Self-Destruction: We know something is dangerous, injurious, endangering our lives and yet we are bold enough to embrace it and make it a lifestyle. Great talent and a powerhouse of musical experience of its own kind has gone down in the name of Whitney Houston. That great voice with embedded ranges of its own level will never be heard off again. Whitney is gone forever and that lovely voice will be missed by many.
Whereas here we rest our condolences, we would like to alert you as a person to consider how you live your live. A career that was built on hard work and dedication went haywire on Saturday the eleventh of February. During her music career, the celebrated icon went platinum with her career and registered massive success in sales. She managed to collect revenue of up to one hundred and seventy millions. We regret that this death could be avoided had it not been for wrong ways of living.
People;e every now and then take to dangerous methods of living that jeopardies their life and career. Issues to do with drugs, alcohol, immorality and all other ills associated under self destruction has been cited as the quick way s to transport one into doom. Your life is your responsibility. You are charged solely to direct it and partake in choice decisions that can save you pain and distress. Don't take yourself into inflictions when you can live right. That kind of torture and self colonization and slavery is unwarranted. Think sober and respect your talent, career and life. You just need simple discipline to to climb that ladder of success. Here is to your growth.
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