Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Consciousness; Bible Study

What is in the character? Let us talk about leadership and how a great guy who is fully blessed and at the same time granted that opportunity to administer others and how one should behave. Look at David in the bible and let's begin from there. When David got rest from his enemies and when God had greatly blessed him and he had a good house to himself; one that was built of cedar, he thought to himself as to how can he be dwell in a mansion yet God's ark stayed in a tent? David thought to do something and was quickly developing the idea of building the Ark of God a nice and presentable place to dwell in. In this story; we pick a very interesting trait that we would like to expound on. So when you're affluent and of influence to the community or a nation for that matter; you need to understand that it's not just in time for you to engage yourself in cases of impunity and obnoxious stances to take center stage of your popular life.

 Stay sober always. Don't let what you have and do determine how you behave and treat those around you. When David was extremely blessed and given rest from all those who had previously pursued his life and brought about affliction in his career, he never went about boasting or beating his chest of how powerful and mighty he is. He never talked of himself nor mentioned something under his name. He literary never pointed out at one point that he it was during his reign that Israel got a breakthrough. Instead David despite all those blessings and caps around his life and career, he remained a humble man and put God's interest first. When promises were made to him through prophet Nathan, David was touched and went into the tent and thanked God profusely. He was taken aback by God's favor to him and his offspring.

 At one point, he asked that who is David that all these mighty works have unfolded before him? Such is a leader that we all need to be. Remain sensitive to basic issues and matters. Wealth and our positions in society is quite different when it comes to the whole issue of life. You as a person must choose to contain yourself. Don't leap around yakking restlessly.  Maintain your calmness and thank God for the privilege. Don't mistreat nor lead others with a fist of iron. Don't be irrelevant and immune to life occurrences. Be compassionate and reach out to those who need you.

 Don't front your own interests. Take every milestone in your life as God's favor and always give thanks for everything. Therefore; a character that is well fed and grown to maturity knows how to direct the body and everything around it . Choose today consciousness and learn from the best who have all the requisite elements of a credible leader to help you lead a wonderful life. Above all; don't allow things you own or control ever run your life. Be humble and enjoy life. Maturity is very important. Take care of your character on a daily basis. Here is to your consciousness.

See you soon.

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