Tuesday, January 31, 2012


What happens when a leader dirties his/her image in the eyes of the juniors and public domain? How can he/she face them the following day and be treated with the deserved respect? Such is a kind of scenario that we point today on this tip on checking your work ethics and preserving your professional image as a leader of a certain field. We talk about the repercussions of trading your integrity both in your professional and private life. It is a difficult situation for you to bring yourself unto such occasion.

You put your staff and even your friends and family into a compromising manner. They are caged in your habits. You don't want to know how hard it's for people when their leader is embroiled in credibility crisis. Be conscious and always be attentive of what you do and how you do it. Your action is your padlock and your key as well. Care about those who are found within your circle. They are not chattels but human beings with feelings. 

As a leader, set the pace for everyone and make sure your decisions are honest and uniting. No one should ever raise eyebrows at how you conduct yourself in your daily duties.  As a professional with a goal to see and experience future in blossom, then work at protecting your image in peoples mind. Whatever is in the mind is irreparable. Therefore you just have to get it right using your first impression. 

Career growth is very vital in every living person's life. Being a leader more so is so critical, be it about leading your own family or children. People need to see fertile example that is irrefutable. For you to be all the above description, integrity is paramount. You need to establish and maintain it. Watch your foot steps and what your hands are involved on. Life is meant to be lived rightly without fear or favor. 

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