandate taken too far unnecessarily.

Why can't facebook remain facebook a social media for network? Must our communication contain eroticses for us to know that we are communicating? We know human beings have been cited in the holy book as agents of evil from their youth. But must we be validated by our definition? Can't these characters who are castigating facebook in the wrong image find better things to discuss? Even if they are such raptured as they have portrayed themselves on facebook, who asked to be fed on their lewd content?

I hate this individual on my facebook wall who goes by the tag name of utamu wa kulic. This person has gone further to expose bedroom affairs in public describing every detail without any fear or favor. I don't make out where respect for sex and marriage went to, or perhaps this kind of mentality is a magnified suggestion that many Kenyans entertain pettiness at the expense of common sense as suggested in the matrimonial act? We still wonder with open mouths where our society is driving to given such kind of findings.  


Life in general, we meet various souls all graced differently with attitudes that are either harmful or developmental. In this poem today, we come across unfavourable trait that is a no no society. Just sample out how our fellow human beings take others and treat them. Now in the words of Crispin Hauli, here is The Song of the Common Man hitting straight on the nail. Enjoy.

They drive me along,
                                        they do they do,
These my brothers no longer brothers-
Their hands are whips, along they drive me,
No longer am I the same mother's child.

They push me along,
                               indeed they do,
These my sisters no longer sisters,
Their mouths are cannon, my spittle of fire,
No longer am I the same father's pride.
They kick me along
                                       they do they do,
These my playmates no longer playmates-
Their actions are fates, my life they decide,
No longer am I the same free- born human.
They abuse me,
                            they do time and again.
Fellow humans load me with all their bundles-
They are my masters, and me a poor ass, 
To be driven , pushed, kicked and abused.
What is your thought about the poem?
See you soon


"An error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it."
                                                                                           Orlando Barrista.


In our previous series of highlighting what the correct aspect of life is all about, apart from stumbling on various insightful topics, we also have people in society all laid out in all manners to play their role of either informing the society or destroying it. Society as a canvas hosts a lot of issues under its shelter and in this wavelength, human has not been left either. Human has been brought forth mainly to champion the formation and development of the society. In other words, humanity is a developmental  character in this drama called life.

The roles have come in all varied models, ranging from those who convey the true nature of a human being and those who due to their consciousness and a colourful investment in themselves, have come to full understanding of what is the meaning of life and have gone further to credit their existence to their awesome God who makes it possible for every living creature on the face of the earth. To this lot, they are taking every step of their life as a miracle and making good use of their time thereby shedding in the authentic part of life that is based on reality and genuineness.

While some still in our very same society, have taken to the mediocrity of life and fallen dismally beyond human expectation and have therefore brought in the images of beastly and unconsciousness that has injured others here and there. We have seen scenes of unethical behaviours, actions of incompetence and unprofessionalism amongst people. All these is in the interest of preparing us to understand what society is made of. That at one point, we can be hurt and be blessed by the same creatures of life and that to be bruised or be inspired depends on what one is standing on or what he or she knows about this life.

As always, a coin has always posed two ends. In our quest to equipping and preparing you for life, we insist that, place value on your society and seek to understand it prolifically to avert being pushed here and there be it by circumstances or people.

P.S. Look out for another highlight on this topic but with a different twist.    

Ethics & Professionalism: Career Growth

On ethics and professionalism, we talk about integrity. Today we are informed by the rumour doing round about two gospel performing artists one a well established household name in the country and another an upcoming who thought to ask for advice only for his idea to be taken advantage of by the assumed who was sought for consultancy reasons only. We treat this altercation as allegations as at this juncture, we don't know who is speaking the truth as everybody is claiming to be the original inventor of the idea of now popular song in Kenya with its captivating dance moves.

That is the assert angle. On another wavelength, let us focus on the senior artiste and talk about his integrity to serve as a lesson on our career growth tip. If at all the said sassy petite musician short changed his junior, then we here highly condemn such habit of taking advantage of a person's situations to benefit our selfish interests. Integrity in life has its well cut out niche and there is no question about its relevance.A good long lasting career, has to be founded on integrity.

You as a career person together with your life must communicate one harmonious message to avoid confusing public about yourself and putting your image in contempt regarding how you behave and respond to issues around your life. Little rumours have the capacity to recall one's career. I believe no one wants to be misunderstood in terms of perceptions. To save yourself such embarrassing moments, then choose to establish your integrity curve in your career. Guard your extremes and correct them without worsening matters. It is life, and in life, you have to live it in a certain way otherwise you might attract scenes of unwarranted attention only to destroy your career.
Meet me on another tip.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


"Choices of attention- to pay attentions to this and ignore that- is to the inner life what choice of actions is to the outer. In both cases, a man is responsible for his choice and must accept the consequences."
                                            W.H. Auden.


Or is it just proofing that indeed it is the capital city of Kenya, and after all it is more superior than these other cities? Boasting of administrative powers and playing a host to the political bigwigs of the country perhaps is what gives Nairobi arrogance. We also know Nairobi for being the central vocal point for East African countries in terms of business reasons. We cannot also underestimate the talk of super highways including feigned  images of developed infrastructure in comparison to other places around the country. Of development whether it is electricity or the fattened monster of corruption is not what distraught us, but rather the new definition of terms that is coming of age leaving many dumbfounded of speakers and words we hear.

Not too ago, we heard the town mayor George Aladwa whisper something on prostitution. That when you weigh both sides, one side seems heavier than the other. This other side of the coin is about taxes that will be collected from this mischievous trade supposing it was legalised. The money as we may know, could find its way in either the pocket of a corrupt hand or may be in the hands of contractors building another super highway. But anyway, that notorious thinking is actually making Nairobi stink and look not too far from the controversial trade that the smart educated mind of the Nairobi Mayor believes could benefit people were all seeing what he is seeing.

Even prostitutes nowadays have rights?That they need protection from marauding prospects who could later turn into potential clients? If this is not sort of beastly thinking, I then therefore choose not to understand where this kind of notion was sourced from. Apart from prostitution, other questionable vices have set foot in the capital city and they are being endorsed slowly by slowly into common acts of the society such as homosexuality which is finding its way in the minds of young elites who think in terms of their selfish interests with misplaced vested interests.

Nairobi keeps us wondering if not worried. At a time like this when reality stares many in their vocal eyes, obnoxious thinkers want to stumble on veracity to buy into cheap lies that will see society grumble on the laurels of spoiled morals. Let us not listen to the words and winds blowing from the city afar there but instead accept facts as they are as for sure we all know that prostitution is highly condemned in society and there is no way it can be a legal action to be practised freely by right thinking members of society. 


