Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Poetry: Sleepless in Angola

By Joseph Kariuki

They no longer sleep.
Dissonant machine-gun cracks
And the wails of their dying
Have drowned their dancing drums.
And tomorrow-
Will there be a tomorrow?
They can no longer sleep.
A wind of awakening blowing from the north.
To dispel the despair of life's mockery
So that by death their children may live 
Once again as men.
Has called them to resist.

They are not alone:
Their moans find echoes in the torn continent.
And the oppressors shall never again
Till the weird blood-clogged earth
In peace.
They shall no longer sleep.

Me thinks we also shall no longer sleep until we choose to clear our ways by sticking to the rules and regulations that govern a certain activity whether individual or communal. Justice has to reign regardless of what we want to believe whether to please ourselves to growing evil or choosing the right path and correct our own mistakes. What do you think? Share your thoughts.



  1. Great and helpful to me. I admitt

  2. Madam, there is no place to sleep in Africa today. As it is vividly depicted that, the continent is torn. Mercilessly torn, war is becoming the national anthem of each nation, look what is happening in South Sudan a virgin country, very poor and orderless but they are fighting, look at Somalia, very tiny and poor, but the gun is their meal. I cry for Central African Republic, religious conflict, GOD save us!

  3. Thank You for Checking out my Blog. Indeed we live in a restless world where war and conflict is the order of the day. I totally agree with your observations.


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