Friday, April 13, 2012

Special Feature; Did The Easter message sink?

Easter holiday is slowly taking its bowing rights from the public domain after creating a major buzz two weeks agao. The season was a promising one to different individuals ranging from children to business magnates who were looking forward for a candy moment with their parents and friends. Churches opened their doors widely to all and sundry and true to their expectations, the pews did not remain empty.

A number of souls chose to mark their easter inside a temple perhaps to chant a prayer for good tidings or just may be for certain undisclosed missions that were best reserved to the particular person who graced church during the holiday. Whereas a business person made his hard cash somewhere, little can be accounted for those christians who filled church compounds as no one is sure of whether they were listening or no. Christians filled many places of worship across the world to celebrate the death and resurrection of their maker who brought reprieve when little was expected .

Sunday saw many people over joyed in a merry mood all in the name of the assurance that christ had rise. Messages flew from all directions based on easter themes and thousands of people ranging from prisoners to children sat down tolisten. Whoever kept the lesson is our major question today. WE don't know for sure whether some partook in the season for sheer reasons of showing off or they were solemn deep down their heart. The aspect of whether you listened or not is not a big issue.

Life as always has been a gift and and all you choose to take it through is basically your personal concern. Seasons in life always acts as reminders to humanity to either change to a new tune of life. Whether you're for change or retrogression is no one's worry. You are a principal trust holder of your own life. You owe your life an explanation when cases of injustices and poor assortments encamps ways of your living. Supposing selfish escapades or respect for the truth is your way of life is largely your personal case to determine. What we know for sure is that, there was a season called easter which came with a reason and purpose.   

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