When we had this mention of books in our past tip, we talked about getting insight and how to get most out of a book. Today in our special mention again, we fall not too far and discuss about relevance of any written text for society development. They have always been produced in their numbers and someone complaining that they are lagging behind because they are ill- informed is a heinous joke that owes to be discarded in a nearest dustbin. Almost all sort of issues be they sticky or common sense have been talked of in in depth in whatever category one may want to think off even if in revised form or abridged. 

Therefore any member of society loitering around in ignorance ought to sanctify themselves of their laziness and choose to move with speed to educate themselves before they are faced out with the introduction of new titles that will sweep them off their feet. Book industry has played a major role in informing the masses in divergent subjects ranging from minority to superior matters that sometime back required the intervention of the elites minds. But thanks to this industry as the society no longer can complain of discriminative policies that sought to alienate some group out due to their varied disadvantages. 

We still insist here that the relevance of the book in society plushly stands out and the only thing one is required of is their availability and their investment of time to dust off some cobwebs from their minds. If you are still suffering from traditional conservativeness, be advised to think twice before someone declares you redundant and appear of little value in society. Don't be consumed by the suspicions of your ignorance like some people I know. Take charge and steer your own wheel of life.
 See you next on a different kind of comment.
Editor; youtooformorality              

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


"Without a sense of urgency, desire loses its value."
                                                                  Jim Rohn


It seems that every waking day brings in vices that largely remains unknown in terms of their origin. Life styles have groped up from almost everywhere thus giving many a young Kenyans a hard time to choose which one to pick and how fitting it is given the swiftness in changing of times. Whereas these misplaced concepts creeps in, fast is what is established gets depleted as time passes. This happens so quick that many stakeholders of society are ill- informed about the menace. A modern youth today is founded on shaky principles that have positioned them vulnerable to any temptation that comes their way.

Character development is highly con tempted among these species of young people who rarely have time to learn what is expected of them. Their world is defined with itineraries of carousing at the expense of growth thereby dealing a major blow to their own supposed school work or even requisite to think about their career. In our contemporary world, little value is placed on discreetness as everyone else seems to be consumed by their own insecurities and worries.

Whoever is left to speak for the masses is seriously prejudiced. Here once more, we decry the level of redundancy and lacklustre in parents who have gravely exposed their children to danger. Children are growing up lame in terms of morals thereby becoming a prime prey for several mischiefs circulating in our society. It has never been reported extensively and openly like this before, in our current community, where homosexuality is taking centre stage somewhere in the midst of young people. Cases of same sex relationships are encroaching our society from all corners void of a voice of reason from any relevant quarter, leading to confusion of one too many.

 Victims of such vices are found in all forms of generation litter from young to old. We highly remain perturbed  and wonder where manners walked to leaving people empty and devastated. Lack of character development , less fed minds and generally poor investment in what was traditionally known as norms have injured many people and  on several  grounds placed them under the talons of torture from both life and its occupants. You don't have to walk around seeking mercy to life as though you are a slave on a borrowed mission. The fact remains that a vice will always be a vice regardless of our justification. Let us all watch our ways of living and choose to upgrade our morals.  

Ethics & Professionalism: CAREER GROWTH

In one of our issues, we addressed something called self destruction. In career just like it has come to our notice presents many forms of self destruction. Though drugs and alcohol has rated highly on career killers, today we talk about another form of self destruction in the name of  poor positioning on individual level in matters decorum. What happens when a person chooses to lambaste himself or herself with questionable character traits? That always, you cannot learn to level up to your responsibility. Someone has to always be on your nagging for you to perform.

Self centeredness as a trait has had many discrepancies on many career persons to the point of laming them in a way. It has always caused people to give limiting Services be it in private life or career life. Minor as it looks, it has  its own discomfort that is unsuitable for career persons. Unlike this conscispious traits of alcohol and drugs, self centeredness is hidden and only grope up on certain occasions. You don't have to posses such finite manners to prove a point. In any case, they only exist to destroy you. I can't imagine why you want to discredit your life to such extended when life itself respects people.

We all regardless of where we are now in terms of our career want to move forward. Something developed with hard work should not be destroyed in days of carelesness and mean thinking. Tend your own career and shun sefish acts. If indeed you all see what I see out there then we all need to take precaution and control our own lives. Acts of insecurity and lonelyness should not have room near our eye sight. Grow your own life. There are many examples out there to learn from.  Career life is very important in every human's life. Therefore, if you know what is required of you, by all means, perform it with due diligence. Don't bring your career under public mercy due to your actions. Self destruction doesn't pay. Learn to reason well to grow up straight in your career. 
See you soon on another tip
Editor; youtooformorality 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


"Your decision to be, have and do something out of ordinary entails facing difficulties that are out of the ordinary as well. Sometimes your greatest assets is simply your ability to stay with it longer than anyone else."
                                   Brian Tracy.


Despite wanting to veer off from this subject, we are back at it again after highlighting it sometime back. It seems sins of our generation posses a dark cloud on this institution. It is continuously haunted and put into contempt in our radical society castigating an innuendo of dislocated minds that do not know how to reason and put a right leg where it is supposed to be placed; and openly point that indeed deep within the midst of our marriage institutions, lies a looming danger of shift in character and valueless and perhaps pretentious souls that do not know what to do inspite of what we see of them. It was once a sacred place that was highly revered and accorded due respect.

Whoever came in and defiled the norms and changed the roles is yet to be brought forward. Not even anywhere on earth has experienced shameful and such great turbulence that we see now rocking a subject that was initially in its original blue print was defined as a gift which as now turned into a bitter lemon that is causing men and women of society grin. Apart from what we are witnessing in our modern life as far as marriage is concerned, we refuse to buy into this cheap notion that is tendered  and hold to the fact that marriage still remains to be sacred and nothing has changed from the original definition.

All we want to see done is the stakeholders to elevate their level of discipline and choose respect one another in order to restore back the sanity of marrigae . Division of labour is well clear. Every membere in society has his her role cut out without any ambiquity. We therefore, would like to point out to men  who have highly brought disgrace for us to have such a ramshackled society that we see today and advise them to pull up their socks and play their duty as eexpected.

They must know that they are charged to oversee the welfare of families andensure that every person identified under their flag gets direction and correctness of issues that will later inform them to make right choices to keep to terms and conditions  inside of the  society. Men cannot prevaricate fro this role and indeed we are eagerly waiting to see real men speak for the community and fight to restore back sanity of the families.    


On our awareness campaign today we talk about men and women in the creative industry together with their roles in society and how they happen to be a good fodder for you to choose them for your personal development. Let us be a bit deep here and comment that God has many ways of showing His presence to humanity and putting emphasize to that indeed he is available in society. In those many ways of His communication, creative industry is one area where God uses to edify and announce His prowess, demonstrate his authority and talk of his ability to use anything to bring glory to his name and city if you want.

