Monday, May 20, 2013

Morality Thermostart/ Immaturity

This sin of commission and omission has proved that it is ingrained somewhere in our society and is not going to be brushed off that easily. It has turned out to be a cup of tea for those of us in society who have persistently taken our lives for granted and treated it with indignity by being characterized with COUNTLESS SCANDALS OF ALL SORTS. UN PROFESSIONAL  persons who take life matters casually are also a definition of this pool. They behave as if they were solely created to cause eyes turn and heads be shaken. Unperturbed as some seem. Don't you think you is a tired move? Sale  a life to the third party opinions? At age forty someone still accepts to be mislead and queues in sheepishly ? Are we serious? If grown ups can behave in such a questionable outlook, what will the children do?

Where should they find reach parents who have what it takes to direct them and correct their mistakes? Immaturity is scandalizing many a persons lives and turned them into baseless heads sold into their own mess. Life can be defined in many facets. And among those definitions , we here look at it as an opportunity for one to create, benefit, improve, impact, change , inspire and correct errors among other perspectives. Life is about improvements. Earlier on when we were just starting out our blog we discussed with you about the elements that make up life and why we have them in life. Mistakes, occurrences, people, and failure are some of the elements we addressed. Let us take on mistakes .

 In life, surmountable failure of all nature tends to pursue a normal human being. We told you earlier that mistakes are in this life to shape us and clean our lives. We need them to be good learners and good hearers. Lot of mistakes have been committed before in our life both in the past and present. These mistakes don't happen to be a corner stone of gossip to be talked and be mused by people. We need to mature up fast and open our eyes to life realities. Cases of immaturity have been rampant in society and you don't need one to be one of the case studies to shape up. Look around and see how people have been troubled. Some could not settle down and chart their own future development.

 They have been questions of indecision and because of that they remained prisoners in their own minds and followers of others opinions regardless of their repercussions. Every one needs calmness and peace to think wisely and correctly. We are the custodians of the society and not the other way round. We cannot afford to let circumstances of life determine how we should live and think. The fact that society is embroiled in felonies of all nature does not necessarily mean that we should also appear as rotten. It is life. Choose consciousness and be available in every moment of your life. Your life is your business. Stop letting loose your gate to third parties to inform your decisions and choices of life. Keep with us we tackle immaturity to its core.

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