Saturday, September 15, 2012


"An hour of effective, precise, hard, disciplined and integrated thinking can be worth a month of hard work. Thinking is the most difficult thing to do in business and in life. Empire builders spend hour-after-hour on mental work."
                                                            Kekich Credo

Inside Poor Parenting; Valuless parents

Intoxication, wrong gestures of presentation and not knowing when to do what and when not to say what are some of the fragrant scenarios that are witnessed daily amongst valueless parents who have turned out to be a big dissappointment and disgrace to their own children. Actions of endless drama and state of nothingness and disorder together with everyday embroilment in common life stupidity is what they hallow more than playing their role as real parents who are supposed to guide , advice and lead by example.

Engaging in lewdness and uttering good for nothing words in the presence of their children is what some parents have perfected most at the expense of the aftermath results given  what they say and act in the presence of their adult or young children. Slowly by slowly the fabric of soberiety continues to be torn by the very hands that are supposed to protect it. Vulnerability and weakness of many parents is what most kids know than the correct side of them.

Inside our present life, like it or hate it, there is a family that has never ever learned to settle down and live a normal life of mature peoplew. They are always entangled in one mess after the other thereby confusing and surprising their children on a daily basis of what has become of the parents or rather adults. This shame and insanity that we witness everyday from corners of this life must at least be contained by relevanat people. WQe cannot continue to be that loose and anked in the presence of a growing generation. Let us not be the champion of wqrong seeds.

At one point or another, someone must learn to grow up and correct his or her errors. Parents, you cannot continue to be mean and senseless in character all the time. Valueless and without order and organization is bad image for the children o f the society. Choose respect and recheck the way you handle yourself.

Books in society

We pick from where we left many moons away and once more discuss about this adorable book industry. Books in society remains unopposed and indispensable because their role of continuation assignment . When classes are closed in a learning institution, education is continued inside society through books. Whoever claims to be learned cheats him/herself. Education never ends in a person's lifetime. Change of time will always grace our lives to announce the expiration of a certain period or tradition of attending to matters. Open minds will change with time and often sometimes be ahead of the times courtesy of books. What we are actually saying here is that books in society have a well cut out assignment that is irreplaceable with other platforms.

If a person wants to keep their stream flowing and refreshed always, then a good option is about them turning to books to be informed and sensitized. We urge you to recognize and embrace books for your own good. To Stay safe and clean means for you always to be on your toes doing something to defend your own fall and regret. Beat mundanes of life, wickedness, insecurity and all that spells danger by being on the know side. Book industry has done well in the past and still continues to shine as it has played its role by equipping the society with the intelligence and and proclaiming their availability in the market today.

A lazy soul and  mind cry foul alone when it does not act in time to rescue itself from the grips of ignorance thereby remaining stranded in a certain corner when other masses are enjoying life and moving forward. Don't be left behind when almost everyone is doing something to stay relevant. The book industry exists to better and improve your world. Be forbidden not to underestimate its presence.
See you soon;


"You are responsible for exactly who, what, and where you are in life . That will be just as true as this time next year."
                                           Kekich Credo


Cases of abandoned children rendered to danger and molestation are rife within and withoout. A case in point here in Kenya could be the reckless parents from Central Kenya who have taken to cheap liquor at the expense of proper upbringing of their own children who are mostly neglected and exposed to child labour and daily abuses. Report by National Council for children service indicated that over, 7,000 cases of child abuse are reported almost every year i snot a laughing matter. Something is wrong somewhere.

The case study mark you is just fetched one region, thereby posting a good thought of what if all the eight regions were considered, what could be the figure? You guessed right. Th e number could be huge and scaring. We have countless fixtures of irresponsible as well as insensitive parents across the board have little care to the demanding needs of their children ranging from developmental to economic. Rarely do most parents understand the strength s and weaknesses of their own offsprings at the expense of their own future. The personalized needs of mutual understanding betweeen a child and his/her own mother/father is lartgely lacking prompting children to seek solace elsewhere which may turn out to be sinister.

Cases of assumption and silence is seriously affecting our modern community. Parents are not available in every step of their children's life to direct and correct errors. They are not there to listen to their worries and problems affecting their children little ones; thus selling them to peer pressure that can easily destroy a child's future. A big question we would like to ask all parent figures out there is, where do you go when you're most needed and why do you treat your own blood in the most undignified way? Why become so tired too early when the race has just began? We challenge all the parents out there to assume back their role and take care of their children to avoid many senseless iniquities that are currently being committed by some of these neglected children.

Career Growth

In our career growth we would like to signpost the essence of going to school to achieve skills as opposed to going to school to pass exams. The market world has no place for those who passed their exams but rather those who are well equipped to fit easily in the changing dimension of life and circumstances. The passing of exams in our own opinion does not necessarily mean that someone is cerebral and thus approved to attend to everything that life offers.

