Saturday, January 7, 2012



Time and again has proven that the best way to control your time is to own it in your own hands. Split your day into hours and your hours into minutes. Face your day in every step of your minutes. Script your day and account for what every minute of your hour is spent on. Drop list your schedule of what to do on a day. Always plan your day on the previous night. Sleep knowing what you will start your day with first thing when you set your foot in the office. Today we have our secret tip on time management from 'millionaire's time management.'  We have none other than Mr. Donald Trump and his lead lawyer George Ross who learned the tip from the boss.
Here is the trick from Ross, " Get a simple notebook and carry it around for the next three days. Break the page up into fifteen minute blocks and write down what you are doing each day at those times."
There we go, if your day starts at eight, this is how those blocks should look like in your notebook;
8:00 a.m
8: 15 a.m
8: 45 a.m
9: 00 a.m etc
The trick here is to find out time wasters and effective use of time. Doing such habit can perfectly help you become a good time manager. Get into the drill don't just read, real change lies in action. Enjoy the practice. 

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