Saturday, April 28, 2012

Editorial; Actuality of life

After taking you through a three week marathon of sensitive basic matters of life, this week we take a chill pill and do a sequel of all the three week discussed subjects and draw your attention to actual life. We sample what real life is made of and what is its daily composition. Poignant issues on real life struggles is what we tackle in our menu of the week. What of our real life society where some people are struggling for food, medication , freedom and finally liberty from some level of oppression? Whereas you think that everything is harmonious and calm; reality check states otherwise. People are gravely troubled on parallel grounds.

One family graves for food and water while another is deeply bothered  and hurt by the depreciating condition of their sick parent or brother who has been bed ridden for too long now and they  are worried by the quick depletion of resources that they have highly invested in the patience who is not responding to medication. Whereas some are easily accessed to medical facilities, others somewhere are decrying their sorry state of abjection and desperation as to where and how they can solicited money to enable them meet the agenda of their sick person.

As if that is not enough, what of a neighbor who is entangled in emergency issues? That he/she cannot demonstrate his/her freedom because of this and that of the host? Selfish hands on a daily basis abuse a soul here or there. Intimidation and duress is what they know better than growth. Oppression from employers, parents and even brothers and sisters is what some endure on their everyday life. Peace of mind is never and known by a good number of people in society today. Panting and worries is what embeds our current life. People are not fully settled to enjoy life as they would want to.

Despite what you have and what you do, someone somewhere is going through a difficult time. Out of all these realizations, one is left with only thing; that of giving thanks for who we are and what we have. You might be in a situation, but remember, there is someone somewhere who is more troubled than you. Therefore taking a moment and saying a prayer is not too much to ask.

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