Caveat, this not a sermon but rather anobservation of facts of life. When we define creative i9ndustry, it comes in many forms. In this category, we have artists, actors,authors, musicians, analysts, poets just to name a few as the list is long. All these people have a role in our  lives. Their roles in society cannot be overlooked and tossed in the dust bin . They are here for a purpose and that intention is for you and me to learn something embedded deep in their works and  even as individuals. Ee cannot escape this revelation .

We ned to take note of them and ask ourselves why they do what they do and for what interss. It is upon having such curosity that could drive one into these fantastic people's world and try to make out their relevance in society.Some have used them to understand several myths and facts around and you are no exception. If you want insight in your life, we highly recommend creative industry for  personal development in matters of putting yourself forward. Appreciate who they are together with their works and you would see where I am coming from. Just like nature has so much to offer, so is these hard working men and women who are blessed with an arm of favour.

Monday, February 20, 2012


"The source of lasting happiness can never come from outside yourself through consuming values- but only from within yourself by creating value."
                                                     Kekich Credo


Last week we tookn you through various subjects that sought to shed more light on what is the correct notion of how matters should be handled in life. We addressed five successfulful topics and today again on finalizing, we talk about mistakes in life and what their role is and why they have to be in our midst no matter the change of seasons. Without any farther dilliance, we signpost the role or importance of mistakes in life and how they can help you shape up and grow your tentacles of competence,

On our anecdote, we had a phrase of this natue; " A smart man makes mistakes, learns from it, and never makes that mistake again. But a wise man finds a smart man and learns from him how to avoid the mistakes altogether." That was the observation of Roy Williams and we here, we adice you to choose to be a wise person and find this smart man and learn from him or her. That has always been the primary role of committals that graces our eyes almost everywhere we turn. We cannot validate our existence and maturity if we keep on repeating the same things that had happeneed in the past.

We demonstrate our consciousness by being keen and sensitive to what goes around within out lives. Just like the cllause suggests, wehere don't fall too far from its interpretation but rather to emphasize the wisening up of your atenaes and raise the arlertness of your senses. As we face life everyday, lean on scouring yourself out of petulant matters that have no point of taking you forward.  We cannote as human beings escape the downfalls of this life, but rather to learn how to cope with mistakes and how they can assist us to be okay and hone us for the future.

There are people around the globe who choose to stand by the word and are safe and secure. Countless misdemeanors have been in the public domain. They are not here to litter our lives but instead to serve as a chaser that, if at all we become careless, we can also droop to that extend. In that regard therefore, l ook out for your own security and see mistakes in life as your channel to be daft.


On this count today, we don't have much to say but instead suggest something and refer you to a very prolific quest that could catapult you into a cool position surcharged to new findings . Look, today we would like to recommend a tweet. You want to be informed and on equal grounds see yourself in a higher sense? We thereforeb invite you to follow Jesus on twitter handle @newtestament where you will find all that you need to understand His character, competence, authority, skillfulness and his power as a super role model of all times. Tjis is an experience that those of you who are passionate will surely enjoy. See you soon on another tip. Here is to yuor consciousness.


Friday, February 17, 2012


"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated."


Of collectiveness and well structured defined pillars of life, a one of a many building blocks of society is fully catered for as nothing is left to chance and unattended to in terms of preparing man to face life. All the arsenals are given fully loaded and exposed every one to either take advantage and prosper or waiver around and fail. Humanity cannot aford to complain and point at any scapegoat for not growing up straight and taking advantage of available opportunities.

In day one, we informed you that we have laws and procedural protocols in society to guide us to make informed choice and tailor our characters towards correct way of approaching issues sorrounding life. There was cohesion and integration to help you accept your fellow human being and accord them necesary space to enjoy their breath. We heard about education to churn in modesty that every individual should posses; and come today, we discuss religion as another rostrum to shape people into requisite and exquisite persona that is needed in order to achieve a lasting fulfilment that is true  and layered with integrity, stoked with endless hope for the future and even the after life of every living creature on the face of theearth.

On religion therefore, which comes in form of both Christianity and Muslim as mainstream, or whatever you kind call religion, they have always had one objective to attain  amongst humanity, that of bringing authenticity, veracity and realness of issues within life and their ramifications. Several themes have been played out both in the bible and world physically.

Life has exposed man to countless desires and vanities that has taken away precious lives of both women and men in our vast world regardless of age. Those who were lucky enough to be wise, found a smart man somewhere and learned from his/her mistake how to avoid the mistake altogether and assume a correct method of living. Religious texts too were not left behind in terms of educating the masses in the name of human to inspire them into making right choices.

 Just be informed that , when you choose a reckless way of life, you do it at your own risk. This current life has done its homework and provided for all of us whether it is information or paradigm not forgetting the strength of truth's availability. A caveat emptor is laid bear for all to take notice lest caress and weak souls perish on their on betrayal of ignorance and insecurities.      


"If you should take my child Lord
Give my hands strengths to dig her grave
Cover her with earth
Lord send a little rain 
For grass will grow .........................


Perhaps this is what Cissy Houston Whitney's mother is praying for as she grapples with the bitter truth to swallow of never seeing a daughter again who is gone forever till eternity. It must be a grueling experience by the thought of it leave alone having to deal with it in reality. We bet that indeed this is a difficult moment for Houston family especially her daughter Kristina Who for the rest of her life now will never have someone to call mummy given her tender age that needs that true love of a mother.

It is for sure a sad occasion for family, friends, fans and everyone else who had an opportunity to listen to her profound lyrics from her music. We can't stand the fact that,  that beautiful face and melodious voice is no more. It is a rude and harsh reality to content with. That immense talent that was embedded strongly in the souls of many a fan of the world to withstand change of seasons from as early as nineteen eighty five to jump into millennium in the name of twenty twelve to come to an end is hard to accept. 

But since we cannot do much about the happening, we here also cue in to the excerpt and implore God to send a little rain in form of strength and hope to heal our ailing hearts, comfort the family and help them overcome the loss and find another reason to live for grass will grow. As she is interred tomorrow, May her soul rest in peace.


Thursday, February 16, 2012


"A man is rich in production to the number of things he can afford to let alone."
                  Henry David Thoreau


We equipped to you that this week we are dedicated to bring you the correct version of life as we believe that when every one else chooses to trade sanity and consciousness, let there be a remnant who will stick to the correct norm  of living pratising right procedures in their way of living and perform their duties in their various discipline of professions. As we believe that, we are not all mad men and women in society. The fact that one person walked naked one day and another across the road disrespected his/her elders does not in anyway suggest that indeed what you saw was good enough to be replicated everywhere.

The society in general has its own procedures and protocols that are laid bear to every creature to adopt to and ensure for the successful coexistence every member in community. You not only find laws and stipulated methods of integration but also education within society. We all need to submit to correct beliefs and dogmases to see our lives prosper and achieve our defined objectives in both our career life and private life. You cannot just live scattered here and there.

