Wednesday, February 1, 2012

WHo keeps/observes laws these days?

Since slyness and twitchy habits sneaked into people's heads and come to realize that for sure it's the twenty first century; many stopped listening and observing the common laws that common sense depicted obvious. These days, legs are walking on anything they find oblivious of the associated repercussion.   Mum and dad forgot their roles and left their offspring for the world to care.

A good number of the so called grown ups refused to grow and despite their advanced nature of ages, many remained five year olds and toddlers in mind. They forgot what responsibility meant and took to insipid ways of living that has rocked the society with exacerbated mediocrity. Society today is composed of weak and ailing principles that lacks the basic strengths that are meant to cement and establish a solid character. People are seen walking in and out of restricted quarters.  Children too have taken to their parents sinister ways and confused these no go zone areas and made them their playgrounds.    

Population around the globe grows on the grounds of wrong notions and ignorance. Majority of the living have made fools of themselves and went a head to laud their felonies as if it is a form of holy rhythm.  Rules and regulations are broken from sunrise to sunset. The commanders and overseers of these departments too have their hands soiled and thus their adjudications is impaired. They lack the moral authority to instill sense of order and respect for the laws in the community.

Every one is puffed and big headed enough not to listen and see what is fragrantly in-scripted in the open. Tales of submission unto procedures of land are proving hard to be adhered to and be attained. unruliness is what many are poised with. Gaps and missing links are not filled sufficiently , while the concerned parties are too busy to offer leadership, direction and even contain the situation. What of amazing about the whole of this twist is the fact that people of this place called earth have lost it become too shameless to the extend of cheating and playing double standards with one who is beyond their comprehension. See how Tucky people are? They commit offenses under the watchful eyes of someone high and again seek to hide under his blatant watch. If this is not insanity, then tell us what you think it's. Reckless is what we observe among people especially these days when man declare law void in his own presence.   You think terms and conditions of life are inconsistent? Anyway, just remember that we still insist that it isn't life until it's well lived.

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