Friday, February 10, 2012


A long the week, we addressed various ill social vices in society currently. Superstitiously, all had an implication of something deeper and emedded in of whom we will call human beings. Society seems to tender children  disguised in men and women appearances. If you feel disturbed with our stand, then we ask you to give us a break as it is something that we see it happening everyday in life.

The way people talk and react to issues in life leaves a lot of gestures that suggests that for sure something is a miss somewhere. Not so long ago, I was listening to a discussion on domestic servants versus employers and it was indeed dismaying to hear the comments that streamed in from various quarters of listeners.  In this particular discussion, the questioned channelled was why husbands end up in bed with their maids.

The first response pointed on scapegoat suggesting that a modern day  working woman has no time for his husband and that she has abdicated her duties and left everything to the servant who seems to enjoy more power as she controls everything around the house from food to spreading the bed. The following out pours came from men who surprisingly seemed to admit the notion that they are weak creatures who are vulnerable to any loose temptation that comes their way. Generally the discusion ended leaving the character husband portrayed as an indisciplined individual who doesn't know how to control their own affairs of life.

It sounds absurd to hear such words from men themselves whereby one of them admitted that out of the eleven maids that ever served in his house, ten of them went to bed with him. Isn't this too much and more of stupidity than rational thinking? Why should a normal grown up person behave as if he/she lacks the capacity to think correctly? And of lack of respect for marriage and even between a husband is what surprised me most. WE pointed earlier that there is always danger looming whenever someone regardless falls short of the responsibility bestowed around your neck. Here we feel men have abandoned their role of headman ship to give us a sick society.

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