Thursday, November 17, 2011


Handling Equipment: Break, break, break and break then commit wanton destruction. Some people find it so easy to break work equipments. Stop the antics, whatever you are committing is called being unprofessional and unethical. The organization you work for does not have money to spent on careless characteristics. Office materials should be respected and be used on the right job and returned in the storage when what was meant to be done is accomplished. Store them safely and carefully. A career person who is enthusiastic about the future is supposed to behave like a professional and take good care of what has been bestowed under his supervision. Such habits of unprofessional ism and recklessness are career killers and must be avoided by all means. When management puts you on spotlight about being careless and unconcerned, know that your career is threatened and you might be shown the door soon. To avoid such fixation, just be responsible person and handle equipments with care and even shun such habits of theft and carrying office items for personal use at home. This should come as a warning to first time employees who might not be well acquainted with work ethics and take everything for easy because of its availability. Don't be too notorious to the extend of abandoning your responsibility to buy your own things and instead use the ones in the office simply because it is your department. Build your own career using your character. If you look a head with industrious hope and panache, the don't embrace ill habits around your career.   

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