Tuesday, May 14, 2013

awareness: personal development

Consequences of ignorance is largely coming out as a serious factor that is clearly inhibiting some people's development and general well being in both physical and mental health. Generally, ignorance comes in as a form of disease or just plainly a stumbling block towards achieving one thing or the other. It is such outrageous in that it also affects a personal way of making decisions and casting someone into confusion to whether they should move ahead or remain stagnant. Doubts and cynicism are some of the characteristics of ignorance . 

People are always left in the cold and a sort of quagmire stalling too long in one off circumstances at the expense of their aggregate progress of their whole life. For that reason; we feel obligated to address again this topic though we had earlier discussed something in that direction. You have heard not once or twice but rather numerous times the Bible not withstanding that people get lost or loose focus for lack of knowledge. Without information a lot of affairs are mismanaged and plain words misinterpreted and sometimes causes disharmony around people's lives. On a typical day , we hear of countless stories of which ninety percent of such matters are cases of ignorance.

Many issues that grip the society today are all associated with ignorance . And the consequences of ignorance are as laid bare as the sun in a noonday; a matter that needs to be talked about almost immediately. You don't have to be tossed left and right simply because you don't know something . Make it your daily responsibility to seek resourceful information that always help and enable you to be stable to think independently and at the same time administer your decisions securely without injuring yourself or creating scandals around your life or put unnecessary contempt unto innocent persons. Why do you want to look displaced in your own house?

You don't need such occasions. Take care of your own life. search for information to place yourself in a potential position to avoid problems. Always have knowledge about something before involving your5self in one way or the other. Don't commit if you have doubts inside . ignorance kills. 't underestimate its presence. Address ignorance with prompt. The hassle or haggles that comes with it are so unnecessary. Counter ignorance before it gets its good side of it on you. You might cry; just think of it.


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