People need to open their eyes or perhaps uncover themselves from this sprawling blanket that they have chosen to cover themselves with in hiding from actuality of life. Being a right professional and the aspect of being learned are two different things. There are those who claim to be learned yet they lack that same education. After all, we have so many educated fellows but our modern life runs on a deficit of modesty. It is only in understanding a skill that one can transform that intelligence into meaningful income generating facet.

Get over that notion of schooling to pass examination. Go to school to have fun and dust off your skewed platforms to remain one straight pruned person that fit himself or herself anywhere in life and create something or achieve something. Our society is filled with kindergarten schooled souls who have turned out to be ineffective in many ways. Those who thought were leaders have posted dismal performance to the chagrin of their own reputation. So is so and so and other the other or even yourself.

Our schooled minds have failed to interpret for us the intelligence of our present age thereby making us slaves to poor communication. Little is being tapped from our information age in the twenty first era. Many are still victims of traditional thoughts void of the changing times. Open your eyes people and learn to see what you have not been seeing for along time now.
See you soon;
Editor; youtooformorality 


"If you bring value to the table , other people who add value will be attracted to you. If you remove value from the table, people who add value will shy away from you."
                                                                                 Simon Black 

So poor parenthood Still exists?

If the necessary noise we are hear5ing is anything to go by, then indeed poor parenting exists. Poor parenting in its manifestation comes in many ways and forms. On one scenario, neglect of a child's needs in terms of her development , expression and giving relevant attention is one way of poor parenting. Refusal to guide a child in the right direction and hesitation in correcting mistakes promptly as they occur is also poor parenting. Parents 's absence in the lives of their children too is another form of poor parenting.

Failure to show love and protecting children from danger is as well a sign of poor parenting. The worst and regrettable one is all about parents being irresponsible and failing seriously to identify their roles in providing for their families. The list is formidable and all you need to understand  is that, we are suffering as a society in terms of parenting as some have loosen their belts and succumbed to pressure of life and literally fallen off from the steering wheels of driving their families.

Fathers for that matter have practically failed in their credibility test and thus surrendered their families to fate. Innocent children, teenagers and young adults who badly need leadership have been sidelined and left to dogs. A lot of drama is witnessed in many homes at the expense of proper growth alignment of the said children. Poor parenting as our little research as shown largely results from immaturity from the part of parents. Some are haunted by their previous life as children when they were growing thereby carrying the same attitude into their present families.

Thus creating an incessant chain of unsolved issues. We feel that there is enough time for people to grow up and correct mistakes. We also hold the opinion that people should not take into marriage until they are sure of what they are engaging into in order to slow down felonies in our present life. Some parents today are a big disappointment to their children. A picture that should not have happened in the first place. If that reason you are a parent out there, take heed to recheck your parenting styles.  

Poetry; Emptiness

Given the sickening nature of our parents, perhaps this is what their children are telling them using the words of Kassam.

People walk,
But where is the sound of their footsteps?
People walk,
But where is their charm and humor?
It is warm and bright,
But I cannot see the sun!
It is cool and romantic
But I cannot see the moon!
The trees sway,
Without rhythm or enchantment.
The lamps light devoid of any glow;
Hot coffee is served devoid of any aroma.
I shake hands but cannot get the grip;
I hit a ball but it does not rise.

Someone pronounces, 'Arise'!
But where is the energy?
Another pleads, Enliven!
But where is the blood?
A third illuminate'!
But where is the light?

I seek in vain for color and lustre,
          For the dew and spice,
For the warmth and radiance;
Yes, the very soil under feet lacks fertility.

Have your say. Any relevance in our current society?

See you soon ;
Editor; youtooformoarlity


"Good leaders create a vision, passionately articulate the vision, and relentlessly drive the vision to completion."
                                                  Jack Welch

Personal Development

We resume our normal tradition after taking you through our business feature. Today we tackle persornal development as we recently discovered that many more people don't understand themselves regardless of how old they are. Being aware means the whole difference between failure and success. By now you must have know that it is lack of information that leads people astray. It is also very vital to mention that knowing is what can rescue one from the grip and prison of a particular lifestyle that is somewhat not admirable .

It is also being in the know that side that can cause one to appear to be moving or to appear stuck in a certain quagmire at the cost of one's life. Due to that reason, we fully dedicate our selves to bring you this tip on personal development to help you own and reposes your life. And when we talk of about personal development, we mean you and your life. It is about yourself improvement and discovering your real self and do those things that are you. If it means career or personality it should just clock down to your own specification. Laugh because you are meant to laugh not because a neighbor did so.

Here we encourage you to define what composes you and what does not define you. You're a cook and not a farmer. Utilize the strengths of your own passion in the correct field. Stop stumbling on almost everything around you. Be exact on what you want to ber and the world to know you for. Discover yourself and you r worl. Don't under live your potential due to ignorance. Awaken yourself and inform your own life. Be aware in order to reduce the number of mistakes you can make. Life is too short to be wasted in committals. When will  you learn about the sweetiness ofd this life if all you would do is walking fromj one failure to another? Check your life now.

See you soon;
Editor; youtooformorality