Monday, May 20, 2013

Books and society

The other day we signposted to you one of the life's most treasured book that is the bible and discussed how it is a must have -cum read for everyone who values life and consciousness. Today we focus on books and indeed let us talk about books and their indispensable nature. There is no way or time that books will be thrown outside the window in this society or even the coming societies. They posses perpetual genes that have just to be carried forward to the next generation. 

Masses have to be informed. That is why GOD INSPIRED AUTHORS OR RATHER THE CREATIVE INDUSTRY which has lambasted society from all corners whether Africa or Europe. People have to read even God himself know that and has gone further and provided provision and blessed authors to carry out that assignment of keeping the masses abreast and an opportunity for them to sample different genres of work from various writers across the board. Our bottom line is that; everyone has the opportunity to get education. Books create equity in society and narrows the gap between the less educated to elites. In this industry, all are welcome regardless of backgrounds. If you want education you will get it in the most convenient way that you desire. You can choose night or day or even go on holiday with your books with you to fill up the gaps in you. There is no complain here that you were not given school fees.

 Warm up to books and stay save ahead and build milestones in your education. At one point or another , we are tempted to say that you don't have to pay in an institution to appear to be learning . You can learn by yourself so long as you know what you want. We urge you to stop being ordinary and doing everything ordinary until your sweat smell ordinary. Choose a difference. Find your own wow factor to protect yourself and your life from unnecessary scandals and antics. Don't suffer from  prejudice, hostility, ignorance , apathy yet we have books in society. You will be reducing value in your life. Learn how to walk safely through books. Life bis a forest. It does not have this straight path that can lead you to your destiny. You must find the way. And one way of finding the road is to count on books to clear the forest for you.

 Life is full of security risks. Learn how to think like a human being and stop replicating the same mistakes that were committed when human was still discovering himself. Appreciate the milestone created and again thank the creative persons out there that have ensured that we don't run short on books but instead new inventions are realized everyday. Don't remain behind and blame someone later. Come out of the cocoon and be in touch with reality. Wake up your senses as the time now is the information age in a twenty first century. 
See you soon

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