Monday, May 20, 2013

poetry; War after WAR

by John S. Mbiti

We are tired of scandals and cases of senselessness in society. We don't have to experience these wars of moral uprightness. Change is what we want. Just listen to this poem and think for yourselves.

We are tired of waiting for and war.
Our trees their leaves have shed
The writer has come and gone
Spring flowers have blossomed and withered
And here we are.
Still waiting for another war
Our atom bombs have rusty grown
And bald are the heads of those who made them
But we
The ugly martyrs of another war
Do not fear
We have seen wars
We know their taste is sweet 
And their smell is good 
Smoke from the guns is all we dream about
 Waiting for our opulent leaders
To start another war
Till the first shot is heard
And the war trumpet is blown.

Is it war after war of whatever nature that we want to witness as a society? Do you get the point of the poem? Share your thoughts. Enjoy
                                           Editor; youtooformorality   

1 comment:

  1. this poems explains a bit beyond normal senses. mbiti discusses the despaired minds of people for whom under exploitation and torture have sacrificed their will and wage for water. in this poem their is armed struggle. as president of German said"only blood and iron but not words and speeches


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