Monday, May 20, 2013

Immaturity conudrums; Questions of indecision persist to the Nerve.

Moving from one town to another' off goes to Nairobi. At one point, this man is seen seated busy writing obviously keeping his favorite scenic reads close to his chest from his newly bought book. From a far, one will be tempted to think that this man is a well cultured man who enjoys freedom of thought and not a prisoner of his own circumstances. But wait a minute; as he opens his mouth to speak, the tone of his voice tells it all. He speaks angrily with a tone of authority to remind the addressee that indeed he is the head. Irresponsible, uncouth, loose character, insecure, traces of ignorance are some of his characteristics commonly featured in his routine life. On an ordinary day, he can pass as a noble gentleman for his calmness and collectivists stealthily hidden behind his pretentious demeanor to  a guest   or those who don't know him well.

The man whom many identify as a pastor is a case in waiting to be determined later in public ridicule court. The man in question is characterized with countless tassels of indecision. He cannot make a decision to grow up and take up responsibility as both a husband and head of the house. Surprisingly, he also does not know whether he is married or not yet he has a wife in the house, he still presents himself out as a single man. Due to that fact, his briefcase is also at hand and his bag packed ready to commute between Valley and Nairobi. While in the big city, the man forgets that he is a pastor and tries out new antics of extra marital preferences having duped the wife back home that he is in the city on a work mission.

Reports of surprising news are trickling in slowly by slowly causing some to look at him suspiciously. He is not a teenager. Why should he behave so immaturely to that extend are just some of the questions we are lingering with.  To what extend can people exhibit? Must you be talked of the town to change your behavior?  We are just wondering where some people grew up and went to school.  If you cannot make a decision to control and manage your own life? How then can other people trust you that you will act responsibly and reasonably enough to carry out your duty faithfull6y ? Shame after shame is what our mature persons in society have perfected and assume as a norm of life. That sort of lifestyle is irritating and perturbing at the same time while the correspondents have grown immune to decorum and order. What we don't clear understand is that, where do people place their senses to let time pass them that long to only wake up in their mid forties yet they actually portray five year old -cum teenage antics? Is our society save if this is anything to go by?  And if that is not enough; do the victims themselves understand  what caliber of chaos and frictions they cause around the lives of those who come into proximity with them ? We here condemns such kind of statures and advise everyone to look into their live and prune out any sort of conundrums.

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