You must be cultured and pruned to fit what life expects of you. Decorum is what is expected of every living creature. Sobriety is another cream to look at as well as listening heads that know what is order and respect for their fellow brothers and sisters. In that line so that we shou7ld have a meaningful life that is rich both in character and action, we have education with us. Its purpose and role is well cut out. Let me make it clear here, to your information, know that it is not that we can live without education, but its duty as a component in society stands out on its own and speaks for itself.

Education has had great role in shaping humanity and bringing calmness and understanding amongst people. All it seeks to achieve around our life is to bring out our modesty as human beings. We need to be conscious to see danger and avert it instead of walking into it. Education is here to help us know where something starts and when it ends. It goes further to shed off arrogance and all mean modes that are perpetuated by malicious souls. We need to embrace education seriously in order for our society to experience our modesty.


We would like to remember here that some time back , we informed you that poetry is like lollipop which is supposed to be enjoyed as we relish away sweet moments of our breath. today we are at it again not only to mention its criticality but rather how you can use poetry to revive your senses and make your mind active and quick to understand occurrences within our larger society.

Just like cryptic cross word as form of entertainment and leisure, we also want to recommend a poem here and there within your menu of taking care of your mind lest you become redundant. To help you not remain an ordinary person, take a moment once in a while perhaps twice per week and sample your poetry books. A good recommendation could be poems from East Africa by David Cook & David Rubandiri. it is a good collection with over hundred plus poems at your exposure, trust that this is a wonderful start to remove all the cobwebs and dust from your hallowed mind and dust off ignorance to grow your own life.

How therefore do you sharpen or awaken you tentacles using poem? Read a poem as it is once to get a rough idea of what the poet is passing across. Accentuate your understanding by taking a second reading this time being sensitive to note every little detail that is mentioned in the poem. Third, take the content of the poem from the book and lift it unto yourself for size to see if it fits in your body and life. See if the message is related to common and ordinary happenings around.

Task your mind and traverse the world for your answer. Read for fun as well as for development to keep yourself  abreast about this and that on daily occurrences of life. WHEN YOU DO THIS, WE CALL it JUSTICE to your breath and TIME. see you soon,
                  Editor, youtooformorality 


Wednesday, February 15, 2012


"People need to be taught from an early age that no one owes them anything in life and that character traits such as curiosity, hard work, honesty, thrift, innovation, ingenuity and above all, self reliance are to be commended."
                            Tim Staermose


We try to define salient corners of life regarding how we as normal right thinking members of society ought to buy into and embrace. We are talking of the correct version of living. A lot is expected of a human being and we cannot brush that aspect out of our shoulders or leave it to nature to deal with it. We have to choose to exist correctly including involving your senses. We cannot just acquiesce with banalism and lacklustre that comes with the winds of life. As people within society, we need to integrate with each other and treat a fellow being with dignity placing great value at every living individual's breath.

In our every day dealings and facing of life, cohension is mandatory and very critical. We must all contribiute to the successful peace and harmony within our society. Life is given to be lived not ot spend considerable energies and massive investment of time and effort in fighting or slandering each other. If you have been around this life long enough, then you must have realised that negative engagements of terror, war, violence and all kinds of injustices have no value at all upon a life of a person.

You have seen them divide and cause great friction, animosty among people and only end up making humanity evil and lawless. Actions of sriving with each other only seeks to destroy the cementing and foundation of a progressive society. We as members of our own community must learn to live and accomodate to each other. Peaceful coexistence is what everyone of us need to observe and promote its sprawling to every angle of this face of our society. There of integration and cohesion, for us here would like to signpost the divergent values of both having a peaceful mind and society in general.

AT one point or another there have been occasions when p[peace and oneness and that human dignity has been lost and we all can attest to how terrific and horrible such a scenario haunted us. I believe not even one soul admires civil warring or troubled life. Let us all strive to adapt to living right and recognize the presence of other persons and respect their human rights.  


On our tip on books today, we would like to share with you how to understand the whole content of a book and get most insight out of it. You need to get to all the senses of the book. The same senses of smell , hearing, feeling and touch have to be reached unto while appreciating any given artistic work of creative industry. So how must you read a book and to have all its content and notice the moral lessons and its relevance in society today?

Okay, here we begin. Supposing you were on your first chapter  or just beginning to read a new book, start by taking a look briefly on the cover page, identify  the images used to illustrate the book and then move on to also notice the all the artistic presentation keeping in mind all the novelty and creativity. There are several avenues over which you can take to understand a piece of work. 

You can choose to only face on language of the book and pursue it to the end. On different angle, you can decide to signpost the newness of a book and determine how many new things or ways that the book and adding to public domain. Another way you can only look at styles used to present a work and also seek to understand the prowess of the author in the industry. That is just to mention a few but there is a lot to books than meet the eyes.

A good reader should look for all the five senses in a work. When you settle down to now read the content, go there as a guest and be ready to listen to what is being addressed through out a book. Listen to get the insight, purpose,of the book and last question its relevance and authority and authenticity in regard to subjects within our contemporary life and how helpful the work is going to do the society. Top your understanding;
                  Editor, YOUTOOFORMORALITY 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


"You have to stand up for what is right for you at this time."


 Who observes rule or regulations these days ? was our subject of discussion some time back. Today we delve further into this subject matter and talk about its inner cores and soft spots. Once upon a time not too long ago, we all paid homage to what was laid down. As wind continued to blow, many individuals thought they were wiser by facing the other direction so that they could not strain their eyes when indeed they had a head to think.

To just emphasise from where we left, we besought you to listen and for sure listen carefully. That life is not your grandmother's neighbour is not a mean joke. And of punishment and daily slaps that is meted on people by life is not a weak revelation. All those who thought they could not listen to some things because of how they viewed themselves and concluded that  may be they were too special to observe certain terms and conditions have come to fight with rough and unapologetic life in terms of what it taught them.    

Some have been reduced to common fools with dislocated thinking. No one under the face of the earth will play smart and outdo life. Those who feigned their ways of living were literally exposed and believe it or not, you are no exception. There could be no one who could be big headed for law. Whether these rules are found written on the walls of toilets or inscripted somewhere in an auditorium, it is of little care. What matters at the end of the game is that, all are described as laws or procedures to be followed when performing a particular duty.

In that regard, you have no choice but to adhere, recognise and respect them however they look. One thing humanity need to know is that, you as an individual in your life time, have to submit to a certain power for things to things to run smoothly. Whether you choose to believe in Satan or God, all is your problem but a fact will always stand by its credibility. Be advised therefore to observe all the defining rules or regulations that govern what you do be it at work on living in sovereign republic such as the one we live in.

