Thursday, May 16, 2013

What of Drooped Character?

So they say is one of the common characteristics of immature people who if anything do very little to improve their thought patterns and how they handle their lives everyday. Their life is full of muddles yet they are unperturbed of how they act. That some people in society have reduced their lives into a scene of scandals is not an understatement. Speaking on top of their voices and shouting at each other especially when in an argument is a common scenario here. And when we talk of drooped character, we are not particularly talking of one person in this context. This behavior is widely spread across our lives in our daily lives. Questionable speech, extreme comments abuses and general performance of these caliber of persons are somewhat embarrassing .

Simple basic manners of courtesy are not their common table menu. A simple appreciation is too much for them while they are contributing positively towards the betterment of this life with their poor character. Disadvantaged sufferers here are the little children that are found within this confines of drooped people. Why should you take life for granted to that extend? Why should anything be taken to be something? Don't we know  that  we are supposed to be calculative and thoughtful always? Why characterize your life with stupidity and indiscipline? Do you think you are alive to misbehave? There is more to this life than foolishness, childishness and mediocrity.

It is not our first time that we are addressing cases of immaturity and its consequences. No one is interested to know how callous you are. These are not life supporting behaviours and  you don't need them in the first place. Our society today is crippled with such sick habits that are dealing a major blow to life. The correct norm of life is sidelined and depleting slowly everyday yet no one is careful enough to save the future. We know we are messing but we continuously engage in our fallen ways. this society needs genuine people who can stand and be counted in both character and principles. We don't want people who appears to be struggling always with their thoughts and fitting in life. Common sense is freely distributed to everyone and you don't need to pay for it to access its services.

What we can't stand is the mixed reactions that our growing generation gets out of our habits. We don't need this confusion. Let us all practice maturity and open mindedness. We don't want always to be hearing speeches where a mother somewhere persistently reminds her children that she is the mother and that in that regard; they don't have a word over her even if she contravenes their rights. Children have to take it that way. By whose laws are such perspectives founded? Insecurity is not an excuse to abuse the rights of others simply because you are who you think you are. Grow up and practice justice to all whether children or your age mates. Improve people. choose to restore dignity and sanity in both public and in your private life. Whereas you lambast yourself with uncalled for character; one thing you don't want to forget is that someone somewhere is practicing excellence to impact life positively.   

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