Thursday, May 16, 2013

Of Skewed public presentation

So immaturity is proofing to be a hard nut to crack by some baseless persons in society to the extend that it is becoming their permanent fixture in their everyday lives to portray discomfiture comfortably? They are hampered with loose tongues, character misfits, insecurity and mostly credibility test yet they take to life as though nothing precarious happened. To what extend will our senior members of the society ranging from some of our parents to grandparents persist in leadership crisis? When will we know sobriety and tranquility if they continue behaving the same way you knew them five years away?  Should we take it silently as a normal way of life? Must some people be always be the ones hurting and misleading the growing children? Why you as a parent be the cause of uncertainty in your own house? That the moment your son or daughter sees you stepping in the house they escape to their rooms or everyone goes silent in the house.

This is not what we need. Society and its inhabitants need heads who can direct and boldly correct mistakes around the family and community at large. Why should you be hunched by skewed ways of presentation in public ? That where you grace people discuss you in low tones . Eyebrows raised always when spotted somewhere. Surely; is this what we need as a society? Life has a lot to be tasted and teach. When will society learn the daily intelligence that is presented everyday by each new day? Why let precariousness be the definition of your life? Disappointment, scandals and prejudice is what has become the norm of many persons across the board.

Your children innocent as they appear don't need this kind of lifestyles. Give them peace to grow up well. Let them have that opportunity to ask questions and answer them correctly to clear the blurs that might be on their way. Be there when needed.Dig around your character and be what it takes to be a parent. One thing every child do not need around their homes is about the misunderstanding and quarrels everyday. Mature up quickly and play your role as a right thinking member of society. Correct your own errors. Do not let them grow into chronic mistakes. Respect the growing generation. They have a long way to go. And in this journey, you as a parent play a very delicate critical role in their well being.

Do not inspire wrong gestures or cause to be quoted later that you were the one who posses such an awkward trait that your son or daughter has taken to today. It is not fair at all. We don't need this lameness in both character and leadership. Parents take up your responsibility , guide the society and clear this dark cloud that hangs around your credibility as right thinking members of the society. Remember that in every step of your life, you are being monitored closely by someone with that skewed public outlook is rather sad, not only that but also pathetic and loathsome. Incivility is bad smell to children. Give us a fresh air in terms of character.      

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