Follow instructions and if it happens that there exist a clause that sends some warning signals, by all means don't go beyond the law. After all, itis life, and in life, there is no compassion for ignorance.       


So life happens and seasons changes and people in life believe to be living. There are some who due to lady luck knocking on their door too early had a life inside life. To others, they had to struggle with this or that to make it to success. While people went through different divergent encounters, there are some who matured with time while others too in the course of living forgot to grow up and are now straining with catching up as at one point or another they are left behind in the way of thinking and doing things.

They believe to be around their mid forties yet at most occasions, they are betrayed by their childish ways of executing duties and even how they act around life, and further by their thought life. These are the kinds of persons who can easily step on your feet and walk away unapologetically as if nothing happened. How frustrating and absurd that whole scenario can look?  Looking old in physique and depicting weird manners in actions?  You can't be serious. 

Choose to grow up for there is no world of immaturity where you will live in illusions forever. Come back to the real world and face a life of real people in a real world. Lack of maturity among people is clusteredevery where. The factor has caused many to adapt to weak vices that have gone further to destroy their lives. Some have overstayed with insecurity at the expense of their own happiness. While others are impaired in decision making. Why portray such precariousness when there is personal development?  

Feed your own life with requisite resources. You don't have to be a fool when we have uncountable bookshops around this beautiful globe. Maturity is very critical in a person's life, do something if you are lacking in this sector. We don't have to be dismayed every time you open your mouth to speak.  Here is to your maturity.


Monday, February 13, 2012


"A smart man makes a mistake, learns from it, and never makes that mistake again. But a wise man finds a smart man and learns from him how to avoid the mistake altogether."


Previously we discussed various social ills in society and highlighted them clearly and why they will always remain as wrongs that need to be corrected and avoided altogether. Having talked of a series of them, this week qwe emark on giving you the correctness of how you ought to live your life and behave as a normal human being who is charged with a life to take good care of and bring it into fruition in terms of growth, discovery of hidden strengths and living as a conscious person who can easily differentiate between West and East.

In that regard , we would like to bring into your attention varied aspects of how life should be lived on both basis of maturity and integrity. At one point in life, you must know that there could be no single occasion where paraffin and water will ever be in harmony together. Water will remain water and paraffin paraffin. Subjects in life are highly distinguished regardeless of our selfish ways of living that seeks to suggest that things are the same.

Note that such thing as commonness will nwver be a notion to take to the bank. Separataion of powers have to be established and be with us no matter the cost.  We need to accept the truth as it is sooner than later and shun certain habits that are destroying people and their lives fast. Your conscience knows the truth and that is what is of importance in life. Obedience to rule and regulations in life is greatly traded on peanut cents as many a young people and old regard the virtue as a quaint way of living.

Kernel and most guarded norms have been broken recklessly and seriously indignation of life due to loose habits of life and embracing charlatan and dotted vices that have brought many shame and bending to their knees. A fact will always remain a fact however much you want to over rule and scandalize. We are of the opinion that you stick to all rules and regulation not withstanding how significant and insignificant they may appear. This to our revelation is for your own good and the good of your generation both present and forth coming. Before that fall knocks on your door, be quick to notice it and subdue it if possible.   


Self-Destruction: We know something is dangerous, injurious, endangering our lives and yet we are bold enough to embrace it and make it a lifestyle. Great talent and a powerhouse of musical experience of its own kind has gone down in the name of Whitney Houston. That great voice with embedded ranges of its own level will never be heard off again. Whitney is gone forever and that lovely voice will be missed by many.

Whereas here we rest our condolences, we would like to alert you as a person to consider how you live your live. A career that was built on hard work and dedication went haywire on Saturday the eleventh of February. During her music career, the celebrated icon went platinum with her career and registered massive success in sales. She managed to collect revenue of up to one hundred and seventy millions. We regret that this death could be avoided had it not been for wrong ways of living.

People;e every now and then take to dangerous methods of living that jeopardies their life and career. Issues to do with drugs, alcohol, immorality and all other ills associated under self destruction has been cited as the quick way s to transport one into doom. Your life is your responsibility. You are  charged solely to direct it and partake in choice decisions that can save you pain and distress. Don't take yourself into inflictions when you can live right. That kind of torture and self colonization and slavery is unwarranted. Think sober and respect your talent, career and life. You just need simple discipline to to climb that ladder of success. Here is to your growth.


             Editor YOUTOOFORMORALITY

Friday, February 10, 2012


"A smart man makes a mistake, learns from it, and never makes that mistake again. But a wise man finds a smart man and learns from him how to avoid the mistake altogether."
                                                                 Roy.H. Williams.


A long the week, we addressed various ill social vices in society currently. Superstitiously, all had an implication of something deeper and emedded in of whom we will call human beings. Society seems to tender children  disguised in men and women appearances. If you feel disturbed with our stand, then we ask you to give us a break as it is something that we see it happening everyday in life.

The way people talk and react to issues in life leaves a lot of gestures that suggests that for sure something is a miss somewhere. Not so long ago, I was listening to a discussion on domestic servants versus employers and it was indeed dismaying to hear the comments that streamed in from various quarters of listeners.  In this particular discussion, the questioned channelled was why husbands end up in bed with their maids.

The first response pointed on scapegoat suggesting that a modern day  working woman has no time for his husband and that she has abdicated her duties and left everything to the servant who seems to enjoy more power as she controls everything around the house from food to spreading the bed. The following out pours came from men who surprisingly seemed to admit the notion that they are weak creatures who are vulnerable to any loose temptation that comes their way. Generally the discusion ended leaving the character husband portrayed as an indisciplined individual who doesn't know how to control their own affairs of life.

It sounds absurd to hear such words from men themselves whereby one of them admitted that out of the eleven maids that ever served in his house, ten of them went to bed with him. Isn't this too much and more of stupidity than rational thinking? Why should a normal grown up person behave as if he/she lacks the capacity to think correctly? And of lack of respect for marriage and even between a husband is what surprised me most. WE pointed earlier that there is always danger looming whenever someone regardless falls short of the responsibility bestowed around your neck. Here we feel men have abandoned their role of headman ship to give us a sick society.


This weekend is on demand and highly booked in the name of spreading love. Many will be awash with the intricate that is in the name of love to only wake up to reality on Wednesday. Everyone seems jam packed for fourteenth of February. Many young people have raised their hands up to matters too deep for their ages. While more mature well acquainted persona gives the day a sober thought, a many youths have misplaced understanding mainly sold to them by their other ill informed peers who place value on sex rather than the significance of the day and its origins.

