Wednesday, February 15, 2012


We try to define salient corners of life regarding how we as normal right thinking members of society ought to buy into and embrace. We are talking of the correct version of living. A lot is expected of a human being and we cannot brush that aspect out of our shoulders or leave it to nature to deal with it. We have to choose to exist correctly including involving your senses. We cannot just acquiesce with banalism and lacklustre that comes with the winds of life. As people within society, we need to integrate with each other and treat a fellow being with dignity placing great value at every living individual's breath.

In our every day dealings and facing of life, cohension is mandatory and very critical. We must all contribiute to the successful peace and harmony within our society. Life is given to be lived not ot spend considerable energies and massive investment of time and effort in fighting or slandering each other. If you have been around this life long enough, then you must have realised that negative engagements of terror, war, violence and all kinds of injustices have no value at all upon a life of a person.

You have seen them divide and cause great friction, animosty among people and only end up making humanity evil and lawless. Actions of sriving with each other only seeks to destroy the cementing and foundation of a progressive society. We as members of our own community must learn to live and accomodate to each other. Peaceful coexistence is what everyone of us need to observe and promote its sprawling to every angle of this face of our society. There of integration and cohesion, for us here would like to signpost the divergent values of both having a peaceful mind and society in general.

AT one point or another there have been occasions when p[peace and oneness and that human dignity has been lost and we all can attest to how terrific and horrible such a scenario haunted us. I believe not even one soul admires civil warring or troubled life. Let us all strive to adapt to living right and recognize the presence of other persons and respect their human rights.  

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