Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Despite wanting to veer off from this subject, we are back at it again after highlighting it sometime back. It seems sins of our generation posses a dark cloud on this institution. It is continuously haunted and put into contempt in our radical society castigating an innuendo of dislocated minds that do not know how to reason and put a right leg where it is supposed to be placed; and openly point that indeed deep within the midst of our marriage institutions, lies a looming danger of shift in character and valueless and perhaps pretentious souls that do not know what to do inspite of what we see of them. It was once a sacred place that was highly revered and accorded due respect.

Whoever came in and defiled the norms and changed the roles is yet to be brought forward. Not even anywhere on earth has experienced shameful and such great turbulence that we see now rocking a subject that was initially in its original blue print was defined as a gift which as now turned into a bitter lemon that is causing men and women of society grin. Apart from what we are witnessing in our modern life as far as marriage is concerned, we refuse to buy into this cheap notion that is tendered  and hold to the fact that marriage still remains to be sacred and nothing has changed from the original definition.

All we want to see done is the stakeholders to elevate their level of discipline and choose respect one another in order to restore back the sanity of marrigae . Division of labour is well clear. Every membere in society has his her role cut out without any ambiquity. We therefore, would like to point out to men  who have highly brought disgrace for us to have such a ramshackled society that we see today and advise them to pull up their socks and play their duty as eexpected.

They must know that they are charged to oversee the welfare of families andensure that every person identified under their flag gets direction and correctness of issues that will later inform them to make right choices to keep to terms and conditions  inside of the  society. Men cannot prevaricate fro this role and indeed we are eagerly waiting to see real men speak for the community and fight to restore back sanity of the families.    

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