The irony in the air though laughable is that, many young people across nations will partake into valentine's day unawares of its history and meaning altogether. So long as the word love is mentioned in the mix, that is what many will seek to extrapolate even go further and end up drawing it out of proposition. Knowing our society very well, we understand that many hosts hunger pangs for sex and will be readily available to spoil the sane, well intentioned meaning of valentine which was founded on goodwill to care for the less fortunate and little knowns of the society.

For youngsters out there who think this is a perfect opportunity to be pants off, well, be advised to involve your full head as we are not prepared to deal with the horrendous after valentines woes. Groove sensible, appreciate your significant others and of most important to note; if you find yourself to be outside this definition of husband and wife, it is just prudent that you keep off sex because it is not you thing for now. To all who believe in the day, have a blast and seek to remain united. Enjoy!   

Thursday, February 9, 2012


"Good habits, once established are just as hard to break as are bad habits."
                          Robert Puller.


Cost of suppressing the truth has brought man under serious scrutiny not only at personal level but also around other areas within life. At one point, humanity has been portrayed as a weak creature who sometimes function without sense and basic knowledge. Though strategically positioned to learn , grow and prosper, humanity largely under lives  the potential to go a head and only show cases of compromise, evil thoughts, contempt and hard feelings towards his fellow human being.

The society  is now defined using terms that ought not to glare the public. Violence and cheats is what dominates massively around here. Almost everything that man is engaged in seems to be tainted and soiled with mean vices. The teritory that used to host truth is highly endangered and almost being driven to extinction. People are trading  principles and basic values for cheap acts. Society today is filled with more evil than truth. Half truths, slander and outright brainwashing of minds is what is busy  taking place on a daily basis .

Reports of wrongs and negative committals are hugely tendered around to the detriment of correct ways of doing duties. Life is lived dangerously and on several occasions exposed to harm and bruise. Family as a basic unit of life is highly attacked and is gravely suffering and in turbulence. Parenthood on thee other hand is full of turmoil and in deficit of strong character definitions that were heard of previously.Precariousness is what greets us today on every turning of our eyes.

People have become shameless  and gone further to commit serious offenses with both arrogance and barbaric. No one is giving apologies for so many felonies in the public. One thing for sure that we know of from both the past and present is that, all those who suppressed the truth to pursue lies and acts of selfish interest were all submitted to their misadventures believe it or not, their lives changed for worse  completely. I believe we don't have to get to that extreme level. We can do something and mend the fences. Whether we use one stitch to save nine, largely remains on our daily personal decision making board.


On bible study tip, we highlight a formula to help you read your bible and successfully finish one area of the two major divisions of the bible. Supposing you had an objective of at least finishing the new testament in a bid to inform yourself in matters of bible study, then we fully recommend this tried and tested formula. The objective is to finish reading new testament which has twenty seven books.

If you amplify that with thirty chapter chapters of a major book, you come to a total of eight hundred and ten chapters, keeping in mind that the digits are subject to revision upwards or downwards. However, presuming that you had eight hundred and so chapters to do at hand in order to meet your goal, then this is what you can employ to tackle the challenge. By taking just one hour of your time every single day of your month, the habit can see you tackle one book every month.

Roughly, a serious dedicated person who respects his/her own word or power of decision making, can finish reading the new testament within the time frame of one year period. Remember you can make this exercise more exciting and insightful by deploying skills used in poetry to help you make good use of the content of the bible mainly signposting understanding, relevance, timeliness, value and interest and finally not forgetting the core angles of promptness in terms of subjects or themes discussed in the bible to measure the relation of the needs of our current life. We dare you to take charge of your own life by applying the aforementioned technique and a promise in in order that things will never be the same again around your life or even compound if you like. Here is to your consciouness, with love,
                      Editor: YOUTOOFORMORALITY

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


"Your time is limited so don't waste it living someone eles's life. Don't be trapped by dogma- which is living with the results of other peopl's thinking. Don't let the noise of others opinions drown out your inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They sometimes already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."
                                                Steve Jobs


It has come to the publics attention that indeed the fairer sex is straining to fit into anything they come across. Their skimpy nature of dressing is appearing obnoxious and worrying. I don't get it when a full grown lady goes public with her thighs exposed. I don't get the innuendo behind such dressing that has become a common gesture around our cities.  Confusing a beach dress for office or even class is a little bit out of touch matter and sounds too much. I think the so called chicks are struggling with their character and they need a strong figure  who has tested the sweet and lime of this life to reach out to them and equip tthem to think twice.

If it is a sign of desperation, then I don't see the urgency of that desperation. We all know what decent dressing is all about.Let us not be carried away by lies of the fast pace life currents. Some things are too important to be left untouched in their original stance notwithstanding technology, innovation and modernness. The basics rules of life should be preserved. What these ladies need to understand is that dressing does not add anything above or below in terms of personality but rather accentuates what one is made of. The original you.

So controversial is either our ladies struggle with identity crisis, poor morals, or just may be that many of them are living a double stand kind of life that is full of pretense and lies. I know issues to do with dressing are open to public debate but genuineness should bne mantained annd be preserved at all costs. The shorts we see finding their way on our girls bodies only if anything, make matters look more shameful and dreadful.I don't want to imagine these same ladies at a certain point with such natuer of dressing making a pass in front of their very own parents eyes in those clothing.

It seems that this sickening habit was picked from the a certain corner of the street and was embraced without  much thought and got implemented in unconscious action; because believe it or not, there is nowhere around our massive globe that something is adapted in the morning and enacted in the afternoon.I still don't fathom the point of exposing too much skin for me the occurrence appears unwarranted blown out of proposition. If at all you're the victim of this opinion, we here as responsible voices of sanity urge to take time and think about your nature of dressing if it's not a genuine culture that comes from your personality. Remember if you don't agree with this, then know that I am speaking for the bush!


On this other wavelength, calm down and let's do a poem together to help explain some notions and perspectives that exist in our society's domain. Here is to you all. I Speak for the Bush by Everett Standa.
when my friend sees me
He swells and pants like a frog
Because I talk the wisdom of the bush!
He says we from the bush
Do not understand civilized ways
For we tell our women
To keep the hem of their dresses
Below the knee.
We from the bush, my friend insists,
Do not know how to 'enjoy':
When we come to the civilized city,
Like nuns, we stay away from night clubs,
Where women belong to no men,
And men belong to no women
And these civilized people
Quarrel and fight like hungry lions!
But, my friend, why do men
With crippled legs, lifeless eyes,
Wooden legs, empty stomachs
Wander about the streets
       Of the civilized world?

      Teach me, my friend , the trick,
So that my eyes may not
See those whose houses have no walls
But emptiness all round;
Show me the wax you use
To seal your ears
To stop hearing the cry of the hungry;
Teach me the new wisdom
Which tells men
To talk about money and not love,
When they meet women;

Tell your God to convert
Me to the faith of the indifferent,
The faith of those 
Who will never listen until
I Speak for the bush:
You speak for the civilized
Will you hear me?


Tuesday, February 7, 2012


"Pick one thing and become the best at it, and you'll never be short of income."
                      Thomas plummer


It was one of this fine holy days(Sunday) as many prefer to call it mainly because of the value placed on the day. I remained behind that particular day to look around and perhaps feel the nature as many thronged worship premises to call unto to their maker.  Notably , there is this neighborhood that is noted and known by its notoriousness when it comes to real life issues.

True to its character, it did not fail to defend its indentity. AS many homesteads prepared for church, one home was busy preparing liquor to sell and merry the drunkards. The day went by, and one by one, they started flocking in and within a short period, the number had swollen and now; instead of taking their hallowed drink silently, they also went ahead and played their music as they drunk away to their fill and pleasure.

You only need to look carefully around your vicinity to know where my concern is comi9ng from. It is clear that majority of people in society today swear by the cup while giving little consideration to the consequences. By this very drink, many misfortunes have happened. Innocent minds have been taken advantage of, immorality committed, adultery has taken place, obscenity discussed in the open and the most disheartening, home and families disintegrated and wrecked.

Irresponsibility spurs at its best among this type of breeds. Lies and careless habits gropes in and people soon take to it and bring their lives on their knees. Alcoholism or rather drunkenness has been in society since time memorial and has been passed from one generation to another inclusive of its associated vices yet many despite seeing all those misdemeanors have failed to pick a lesson and learn from the past experiences. Education in some quarters has been scandalized and put into contempt thereby inhibiting development.

Can this mess be regulated somewhere and be put in check? I don't know when that will happen but what I know for sure is that; beautiful and potential energies are being wasted somewhere in something that lacks relevant value and interests. Priority has been misplaced, as the chief purpose of life is not about alcohol and being uncivilized.


PLAN YOUR DAY; planning today saves minutes tomorrow. Having a well structured day and life is one way to focus important energies of life and have them done on the right time. Facing every new day calls for order and organization. WE all have twenty four hours a day  to solve and achieve all our needs and assignments we have at hand. 

 So today is about scripting your day and value of taking care of your own time. Having a plan with your duties is respecting your  time. Honoring your time by knowing what you will be waking up to do the following  day. No one has control over time and just to recognize that aspect alone, use your time well and increase productivity. as a career person, give priority to planning your day. There is no time to waste. Every day breath does not just happen and go t o waste.

Account for every single day of your life. Living planned is saving time. Those extra saved minutes can be invested in something useful for example in your special special angles like dedicating them to your talent and bringing the best in you. Dare yourself and try planning for work days the previous day and see the difference.

Monday, February 6, 2012


"Having a positive mental attitude is asking how something can be done rather than saying it can't be done."
                                                             Bo Bonnett


It is not in our nature to discuss issue to do with the government or politics. However, today we felt compelled to address on e issue of which we think the govenment as the headman of leadership a country ough to do. IT is a clear message out there that HIV/AIDS reigns amongst people of the society. These men and women and inevitably children form part of our general population of this country. Talking of men and women being infected with HIV on grounds of knowlege, we want to belive that when these people embraced this mean way of life, they were in their rightful senses.  

They vividly knew what they were getting into.Today, a government is left with the burden of shouldering the victims who could correctly choose to shun the disease had they had time to deal with their insecurities, selfish pursuits and proper reasoning as mature people.  All in al, something happened and now we have a challenge which is dumped to the authority to cater for in the acting in the best ineterest of citizens.

Take this, that in Kenya, close to two million people are living with HIV infections. The exact and identified figure is one point five million people are suffering under the pandemic of Aids. Out of that number, only a paltry of four hundred thousand are accessed to antiretrovirol drugs to ensure their longevity of life.  Meeting such a demand in terms of budget is a huge task to the government. The ministry which is responsible for health spends a large amount of the allocation into buying such drugs thereby hampering other sectors that are subject to the ministry of health.

In that regard, we felt obligated to adice the government to speak to its citizenry  to stop risking their lives and therefore offer a word on moral life style issues. Let the government tell kenyans to stop engaging in petty habits that ends up jeopardising their lives. Aids is an expensive disease to treat. We cannot wats money on carelessness. As a responsible you as an individual, you owe your life good guidance as the head. Many people cannot afford to deal with such a misfortune given the many countless challenges that a common person encounters on a daily basis.

There exists a gap of lack of objectivity and clear authoritative word on morals in our society today. We understand that morality is not a law but we cannot just remain silent and watch everything sink because they're not law. We cannot afford to grow a loose society that thrives in vulgarity void to think about the burden bestowed on other people based on their cheap ways of indulgence. We believe a message levelled on this angle could come handy from the government and can cause things to slow down even if it might look absurd to certain quarters.



On personal dvevlopment which is our awareness campaign, we discuss about a controversial issue to do with you. The question we ask is, can a  person be a hinderance to his/hes own progress? IN other words, can you be an enemy to youeself? Can you be identified as chief contributor to your own stagnancy? Here we answer in the affirmative. If you go about living your life in underestimation , you definately become your own enemy. IF you hit below your potential, then that is what we are taking about. 

you live letting insecurities, worries, inadequencies and any other liabilities directing you, there is no secret here, you will fall like never before. The sweetiness of life happens only when you choose to fully signpost your life and fight for its rightful share in the limelight. Yourlife is your responsibiity. Your headmaniship should be on its full blare and function objectively. Tkake your life as your main busines and manage it professionally and competently. TO me, I think the era of blame game is long gone. Let people choose to grow up and act like mature men and women who use common sense.

Develop your own life. Resources under this category are countless. If you can't fine one, then peg fully and squarely on the daily happenings of life to gain wisdom and become a wise person. Don't be your own enemy. Do something honourable to celebrate that gift of breath.      

Saturday, February 4, 2012


"THE BEST WAY TO GET STARTED IS TO GET STARTED. Life rewards actions. Not reactions. Wait for nothing . Attack life. Don't plan to death or ask for permission..... But act now ...... and apologize later."
                                                                              Kekich Credo


In our fast rising world of change of order, a place where little concern is placed at facts; who cares about what happens? A life style is coming forth around universities and colleges of this nation. Caution is thrown to the wind and all is let loose. Talk of the skimpy dresses and how the students live in the campuses in general. The learners of these colleges have lost it all and running with every blowing wind. A look at them is like all their years are defined in those short stint messes and careless carousing as if there is no tomorrow.

They have broken all the boundaries of life. Assessing them from a distance, one gets the impression of them being brought up on grounds of sick backgrounds characterized of weak principles. Though schooling, the irony they paint around is very regrettable and distraught.    They claim to be learning only for their actions and way of life to betray them radically.

On this crisis, they are not alone. The senior stakeholders of this society are also trapped into this quagmire and to speak the truth, they are highly bruised and shaken a great deal. Society is jinxed on the scratches of failed state. The actual state of affairs is highly demoralizing and only the maker has the answer on when and how decorum and decency will be regained and loopholes sealed.  How people are growing now is a scaring and frightening. Hell opened its doors and today dominates our current life like a flue.

Acts of selfishness and insanity have hampered the moral test of the dwellers of contemporary life. We live everyday dislocated from our rightful positions. No one seems to subdue the illusions and crises troubling their own lives. The fact that many people have fallen so low to a state of unconsciousness such that they don't understand and control their state of life is no mean revelation.  We cannot live our live to the level of animals. Nothing happens involuntarily around here. Seek to consider how you take and handle your life. We are not all mad. Somethings just need to be dropped and stopped from happening. Let people accept the truth as it is and cease one too many pretentious ways of living. It does not pay to be valueless, but rather costs you an arm and a leg.


Today I learned a lesson that I would like to share with you. Lesson is on career. In every career of whatever field, there exists three levels. One category is of those who are still structuring their career path in readiness of breaking into their field. The second is of those middle class people who have already tested the field and and on final category is of those elites who are on the top of their game. They are at the pinnacle with all the know how feathers of the micro and macro of the industry.

They have the profession on their best angle. A crisis in the looming is that not all these established gurus are willing to hold the hand of the first category and pull them up to their level. Many are malicious and insecure. They are afraid of dismantle and being dislodged from the seat of glory. Anyway, forget about such individuals in life. Today I give credit to these other brand who cast their bread on waters to find it after many days. They can should the novice and tailor them towards success.

They know the value of giving back. To these brand of people, I lift a glass of cheers and too. It is such a good feeling to lend a hand and help out someone and bring them to limelight to showcase what they have to offer the public.Believing in someone else's ability is of vital importance on charting career path. That gesture alone can stir a zealous energy that can easily break the ice and move the masses. They a hand of courtesy to someone and you will see what I am sharing. As a professional in whatever field, incorporate such actions in your social corporate responsibility and delight in someone's success. See you soon.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


"Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be."
                              Zig Ziglar


The shift in character has caused humanity a great deal of personal integrity and credibility. That value that we initially saw placed at a life is no longer operational. Life today is taken as if it is a passing current in a sea. People no longer regard virtues as suitable character traits. We no longer praise virtue and condemn vice. But rather the change of gear has seen vices being highlighted more than virtues. Today many are of the opinion that no one cares about championing acts of integrity and honesty.

That society no longer knows how to do good. The few correct values that are still maintained are treated with hands of contempt. For instance, I recently heard a young man ask a question that if abstaining from sex is going against the norms given the racketeered and sensationalism that this society lives with. Glory is given when one commits a crime even as gross as crimes against humanity and sexual of fences. How can on e be robbed of sanity and dignity yet another man from unascertained corner emerges to give a standing ovation for the one who wronged?

The lies that are traded in our contemporary life must be very dangerous and poshly poised to bring down the growth of life on lines of credible living. Whatever existed as leadership in its standard nature without any addition above or below is soiled with vices of vested interes iclusive of malicious minds that thrives in growing a lame disabled community. People seem to care less of what they do and to what extend such actions can go.

Rapists are not ashamed of their actions nor thieves and all those who cause affliction among members of public. In our modern day, a father wants to behave however he feels and forget that he has a great task of leading a family into choosing correctly in life. Abuse of and weirdness are tendered freely around void of the fact that there is a growing generation that needs to learn. Who will call us  back to the roots and teach humanity how to think?  Just keep in mind that we still insist that, it is not life until it is well lived.


It actually appears indeed that a strange wind is blowing around. There is a lot of precarious menaces happening here and there within this life. If it is not some heart breaking governing nature of the government, it is the immoral habits of men and women of this community. Under this category today, we urge you to identify all the strange winds in your life and do away with them is you find them unfitting aropund the corridors of your beautiful life. And here is to your pleasure Timothy Wangusa with a poem titled, A Strange Wind. 

A strange wind is blowing, dust fills our eyes:
We turn and walk the unintended way.
We press our sore eyes and reopen them,
To expanded horizons , to a new day!
The narrow circle of our cherished experiences breaks,
Our trusted gods dissolve and ghosts vanish,
Disembodied voices announce world news,
We see the hidden side of the moon,
The dead man's eye transfers to the living,
The atom splits and the songbird croaks,
Economics opposes Charity,
Law protects wizards and forbids justice,
The small nation shouts, and the big one brags,
Futile raids cease and global wars commence,
And the rude son strikes the father- a sword! 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


"I shall shape my future. Whether I fail or succeed shall be no man's doing but my own. I am the force; I can clear any obstacle before me. or I can be lost in the maze. My choice. My responsibility. Win or lose I hold the key to my destiny."
                                             Og Mandino

WHo keeps/observes laws these days?

Since slyness and twitchy habits sneaked into people's heads and come to realize that for sure it's the twenty first century; many stopped listening and observing the common laws that common sense depicted obvious. These days, legs are walking on anything they find oblivious of the associated repercussion.   Mum and dad forgot their roles and left their offspring for the world to care.

A good number of the so called grown ups refused to grow and despite their advanced nature of ages, many remained five year olds and toddlers in mind. They forgot what responsibility meant and took to insipid ways of living that has rocked the society with exacerbated mediocrity. Society today is composed of weak and ailing principles that lacks the basic strengths that are meant to cement and establish a solid character. People are seen walking in and out of restricted quarters.  Children too have taken to their parents sinister ways and confused these no go zone areas and made them their playgrounds.    

Population around the globe grows on the grounds of wrong notions and ignorance. Majority of the living have made fools of themselves and went a head to laud their felonies as if it is a form of holy rhythm.  Rules and regulations are broken from sunrise to sunset. The commanders and overseers of these departments too have their hands soiled and thus their adjudications is impaired. They lack the moral authority to instill sense of order and respect for the laws in the community.

Every one is puffed and big headed enough not to listen and see what is fragrantly in-scripted in the open. Tales of submission unto procedures of land are proving hard to be adhered to and be attained. unruliness is what many are poised with. Gaps and missing links are not filled sufficiently , while the concerned parties are too busy to offer leadership, direction and even contain the situation. What of amazing about the whole of this twist is the fact that people of this place called earth have lost it become too shameless to the extend of cheating and playing double standards with one who is beyond their comprehension. See how Tucky people are? They commit offenses under the watchful eyes of someone high and again seek to hide under his blatant watch. If this is not insanity, then tell us what you think it's. Reckless is what we observe among people especially these days when man declare law void in his own presence.   You think terms and conditions of life are inconsistent? Anyway, just remember that we still insist that it isn't life until it's well lived.